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Erhürman: “We will write the success story of our people together”

Erhürman: “We will write the success story of our people together”

IN the event which was organised by the TRNC London Representative, TRNC Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman attended to the International Women’s Day event.

The event took place on 6 March Wednesday at Yunus Emre Institute.

There was an intense participation in the event, also a documentary was screened which was about the first women journalist in Cyprus, Bedia Okan Göreli.

During the event, the importance of women in every field was discussed.

Middlesex University Professor Ilhan Raman, the first Turkish Cypriot Chair of the International Federation of Women Associations (FIWAL) also the first women chair of the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations Aysın Yılmaz and Enfield council leader Nesil Çalışkan attended as main speakers to the event.

Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman stated that he was happy to be able to address the Turkish Cypriot women in the UK. Erhürman, underlined that he was extremely proud of the serious success women are portraying in the UK.

Erhürman pointed out that it is difficult to be women, but life is even more difficult for a migrant woman. He also conveyed that he was proud of the women who succeeded in these difficult conditions.

The TRNC Prime Minister stated that many Turkish Cypriots achieved individual success around the world however social success has not yet been achieved. Hence, Erhürman said that social success may be achieved with solidarity.

Erhürman stated: “We have to bring the individual success together, therefore we will write the success story of our people together.”




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