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Tag: living

CITIES across the UK were ranked according to; affordability, education quality, availability and frequency of public transportation, range of dining options at different price points, social life and universities with the highest employment rate. London was named The 4th Best City for Students in the UK for 2022 after Edinburgh in...
A landlord who crammed 15 people into her family home in west London has been ordered to pay £400,000. Gurdeep Kaur, 47, was handed the record confiscation order after she converted her house in Hillingdon without planning permission. Tenants lived in small rooms and an outbuilding at the home in...
MUSLIMS living in London celebrated the first day of Eid on Tuesday, 21 August. On the first day of Eid, Londoners came together and celebrated the holly day. The festival of sacrifice, which Muslims sacrifice and celebrate will last for four days. Solidarity, sharing and the feeling of unity is...
During the Cyprus Turkish Culture Festival which will be held on June 17, in London, a campaign will be launched for direct flights from England to Northern Cyprus. Muhammet Yaşarata, the head of the UK Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, gave information in regards of this issue and underlined that...
GREEK Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities living in the UK came together on 1 June Friday, at the Cypriot Community Centre to portray unity at the week of friendship and peace. The Union of Cypriots in the UK (EKA) together with the Turkish Cypriot Organisations, Cypriot Artists Platform UK and...
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities living in the UK are preparing to meet on the week of friendship and peace. The Union of Cypriots in the UK (EKA) together with the Turkish Cypriot Organisations, Cypriot Artists Platform UK and Turkish Cypriot Association for Democracy has organised a  joint event...
NEW figures have shown that nearly half of all children across the UK’s cities are believe to be living in poverty, with a warning that the welfare reforms have led to an “emerging child poverty crisis” in the UK.
ON THURSDAY 30th TCCA held an event which looked at how Brexit will effect Turkish Cypriots living in the UK.
DEİK President Nail Olpak shared the board’s new structure and plans with a group of journalists in Istanbul on Nov. 30.
CHP Istanbul deputy Mahmut TANAL proposed a law on the exemption of our citizens living abroad for their passports.
We have asked the people in London whether they would fancy living in a different city or stick to the Big Smoke and we have compiled the answers with their reasons.