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Book now and pay later with Happy Days!

Book now and pay later with Happy Days!

HAPPY Days, one of the most preferred travel agencies by our society, offers you a new campaign offers which will enlighten you.

“Fly now, pay later” campaign has been announced by Happy Days, the advantageous flight tickets and holiday packages with the most appropriate payments plans are available with Happy Days.

Happy Days Coordinator Çimen Hassan stated that the package holidays and tours organised by the well-established company has been serving the customers for 45 years and has received immense interest by the Turkish speaking society, Çimen futher stated:

“Our Happy Days cultural tour of Tukey has been highly praised by our customers and has seen great interest. Our November tour will take place in the framework of Thermal and Christmas shopping. This year we successfully completed Cappadocia, Alaçatı Herb Festival, Black Sea and Gap tours.

Our most recent trip was our Gap tour. This tour was a holiday tour which will sponsored for our children in need. I would also like to underline that we are really happy for this achievement.

Additionally, despite the fact that the founder of Happy Days Faik Izzet is retired, he has accepted to work with us. This will definitely have a positive impact for us and a great contribution for the growth of Happy Days Holiday.

We are offering £20 off on flight tickets for bookings to Cyprus before 15 November. We also offer instalments up to 12 months. Thus, our customers can rent a car for 7 days but only pay the price for 5 days. Our customers can contact us for more information.”

H aringey Head Office: 341 Green Lanes Harringay, N4 1DZ, London P: 24/7 customer support: 0208 800 3836 / 0207 993 8363 E: Website:

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