Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 33

8                                                                                 Londra Gazete, Thursday 27 August 2020

         Driver sentenced following fatal collision in Rainham                                        Officer stabbed during

          A    driver who was responsible                                e BMW moved at speed from

         for a fatal collision Rainham has                            lane three, to lane one and then      arrest in Uxbridge
         been sentenced.                                              back into lane three.
          Mohammed Ali, aged pleaded                                    At this point Ali lost control of   AN    o cer sustained a knife in-  remains in police custody at this

         guilty at Woolwich Crown Court on                            the car, which collided with Mr   jury whilst detaining a man in Ux-  time.
         Tuesday, 14 July to causing death                            Berry’s stationary Astra.      bridge on Sunday.                 e o cer was taken to hospital,

         by dangerous driving and causing                               Mr Berry was just getting out of   Police were called to an address  where he was assessed and his stab
         death by driving a vehicle whilst                            the car when Ali’s car struck his   in Dovedale Close, Hare eld at ap-  wound was treated. His injuries are

         uninsured.                                                   vehicle, he was fatally injured and   proximately 2.44am  on Sunday, 23  not serious.
          On Monday 24 August at the                                  pronounced dead at the scene   August to reports of a disturbance.  Detective Chief Inspector  om-

         same court he was sentenced to                                 Ali, who was 18 at the time, was   O cers attended and could hear  as Bowen from the West Area Ba-

          ve years, seven months in prison                            arrested  he  was not  insured to   a disturbance coming from inside  sic  Command  Unit  said:  “   ese

         and  disquali ed  from  driving for                          drive the car, was later charged as   the premises. A man opened the  o   cers were courageous and ex-
          fty seven and a half months.                                above.                         door, armed with a knife and con-  tremely lucky that they were able

          At about 9.50am on Tuesday, 20                                Detective Inspector Jose-Pau-  fronted o   cers.            to walk away from this incident
         March 2018 on the A13 eastbound   At the same time Ali was driving   lo Qureshi, said: “... Ali’s speed   During attempts to detain the  with minimal injuries.    is is an

         between  Ferry  Lane  and  New  a blue BMW along the same road.  and dangerous manoeuvring that   man, a male o cer received a knife  example of the dangers that our

         Roundabout, Rainham, Kenneth  Several drivers described seeing  morning led directly to Mr Berry’s   injury to the arm.    o cers face whilst doing their role
         Berry, 54 had pulled his Vauxhall  the car overtake them  travelling  death.    is is a busy road and all   A 40-year-old man was arrested  as police o   cers protecting Lon-

         Astra on a hard shoulder, to clear  at speeds estimated to be over  the people using it that day were   for assault on an emergency ser-  doners. We wish the injured o cer

         debris from his vehicle.      100MPH.                        put at risk. Mr Berry          vice worker, GBH and a ray. He  a speedy recovery.”
            The body of a man found in north London park
             A     man’s body has been found in                       treated as suspicious and so far no
            a north London park, police have                          arrests have been made. O cers

            said. A member of the public called                       will  be  conducting  increased pa-
            999 just after 1.30pm on Monday                           trols locally so residents can expect
            after the man was found unrespon-                         to see an additional police presence
            sive in St James Park, Waltham-

            stow.  e victim, in his 30s, was                          in the area.
            pronounced dead at the scene.                              Anyone with information is
             His next of kin have been in-  o cers, Metropolitan police said  asked to call 101 or tweet @MetCC

            formed and are being supported by  in a statement. His death is being  ref CAD 3562/24 Aug.

         Third arrested made with Lambeth murder

                                         DETECTIVES      investigating  August on suspicion of murder and
                                       the murder of a young man from  remains in custody.
                                       Lambeth made a third arrest on   One man, aged 26 was found
                                       what would have been the victim’s  su  ering stab injuries on Over-
                                       birthday.                      ton Road. He was taken to hos-

                                          e victim has been named as Sa-  pital where he remains in a non
                                       lem Koudou, who was aged 20, and   life-threatening. He was arrested   Student jailed for attack on
                                       from Lambeth.                  on suspicion of conspiracy to mur-
                                         Police were called at approxi-  der, but has since been released.  Pablo Picasso's worth £20m

                                       mately  5.55pm  on   ursday,  20   A 19-year-old  man was  subse-

                                       August to reports of a  ght in the   quently arrested on suspicion of   A     student who punched a  ily”, he said. “He was an imma-
                                       vicinity of Overton Road, SW9.                                   hole in a £20 million Picasso  ture artist making a point of who
                                         O cers, the London Ambulance   murder and grievous bodily harm   painting at the Tate Modern in a  knows what. It’s really unjusti  -

                                       Service (LAS) and London’s Air   (GBH).  He has been released on   bid for his “ ve minutes of fame”  able.”
                                       Ambulance all attended the scene.  bail to return to a south London   has been jailed for 18 months.  Jailing Massey, Judge Jeremy

                                         Salem was found su ering stab   police station on a date in Septem-  Shakeel Ryan Massey, 20,  Donne QC said he must serve a
                                       injuries on Wynne Road, SW9. He   ber.                           armed himself with metal pad-  spell behind bars to deter others
                                       was taken to hospital for treatment   Anyone with information that   locks and wrapped his hands in  from carrying out similar acts of
                                       but sadly just a few hours later  could assist police is asked to call   scarves to smash through pro-  vandalism.
                                       died.                          101 or tweet @MetCC and quote     tective  glass and  damage the   Massey, living in Willesden
                                         An 18-year-old on Monday, 24  CAD 5998/20Aug.                  'Bust Of A Woman' masterpiece  Green at the time, threw the
                                                                                                        on 28 December last year.   padlocks on to the ground and
                                                                                                         Massey’s barrister, Glen Har-  tore the painting from the wall,
         Man charged for attacking elderly women on bus                                                 ris, told Inner London crown  before being detained by securi-
                                                                                                        court the Spanish architecture  ty and arrested.

                                                                                                        student was immature and has    e  gallery  said  the painting

          DETECTIVES      investigating  Weight, then 23 was charged with  pleaded guilty to grievous bodily   not o ered a full reason for the  is now undergoing 18 months
         an assault against a 69-year-old  causing grievous bodily harm with-  harm.                    attack.                     of restoration, at a cost of up to
         woman aboard a bus in Camden  out intent.                      He is currently released on bail   “He did what he did foolishly  £350,000, but the e  ect of the

         on Monday, 4 May have charged a   He was bailed to appear at High-                             for  ve minutes of fame, and he  damage on its £20 million valu-
         man.                          bury Corner Magistrates’ Court   to appear at Wood Green Crown   has brought shame on the fam-  ation is not yet known.
          On  Wednesday,  1  July, Bradley  on Tuesday, 25 August, where he  Court on a date to be con  rmed.
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