Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 34
Londra Gazete, Thursday 27 August 2020 7
Turkey discovers natural gas
reserves in Black Sea
THE discovery of 320 billion Turkey has conducted 9 deep- foreign sources. "We rede ned
cubic metres (bcm) of natural water drillings with the Fatih our country's national energy
gas reserves in the Black Sea, and Yavuz drilling vessels in the and mining policy in 2017,” he
announced by President Recep Black Sea and the Mediterra- said, adding that the country
Tayyip Erdogan on Friday 21 nean Sea, said Erdogan. Turkey implemented these policies
August. In a televised speech, will step up its work in the Med- “meticulously and resolutely.”
Erdogan explained that Tur- iterranean Sea at the end of the Fatih Birol, the International
key’s Fatih drilling ship, which year with its Kanuni drillship, Energy Agency’s (IEA) stressed
began drilling on 20 July, had currently, under maintenance, its importance for Turkey, a
Turkish Kebab shop fined nearly discovered the reserves in the he added. e president added country that is 99 percent de-
Tuna 1 natural gas eld - also that Turkey will start drilling pendent on gas imports, com-
£4,000 for hosting ‘impromptu rave’ known as the Sakarya gas eld. natural gas wells, drawing up menting that it would help
Turkey’s natural gas con- production plans, and launch Turkey reduce its natural gas
A Turkish kebab shop in Police said the “rave” took place sumption reached 44bcm last construction. “Turkey will not import bill, which was around
Australia has been fined nearly about 3am local time on Sunday year, explained a source based stop or take a rest until it be- $12 billion last year.
£4,000 ($7,000) for allowing a in the Brisbane precinct of popu- in Turkey. “If Turkey’s annual comes a net exporter in the area Birol said an investment of
large crowd of customers to break lar nightlife spot Fortitude Valley. consumption is 44-50bcm, then of energy,” Erdogan said. approximately $6 billion (TL
out into an impromptu “dance In an update on Monday, the we could expect to see this dis- He stressed that Turkey did 44.25 billion) is necessary to
party”. force in Queensland said the covery meet Turkey’s demand its drilling and seismic research start production from the eld,
The footage from Shah Kebabs, business had been fined $6,772 for six-to-seven years.” activities without depending on which is targeted for 2023.
at the Brunswick Street Mall, in (around £3,700) for failing to
Fortitude Valley, in Brisbane, was
filmed on August 23 and shows comply with health regulations.
dozens of people singing and "Business operators and pa- Composer Pınar Toprak becomes first
dancing to Endor's song Pump It trons are reminded to adhere to
Up. public health directions including Turkish nominee for Emmys
In the short clip staff behind social distancing measures at all
the counter were also seen danc- times to reduce the risk of Cov-
ing along to the song during the id-19 spreading in Queensland," TURKISH composer Pınar To-
early-morning gathering. they said. prak, who has composed for major
superhero sagas such as Marvel Stu-
dios’ “Captain Marvel,” DC’s “Stargirl
on e CW” and SY-FY’s Superman
Turkey expects to host 15 prequel series “Krypton,” has earned
a nomination at the 72nd Emmy
million foreign tourists this year Awards for HBO’s six-part docu-se-
ries “McMillion$,” which premiered
at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.
e category in which Toprak be-
came a nominee is “Original Music
Composition for a Documentary Se-
ries or Special.” Wind Gods” and “ e Lightkeepers,” FBI agents who unravel the twist-
Toprak was the recipient of the which was on the Academy Award ed threads of this real-life fast-food
2019 ASCAP Shirley Walker Award shortlist for “Best Original Score” in fraud.
and the winner of the 2019 Interna- 2011. is year’s ceremony will be reim-
tional Film Music Critics Association “McMillion$,” a six-part documen- agined as a socially distanced event
(IFMCA) Award for “Best Original tary series, is the true story of how due to the production restrictions
Score for a Documentary Film” for $24 million was stolen from the imposed in the wake of the COV-
“ e Tides of Fate.” McDonald’s Monopoly game of the ID-19 pandemic. e 72nd Emmy
She had previously won two other 1990s, the mysterious mastermind Awards, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel,
IFMCA Awards for her work on “ e behind the scam and the intrepid will broadcast on Sept. 20 on ABC.
EVEN though tourism g- the end of the year,” he said.
ures have dragged down due to “We will pass a threshold of
the coronavirus pandemic, Tur- $11 billion in revenues this year,
key will be able to retrieve some I estimate,” added Ersoy. Court told New Zealand shooter planned to burn down mosques
of its targeted tourist and rev- After reopening tourism facil- rst day of a four-day sentencing
enue numbers, the culture and ities on June 1 to host domes- hearing at the Christchurch High
tourism minister said on August tic tourists, Turkey’s tourism Court. e hearing gave some
24. industry ramped up operations families and survivors their rst
“Our expectations for the year chance to confront the gunman. e
2020 were very high. We will see with the Safe Tourism Certi ca- gunman, 29-year-old Australian
tion Program designed jointly by
signi cant declines compared Brenton Harrison Tarrant, pleaded
with the 2019 data,” Mehmet the tourism, health, transporta- guilty in March to 51 counts of mur-
Nuri Ersoy told private broad- tion and interior ministries. der, 40 counts of attempted murder
caster NTV. As of the end of July, some 6.5 and one count of terrorism, the
“If there is no setback in air million foreign tourists, includ- THE white supremacist who on August 24, while describing two rst terrorism conviction in New
tra c, as we haven’t seen so ing 1.2 million Turks residing slaughtered 51 worshippers at two of those praying as making heroic Zealand's history. He could become
far, we think that we can reach a abroad, visited Turkey so far this New Zealand mosques had intend- e orts to stop the mass shooting. the rst person in New Zealand to
tourist number of 15 million at year, according to ed to burn down the mosques af- New details about the March 2019 be sentenced to life imprisonment
terward, a prosecutor said in court attacks were outlined during the without the possibility of parole.