Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 37

4                                                                                 Londra Gazete, Thursday 27 August 2020

                                                                        Mertcan: “Schools have taken necessary

                                                                                  measures to prevent Covid-19”

                                                                        NURIYE     Mertcan, Chair of the  tunately, there were errors due to  their education for   ve months.
                                                                      UK Turkish Language Culture and  the algorithm used in the A-Levels  Unfortunately, the participation
                                                                      Education Consortium, evaluated  results due to the mistakes made.  of students from our communi-

                                                                      the recently announced exam re-   e same mistakes did not occur   ty to the lessons provided dur-
                                                                      sults and the new education period  in the GCSE results, as schools and   ing the pandemic period was low.
                                                                      to Londra Gazete.              students opposed this.”         erefore, it is very important for

                                                                        Mertcan, who is also the deputy                             students to continue their educa-
                                                                      principal at Duke’s Aldridge Acade-  MESAURES TO PREVENT      tion. Schools have taken necessary
                                                                      my, also touched on the important        COVID 19             measures to prevent Covid-19.
                                                                      of children going back to school.   Mertcan stated that education   If the families  nd out what

                                                                         e A-Level results announced   is important and it is vital for stu-  these measures are, they can send
                                                                      two weeks ago cause a great out-  dents to go back to school next   their children with more relief. By
                                                                      rage and disappointment for stu-  week.
                                                                                                        “I believe that I do not need to  law, our children must be at school
            Enfield Labour councillor’s                               dents. Last week it was announced   repeat the important of education.  and I will send my children to
                                                                      that GCSE students achieved a re-
         breakaway to form new group                                  cord-breaking set of results.   Students have been away from  schools too.”

                                                                            ERROR DUE TO THE

             FOUR   councillors from En eld  ty had mishandled a conduct case    ALGORITHM
         council have quit the En eld La-  in which he was accused of bully-  Mertcan spoke about the method

         bour party and formed a new polit-  ing.  Months after the initial ruling   of determining A-Levels and GCSE
         ical group called Community First.  by the council’s monitoring o cer   results, “After the exams were an-

          Former En eld Labour chair Cllr  that he had bullied council o   cers   nounced to be cancelled, little in-
         Dinah Barry and Cllr Derek Levy   and breached the code of conduct,   formation was given to schools on
         established the group earlier this   he has been unable to have his ap-  how to determine the results. Ac-
         year and have now been joined by   peal heard at a meeting of the con-  cording to the information provid-
         Cllr Daniel Anderson and Cllr Dino   duct committee.         ed later, schools and teachers made
         Lemonides.                      Cllr Lemonides said he had been   great e orts to give students the

          Community First is classed as   dissatis ed with the Labour group   most appropriate results. Unfor-

         the council’s minority opposi-  for some time. A recent decision to
         tion group. It gives the ex-Labour   hike councillors’ pay and the par-
         councillors the right to sit on com-  ty’s handling of Cllr Anderson’s
         mittees and speak at full council   conduct case pushed him to leave.  Last chance for Hackney businesses to apply for grant scheme
         meetings, which they would have

         been unable to do as independent    e councillors added that they                                                          Businesses that have already re-
                                                                           BUSINESSES     a ected by coro-

         members.                      had been expected to support poli-  navirus will have one week to apply   for micro businesses.
                                                                                                        Since  it  was  launched  by  the  ceived grants through the Small
          All four councillors expressed   cies that they felt were against La-  for up to £10,000 in funding after  Council  in  June,  nearly  £1.3m

         concerns about an apparent lack   bour values.  ese included chang-  Hackney Council today reopened  has been paid to 245 businesses,   Business Grant Fund, or Retail, Lei-

         of democracy in the Labour Group   es to En eld’s council tax reduction   a £3.4m grant scheme ahead of  and hundreds more applications   sure and Hospitality Grant Fund
         under the current administration,   scheme.                     a Government-imposed deadline  are still being processed. But with   are not eligible to apply. More than
         En eld Council’s Labour lead-   Cllr Levy added: “We (Commu-    next month.  A e Discretion-  some funding likely to still be avail-  £62million has been distributed

         ers Cllr Nesil Caliskan said there  nity First) are true pretty much to   ary Grant Fund is aimed at small  able, the Council has now reopened  to thousands of businesses by the
         claims  were  “personal  struggles  the (Labour) manifesto on which   businesses who have experienced  the fund.          Council since March through these

         and grumblings”.              we were elected, and we would like   a signi cant fall in income due to    e Government told councils  funding programmes.
          Cllr Anderson resigned from La-  to see some of the decisions being   coronavirus and still face ongoing  earlier this month that applica-  Applications for the reopened

         bour on August 4, claiming the par-  made re ecting that.”       xed property-related costs and  tions must be made by 28 August,   Discretionary Grant Fund will
                                                                         are not eligible for previous Gov-  with funding paid by 30 Septem-
                                                                         ernment business grant schemes  ber, otherwise money would be   close at midnight on 28 August. To

                                                                         launched in March.  ere are two  returned to the Treasury.    ese re-   nd out more you can visit Hack-
           Virgin media announces packages                               levels of grants – up to £10,000 for  strictions were not communicated  ney Council website and visit the
                                                                         small businesses and up to £5,000  when the scheme was set up.
                                                                                                                                   Discretionary Grant Fund page.
                for universal credit claimers
               VIRGIN  Media is launching  and family, access support, or   Joanne McCartney calls for change as
           an "essential" broadband plan  search for jobs.
           aimed at those facing financial   Those taking up the broad-
           difficulty as a result of the coro-  band-only  plan  will  have  to  pro-  Covid-19 deaths link to air pollution
           navirus crisis.              vide  proof  that  they  are on  uni-
            The service, costing £15 a  versal credit.                  LONDON       Assembly Mem-   mortality  rates.   Toxic  air  dispro-  don has seen a drop in toxic NO2
           month and with no fixed contract   The offer will be available from   ber for En eld & Haringey Joanne  portionately a  ects the poorest  emissions which is   ve times great-

           length, will be available to people  the autumn initially for existing
           claiming universal credit.   Virgin customers. A customer   McCartney has called for the Eniv-  in our capital and even before the  er than other parts of the country.
            Virgin's initiative was wel-  coming off universal credit can   roment Bill to be amend follow-  pandemic, contributed to the pre-  In  this  success,  when  it  comes to
           comed by the government's dig-  continue to use the service at the   ing evident published by the Of-  mature deaths of almost 10,000  the air that we breathe, we can-

           ital infrastructure minister Matt  higher price of £23 a month or    ce of National Statistics suggest  Londoners per year.     is is an  not a  ord to be complacent.    is
           Warman.                      move to another package, Virgin   Covid-19 deaths could be link to  awful symptom of social injustice,  is why the Government needs to
            The deal entitles customers to  said.                     air pollution.  In a statement she  but with the right political will, we  amend its Environment Bill to give
           broadband speeds of 15Mbps,   There were 5.6 million people   said: “We have yet more evidence  can do something about it.  City  cities more funding in this area and

           with the aim of helping people  on the benefit at the start of July,   from the O ce of National Sta-  Hall  gures show that in the wake  allow London to access the Clean

           stay keep in contact with friends  up from 3 million in March.  tistics, suggesting a link between  of the ULEZ and other Mayoral  Air Fund, so even more can be done
                                                                      air pollution and higher Covid-19  schemes coming into force, Lon-  at a regional level.
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