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Good Party holds first meeting in London

Good Party holds first meeting in London

THE Good Party (İyi Party) held its first meeting in London, on 24 February Sunday at Istanbul Restaurant in Stoke Newington.

The Good Party, organised a breakfast on Sunday at Istanbul Restaurant, the party volunteers held their first meeting in London.

The meeting was held with the participation of Good Party London members, committee members, Good Party Ankara General Assembly Member Kübra Dursun and CHP UK vice Chair Cangül Kartal.

Kübra Dursun, member of the Good Party Ankara General Assembly, made a brief presentation on what the Good Community Volunteers are and what they are doing.

Dursun stated that they have many goals they achieve also reform in regards to education, rights, economics and justice.

Dursun further stated: “The Good Party and Good Party UK aims not only intended to do politics just for the sake of politics, but to perform politics in a constructive way to carry out studies. We are determined to work for the interests of Turkey and the Turkish nations.

We refuse the division exerted within religion and people in Turkey. We don’t want that.

We do not refer to anyone’s religion, race or sectarian supervision. Whoever you are, everyone who loves this country, this nation and acknowledges the interests of the nation is more than welcome to join us. Today we came here together to unite, power comes from union.”

Talking about the social problems, Dursun stated that there would not be any institution that would not listen to them after the formation of a community of 1500 – 2000 people.


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