Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 32
Londra Gazete, Thursday 27 August 2020 9
Study suggest honey is better treatment
for cough and cold than antibiotics
HONEY may be a better treat-
ment for coughs and colds than
over-the-counter medicines, a new
study has found.
Researchers said honey was more
e ective in relieving the symptoms
of cold and u-like illnesses than
the usual commercial remedies,
and could provide a safer, cheaper
and more readily available alterna-
tive to antibiotics.
ey encouraged doctors to con-
‘No safe level of caffeine sider recommending it to patients
consumption’ for pregnant women in place of prescribing antibiotics,
which can cause side e ects and
lead to antibiotic resistance when
WOMEN who are pregnant or But Professor Jack James, a psy- overused.
trying for a baby should consider chologist at Iceland’s Reykjavik Honey has long been used as a
avoiding ca eine completely due University, said such advice was home remedy for coughs, but its
to evidence suggesting there is “not consistent with the level of e ectiveness in treating common
no safe level of consumption, re- threat”. illnesses has not been heavily re-
searchers have said. His analysis concluded there was searched.
An analysis of observational “substantial cumulative evidence” Physicians from Oxford Univer- BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. A speci c type of honey from
studies published in BMJ Evi- of a link between maternal ca eine sity's Medical School and Nu - "It provides a widely available New Zealand, called manuka, and
dence-Based Medicine found evi- consumption and diverse negative ield Department of Primary Care and cheap alternative to antibi- Malaysian tualang honey have
dence to suggest maternal ca eine pregnancy outcomes such as mis- Health Sciences analyzed existing otics. Honey could help e orts to been shown to ght staph and the
consumption was associated with carriages and childhood obesity. evidence to determine how the slow the spread of antimicrobial digestive bacteria responsible for
negative pregnancy outcomes. e review found evidence for a symptoms of upper respiratory resistance, but further high qual- peptic ulcers, H. pylori.
e widespread existing advice tract infections (URTIs) responded ity, placebo controlled trials are And another study of 139 chil-
to pregnant women is consuming link in ve out of six negative preg- to it. URTIs are common cold-like needed." dren found that honey did a bet-
a small amount of ca eine, found nancy outcomes, excluding pre- illnesses that a ect the nose, si- A large catalog of previous re- ter job of easing nighttime coughs
naturally in food and drinks such term birth. nuses, pharynx or larynx. search has proven that honey has and improving sleep than both the
as tea and co ee, each day will not Daghni Rajasingham, a consult- "Honey was superior to usual the power to kill bacteria. Stud- popular cough suppressant dex-
harm their baby. ant obstetrician and spokesperson care for the improvement of symp- ies have shown that it is e ective tromethorphan and the antihista-
e NHS, the American College for the Royal College of Obstetri- toms of upper respiratory tract in- against dozens of strains, including mine diphenhydramine (often sold
of Obstetricians and Gynaecolo- cians and Gynaecologists, said the fections," they wrote in the journal E. coli and salmonella. under the brand name Benadryl).
gists and the European Food Safety study added to the large body of
Authority set this safe level of con- evidence supporting only limited
sumption at 200 mg of ca eine – ca eine intake during pregnancy,
the equivalent of roughly two cups but did not mean pregnant women Scientists claim first human reinfected with Covid-19
of moderate-strength co ee per needed to completely cut out caf-
day. feine. SCIENTISTS have reported was infected twice by di erent ver- was returning to Hong Kong from
the world’s rst case of a human sions of the Covid-19 virus months Spain via the UK when he tested
being reinfected with coronavirus apart. positive during entry screening at
in a discovery that could have sig- According to the study paper, the Hong King airport on 15 August.
WHO: We hope coronavirus ni cant implications for the de- patient was a 33-year-old man who He was hospitalised again but had
no symptoms throughout.
velopment of vaccines and hopes was in good health. When he was
Experts cautioned against jump-
pandemic will be over in 2 years of natural immunity against the rst infected he su ered a cough, ing to conclusions based on one
sore throat, fever and headache for
Researchers at Hong Kong Uni- three days. He had a test that con- single case but acknowledged the
THE head of the World Health break at the end of last year, versity’s department of microbiol- rmed Covid-19 and he was hospi- discovery was a concern.
Organisation has said he hopes while about 22 million people ogy said genetic sequencing of the talised on March 29. is case illustrates that rein-
the coronavirus pandemic will are con rmed to have been in- virus showed a Hong Kong man Four and a half months later he fection can occur just after a few
be over in two years. fected with the virus. months of recovery from the rst
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye- WHO o cials also warned that infection. Our ndings suggest
sus said the length of the global more research needs to be done that SARS-CoV-2 may persist in
Spanish u outbreak in the years into coronavirus mutations, the global human population as is
after the First World War was a which can drastically change the the case for other common-cold
good comparison. severity of the symptoms a suf- associated human coronaviruses,
"Our situation now with more even if patients have acquired im-
technology, of course with more ferer experiences. munity via natural infection.
connectiveness, the virus has Epidemiologist Maria Van “Since the immunity can be short
a better chance of spreading, it Kerkhove said: "A special work- lasting after natural infection, vac-
can move fast," he said. ing group has been formed to cination should also be considered
Adding: “At the same time we identify mutations... and we're for those with one episode of infec-
have the technology and knowl- looking at how we can better tion.
edge to stop it." understand what the mutation “Patients with previous Covid-19
Nearly 800,000 people have means and how they behave." infection should also comply with
died since the start of the out- epidemiological control measures
such as universal masking and so-
cial distancing.”