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Businesses, hospitality venues and place of worship need to display QR code

Businesses, hospitality venues and place of worship need to display QR code

BUSINESSES and organisations and hospitality venues will be legally required to log details of customers, visitors and staff for NHS Test and Trace and from today (Thursday 24 September) they will be required to display official NHS QR code posters under law ahead of the NHS COVID-19 app being rolled out nationally next week.

Image: Londra Gazete Ltd

Businesses, place of worship or community organisation with a physical location that is open to the public, will all need to delay a QR code. Those with more than one premise will also need a code for each one.

Hospitality venues like pubs, bars, restaurants, cafés, tourism and leisure, hotels and close contact services, including hairdressers saw the OR code rule being enforced since last Friday (18 September).

The government website said “these businesses will also need to display the official NHS QR code posters to make it easier for people to check-in at different premises once the app is rolled out nationally. If individuals choose to check-in using the QR code poster they do not need to log in via any other route”

Local Authorities will have the power to issue fines of up to £1,000 for venues that are failing to comply, or the police as a last resort. Fines will rise to up to £4,000 for repeat offenders.

Businesses will be expected to make sure their customers are aware of the rules around QR codes by displaying posters and speaking to customers directly.

As well as modify their premises to ensure that customers keep 2m meter apart or 1 meter plus covering anyone that doesn’t any check-in, contact information will need to be collected.

More information can be found on the face-covering can be found on the government website and you can get a QR code from


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