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Tag: wales

Can Arslan, who stabbed his neighbour Matthew Boorman to death, has been found guilty of murder. Arslan, 52, attacked Matthrew Boorman a father-of-three with a knife, stabbing him 27 times on his front lawn in Walton Cardiff, Gloucestershire, in October. His trial heard that Arslan ambushed his victim after a...
A man stabbed a neighbour in a Gloucestershire village 27 times a day after telling a police officer: “I will murder him”, a jury has been told. Can Arslan, 52, killed father-of-three Matthew Boorman and seriously wounded his wife, Sarah Boorman, as she tried to fight him off, before forcing...
Galler hükümeti, Galler hükümetinin Cuma günü saat 18: 00’den itibaren 17 gün süreyle kapanacağını duyurdu. Galler’i Mart ayında getirilen kısıtlamalara geri götürecek, çoğu işletme kapanacak ve insanlara mümkünse evde kalmaları ve evden çalışmaları söylendi. Önlemler şunlar; Kapatılması gerekli olmayan perakende, eğlence ve konaklama işletmeleri İnsanlar, kritik çalışanlar hariç olmak üzere,...
Over 1 million downloads of the England and Wales’ the Covid-19 app have been made its launched today. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the app “helps us to find more people who are at risk of having the virus” that human contact tracers are unable to find. “Everybody who downloads...
A new Covid-19 contact-tracing app will be launched across England and Wales on 24 September, the government has announced. The app will let people scan barcode-like QR codes to register visits to hospitality venues and will implement Apple and Google’s method of detecting other smartphones. Businesses are being asked to...
Today the student across the UK have been received they’re GCSE result. Despite concerns about the difficulty of exams, there has been a slight increase in the GCSE pass rate and the percentage of top grades this year. The pass rate edged up to 67.3% in England, Wales and Northern...
Learner drivers in England, Wales and Scotland are now prohibited to have lessons on the motorway. Formerly, only those who had proceeded their test could do so, however lessons are now authorised in a dual-control car with an approved driving instructor. The government stated that this will help learners attain...
  The Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi of Wales, which is also a member of the British Alevi Federation held a Cem event on Sunday, 29 April. The Cem was conducted by Ali Dereli Dede. Before the beginning of the Cem, Ismail Eren and 40 students performed a concert. There...
A teenager from south Wales has been found guilty of plotting a terror attack in Cardiff.
A £4 million investment in a new beef burger manufacturing facility will create up to 30 new jobs in Mid Wales and increase production by up to 100% per cent to the UK’s Fast Food and Foodservice Markets.