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Cypriots to unite at “Friendship and Peace Week”

Cypriots to unite at “Friendship and Peace Week”

Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities living in the UK are preparing to meet on the week of friendship and peace.

The Union of Cypriots in the UK (EKA) together with the Turkish Cypriot Organisations, Cypriot Artists Platform UK and Turkish Cypriot Association for Democracy has organised a  joint event of Greek and Turkish Cypriot actors at the Theatre of the Cypriot Community Centre Wood Green, Earlham Grove, London, N22 5HJ.

Two theatres shows will be established during the week of “Friendship and Peace”, the theatre shows will be played in both Greek and Turkish. The theatre play which will be performed was written by Mihalis Basardis, directed and played by Yaşar Ersoy and constructed by the poems of Faize Özdemirciler.

The event will take place at the Turkish Cypriot Community Association Centre, 628-630 Green Lanes, Haringey, London, N8 0SD and will be followed by a small reception. Theatre tickets are only £7.

On Sunday 3 June at 3 pm Yasar Ersoy and Costas Kafkaridis will present their joint Book-Album at the Turkish Cypriot Community Centre.

For tickets please contact:

Photios Kouzoupis  Tel. 07885 680033

Mehmet Mahmut      Tel. 07547 927209







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