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Labour announces they will back an early general election

Labour announces they will back an early general election

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has announced his party will back a vote for an early general election today after the party block three votes for an election saying they would not back it until a no-deal Brexit off the table.

Corbyn said his condition of taking a no-deal Brexit off the table had now been met after the EU agreed to extend the deadline until 31 January 2020.

He said: “I have consistently said that we are ready for an election and our support is subject to a no-deal Brexit being off the table.

“We have now heard from the EU that the extension of Article 50 to 31 January has been confirmed, so for the next three months, our condition of taking no-deal off the table has now been met.

“We will now launch the most ambitious and radical campaign for real change our country has ever seen.”

The government bill published ahead of the Commons debate is for an early election on 12 December.

But the Scottish National Party and Liberal Democrats want a 9 December poll, saying it would prevent the prime minister from pushing his Brexit deal through Parliament.

Mr Johnson will later call on MPs to support a general election for the fourth time since he took office in July.

The PM does not have a majority in Parliament after his decision in September to remove the party whip from more than 20 of his MPs who voted to block a no-deal Brexit and some defections.


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