Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 35
6 Londra Gazete, Thursday 27 August 2020
No 10: UK to get “first access” to Another U-turn, face masks will
Oxford’s Covid-19 vaccine be mandatory in schools
DOWNING Street has insisted “AstraZeneca have entered into BORIS Johnson has aban-
the UK will get “first access” to a a number of agreements with doned advice that pupils should
coronavirus vaccine developed by other countries, they have the not wear face masks in English sec-
Oxford University amid reports global licensing agreement with
that Donald Trump is considering Oxford, but we have been clear: ondary schools.
fast-tracking its approval. once it has been found to be ef- e prime minister performed
Oxford University’s vaccine, fective, we have signed a deal for another U-turn in the face of grow-
currently being developed with 100 million doses which means ing pressure from headteachers,
pharmaceutical company Astra- that once it is effective, the UK teaching unions and medical ex-
Zeneca, is considered one of the will get first access.” perts.
leading candidates among more The US has the highest number Face coverings will be mandatory
than 100 teams vying to produce of deaths related to coronavirus in communal areas and corridors
one. as well as most cases of any coun-
The White House is considering try, according to Johns Hopkins for children in towns and cities
granting emergency authorisa- that are subject to stricter corona-
tion for the vaccine in October, University. virus restrictions.
the Financial Times reported, Almost 177,000 people are con- But while headteachers will re-
citing sources familiar with the firmed to have died with the vi- tain discretion over the use of face
plan. rus, while more than 5.7 million masks in schools in other parts of
A Number 10 spokesman said have been infected.
the UK Government has struck The White House declined England, the government will drop
a deal with AstraZeneca to get to comment on the claims. As- guidance that they should not be
“first access” to it once approved. traZeneca said that it had not used. widespread transmission in the the transmission of coronavirus in
We have been clear that we will discussed the possibility of Speaking to Sky News on Tues- area”. some schools.
only roll out a vaccine once it is fast-tracking approval with the day night, Education Secretary Mr Williamson said: “We always e UK government’s change
deemed safe and effective by our US authorities, adding: “It would Gavin Williamson said the climb- in advice came late on Tuesday –
regulators,” said the Downing be premature to speculate on that down was due to the government follow and listen to the best scien- hours after the Scottish govern-
Street spokesman. possibility.” ti c and medical advice, and that’s
“listening” to a change in advice why we’re not recommending that ment recommended the wearing
from the the World Health Organi- of face masks in secondary school
sation – despite that shift happen- face coverings should be mandato- corridors, and the Welsh govern-
ing four days ago. ry right across the country in all ment said it was reviewing its ad-
Bailiffs are back to work chasing e WHO issued new guidance schools. vice on face coverings for pupils.
“Because the best scienti c and
Meanwhile, Northern Ireland
up unpaid council tax on 21 August, saying “children medical advice says that isn’t nec- updated its guidance on face cov-
aged 12 and over should wear a
mask under the same conditions as essary.” erings to recommend they be worn
BAILIFFS are resuming adults, in particular when they can- e education secretary de- by teachers and pupils in corridors
operations in England and Wales not guarantee at least a one-metre scribed the new advice as an “extra and other communal areas of all
chasing unpaid council tax after a distance from others and there is precautionary measure” to prevent secondary schools.
ve-month suspension owing to
coronavirus. Debt charities have
warned of a surge in cases, prompt-
ing nancial and health risks. Ofqual chief regulator resigns following
But a trade body for the sector
said vital public services would be
a ected if councils were unable to A-level exam fiasco
collect money that has been owed
for months. A similar pause on THE chief regulator of Ofqual
evictions was extended on Friday is standing down following the
by four weeks. said Russell Hamblin-Boone, chief controversy over the awarding of
From Monday, authorities are executive of the Civil Enforcement A-levels.
able to use baili s – o cially Association, which represents bail- Sally Collier has decided that
known as enforcement agents – to i s. “Enforcement action is always the “next stage of the awarding
pursue unpaid bills such as council a last resort by councils when oth- process would be better overseen
tax or parking nes. e debts now er collection measures have failed by new leadership”, the body said
being chased would have been un- and, even then, in half of all cases, in a statement on Tuesday.
paid before the coronavirus lock- an a ordable payment plan is set Ms Collier will temporarily be
down. up through emails or phone calls.” replaced in her role by her prede-
About half of councils have ap- Chris Whitehead, a debt advisor cessor Dame Glenys Stacey, who
proved agents to be sent out again, at Citizens Advice Newcastle, said: will be acting chief regulator un-
under the stricter guidance re- “ is is a crisis that nobody could til December.
quired owing to social distancing. have planned for nancially and we e Ofqual statement said: “ e
ey are being told not to enter hear daily from people how tough Ofqual board has agreed tempo-
homes to take items except in ex- it’s been for them to deal with the rary support arrangements with
ceptional circumstances and where immediate issues of putting food Ofsted to support the ongoing
it is safe. e policy will be reviewed on the table, paying the bills and work on this summer’s GCSE,
in line with government and public essentially just getting through the A level and vocational quali ca- stage of the awarding process over the past four years, which
health guidance. “Councils face a day. “But we fear the debt prob- tions, including appeals and au- would be better overseen by new
deepening nancial crisis because lems, which have been building up tumn exams, and preparations leadership. has included overseeing the suc-
of increased costs and lost revenue during lockdown, are now com- for next year’s exam season. “ e Ofqual board supports cessful introduction of an entire-
during lockdown so it is important ing to bear as the schemes aimed “ e chief regulator, Sally Col- Sally in this decision, and thanks ly new set of GCSEs and A levels,
that civil enforcement work can at preserving jobs and incomes lier, has decided that the next her for her leadership and service and a new grading system.”
resume to recover much needed come to an end over the next few
funding for frontline services,” months.”