Page 62 - Ramadan 2022
P. 62
62 LG RAMADAN 2022
Mr.Dips: The tasty appetizer that
everyone reaches for!
R. Dips offers a that they can produce safe and means you can get numerous native to traditional snack foods we provide are not only supported
delicious, wonder- legal food and are committed to vitamins and minerals and is and spread. All our products are by the Turkish speaking commu-
ful taste appetizer consistently meeting the require- relatively low in calories. Yoghurt natural, made with Greek-style nity but also well favoured by all
Mwhich ensures ments of the SALSA standard. also is a great ingredient to add to yoghurt also consists of low fat. ethnic backgrounds in the UK.
that you will be craving it more Along with his Professional recipes when you want to extend For that reason, we supply a huge Therefore, we also have a cultural
and more after just one bite. experience in the appetizers a leftover, it also makes a great variety to all consumers being mission to reflect our traditional
The brand has because a house- sector, the Turkish Cypriot busi- healthy option to add to shakes supermarkets, hotels, wholesal- taste to other communities. In
hold name, having crafted and nessman has accomplishments or smoothies. Or if you want to ers, and restaurants. With over 15 line with this mission, we contin-
perfected our favourite dips for great strides in this field for many keep it traditional on the side years’ experience Mr.Dips always ue to illustrate hard work without
years Mr.Dips has been providing years, provides a wide variety of any plate yoghurt is a per- our mission is to continually im- compromising on international
quality and great ingredients in of appetizers to supermarkets, fectly refreshing taste with your prove our products and services quality standards.”
their products. Over the years hotels, food wholesalers, catering food, Mr.Dip’s Yoghurts are the to meet our customer’s needs.” If you would like to taste these
with the introduction of Turkish companies and restaurants in the products of great additions to any In regards to the terms of amazing and delicious products
and Cypriot cuisines with res- United Kingdom. Thus, Mr.Dips meal. nutritional value, resources used and get your Ramadan dinner’s
taurants and TV cooking shows firmly continues to offer one of in appetizers products and the table ready with the health and
there has been a widespread craze the substantial appetizers around WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE? health benefits, Mr Erdin further tasty products available, you can
for the Eastern Mediterranean the UK. The wide ranges of products added: “With my experience of visit Mr.Dips which is located at
‘meze’ dishes become a firm are which have great vegetari- nearly 20 years in this sector, we 1/B Uplands Business Park, Black-
favourite across the kitchen in WHAT MAKES A GOOD DIP? an and vegan option as well as worked non-stop to improve and horse Lane, London E17 5QJ.
the UK. With expertise, Mr.Dips The most important thing in Gulten free including; Hummus, expand our products range and at You can also call 0203 225 10 07
has mastered its dips which have appetizer is that an appetizer Taramasalata, Tzatziki, Yogurt, Mr Drips we are extremely thank- or email at
become so popular in our fridge’s, should not be very hard to eat. It Roasted red pepper & feta cheese, ful for the interest and support Mr.Dips for further information
with different sizes available to should be light yet tempting. The Tahini dip, hummus with roasted portrayed by our customer. As and any enquiries you have. With
fit all occasions, from snacks, to main function of appetizers is to red pepper, hummus with olive, the Dips team, we are doing our a offer a range of sizes and prod-
appetizers with dinner or part of increase your hunger and prepare hummus with jalapeno, hummus job with great excitement and ucts which mean not only are they
a meze, plus no barbeque is com- you for the main course. Dips are with avocado, hummus with along with the great support we great for household kitchens but
plete without them! a great mini-dish to have Mr.Dips aubergine, mixed olive salad, receive, our motivation is con- caterers, restaurants can enjoy in
has perfected their receipt making chickpea salad, mixed bean salad, stantly multiplied. The products their products.
YEARS OF EXPERIENCES the line of dips perfect refreshing couscous salad, falafel and falafel
Hasan Erdin the General Direc- dips, light and tasty with different with hummus and hummus with
tor of Mr.Dips, explains how the options available to make sure babganush.
product range has grown with the everyone’s favourite is desires. Speaking to Londra Gazete,
leadership of his expert staff. Mr With a wide range of products, Erdin said: “We are proud to be
Dirps definitely leads its rank in Mr.Dips has created different dips one of the first names which
the food industry. The successful and unique blends which you are come to mind when we talk about
businessman Hasan Erdin with sure to enjoy. The products are a meze in the United Kingdom. We
over 20 years of professional healthier alternative to traditional work really hard to expand the
experience that has established snack foods and spread. range of high-quality products to
a great brand which is one of the our customers also to ensure our
leading producers of Mediterra- NOT JUST DIPS! products satisfy the expectations
nean dips and salads. Mr.Dips is Mr.Dips also specialises in of our customers. Mr.Dips line
a registered trademark with an strained yoghurt and has intro- of refrigerated dips and yoghurts
international quality management duced a new product, proudly are perfect for a wide variety of
system. Manufacturing all of its announces its specialized yoghurt uses as a dip, a spread, or as a side
products in a modern site, oper- from fresh cow milk, which makes dish - whether eaten alone or for
ated in accordance with HACCP it suitable for vegetarians. The entertaining and get-togethers.
and ISO9001 guidelines to ensure health benefits of yoghurt provide Our products are a healthier alter-
the highest quality reaches its
customers. All ingredients are
specially sourced and imported to
meet their high-quality standards.
On February 5, 2021, Mr.Dips
achieved another success by
obtaining the ‘SALSA - Safe and
Locally Supplier Approved’ cer-
tificate. Certified suppliers such
as Mr Dips can demonstrate that
they operate to industry-wide
recognized and accepted stand-
ards and exceed the minimum
standards expected by enforce-
ment authorities. SALSA approval
is granted only to suppliers who
can demonstrate to an auditor