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Rasiha Adem: “Flu vaccine is more important than ever this winter”

Rasiha Adem: “Flu vaccine is more important than ever this winter”

NHS worker and a successful graduate student Rasiha Adem, spoke with Londra Gazete on the importance of the flu jab this winter as the fight against coronavirus continues.

Rasiha who continues her master’s education at the University of Roehampton evaluated Britain’s fight against coronavirus and urged people to get the flu vaccine.

Rasiha advised that everyone should be vaccinated against the flu in order for the NHS to be prepared for a possible second wave of Covid-19 during the winter months. Referring to the possibility of experiencing much worse consequences if seasonal flu cases and coronavirus epidemic coincide, Adam spoke to the London Newspaper as follows:

‘” The NHS recommends that everyone get the flu shot. Flu is a highly infectious disease that is usually seen in the winter months and is spread by viruses that people cough and sneeze. Statistics show that flu cases cause an average of 17,000 deaths each year and more than 50,000 inpatient treatments in NHS hospitals. The government is recommending urgent action to vaccinate all age groups to protect the NHS from such a double epidemic. Since the flu and Covid-19 symptoms are similar, it will be much more difficult to manage the coronavirus when people flock to hospitals with ailments such as cough and cold.”

Adding “…If you get the flu and coronavirus at the same time, you’re more likely to suffer from a serious illness. In the UK, around 25 million people, including the elderly, pregnant women and people in risk groups, can get free flu vaccine… In addition, those who do not meet the criteria but still want to vaccinate can have this done in pharmacies. The best time to get the vaccine is in autumn.”

Warning not to wait until the winter she said: “The best time to get a flu shot is between late September and early November in the fall. When there is a flu epidemic, don’t wait until winter comes. Flu vaccine is more important than ever this winter ”

Rasiha stated that the serious increase in the number of cases was due to the mitigating measures and Eat out to Help out scheme in August. Highlight that the scheme had a positive and negative effect, helping the restaurant sector but also attracting the public and in effect violated the rules and did not take the necessary measures which have since seen transmission rate increased rapidly.

Rasiha also added that a number of people were very insensitive in this process. Breaking rules and guidance like parties and not wear face-covering when mandatory has also been a course of cases increasing saying:”… The most logical decision to be made right now is to declare quarantine in schools during the semester break in October. Thus, students do not miss their lessons and the virus can be brought under control again during this time period. ”

In a final message to our reader, she said:  “Be sure to wear a mask outside the home and maintain social distance. Always wear a mask outside of the house and social distance. You don’t know who is carrying the virus. Do not drop your caution. ”


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