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British women jailed for abusing children from her home in North Cyprus

British women jailed for abusing children from her home in North Cyprus

A woman who called herself ‘devil b**** 666’ has been jailed for more than 12 years after she sexually abused children for paying customers to watch online.

Jodie Little, 30, originally from Huddersfield, carried out her sickening crimes on a website providing escort and webcam services from her home in northern Cyprus.

She used the online names ‘devil b**** 666’ and ‘Queen of Tabbo’ while abusing children online for paying customers.

She was arrested in June last year after officers from the National Crime Agency passed intelligence to police on the Eastern Mediterranean island.

The Cypriot authorities also discovered her visa had expired and she was returned to the UK to face justice.

Little was jailed for 12 years and four months after she admitted a catalogue of sex offences at Isleworth Crown Court.

She admitted offences including sexual activity with a boy under 13, three counts of distributing an indecent photograph/pseudo-photograph of a child and offering videos of child sexual abuse.

Eight offences were brought under Section 72 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 – which allows British nationals to be prosecuted in the UK for offences committed overseas.

Jason Booth, NCA operations manager, said: ‘Little was financially motivated; her crimes are utterly abhorrent and are one of many examples the NCA is seeing of worsening cyber-enabled child sexual offending.

‘The NCA knows that the scale and severity of offending against children are worsening.

‘We and UK police arrest around 450 child sex offenders a month and safeguard about 680 children a month.

‘There is no greater priority for us than protecting children. Distance is no barrier to us.

‘We did everything we could in this case using our investigators, international staff and child protection experts to stop Little’s offending.

‘The NCA’s unique capabilities – which we deliver for the benefit of law enforcement across the UK – were vital in bringing this horrific offender to justice.’


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