Page 60 - Ramadan 2022
P. 60
60 LG RAMADAN 2022
Cyprus during the Ottoman rule in expedition in the year 647 – 649 and
1572-1878/1914. During the 17th died when she fell off her horse near
century the Turkish population grew to modern day Larnaca. She was
rapidly, partly because of Turkish buried on the island but when Islam
immigrants but also due to Greek left Cyprus for many years, her grave
converts to Islam. Since 1974, the fell into anonymity. Many centu-
Muslim population has been bol- ries later, a Sufi Sheikh or Dervish
stered by settlers from Turkey who was shown in a dream that she was
are almost exclusively Muslim. buried there and her grave was redis-
In the past there were 11 madrasas covered. Today Hala Sultan Tekke
in Cyprus teaching Islam to a very Mosque is in fact, the 3rd holiest
high level. None of the madrasas pilgrimage site in Islam.
Islam in Cyprus buildings are being used for other the Hazreti Omer Tekke Mosque
have survived but some of the
purposes. In Lefkosia the madrasa
building is now used as a special
Another ancient Islamic Tombs in
needs education centre and the re-
maining part of the biggest in Pafos
is used for shops. just near to Catalkoy, Kyrenia..
Less ornate, and less well known,
this beautiful and still functioning
SLAM was introduced to including: the Arabahmet Mosque in the Muslim conquest in the Middle HALA SULTAN TEKKE
Cyprus when Uthman the Lefkosia (built in the 16th century), Ages. Islam came to Cyprus early on mosque houses the tombs of seven
3rd Caliph conquered in 649. the Hala Sultan Tekke/Umm Haram in the Arab conquests, which at one If you are interested in Islamic his- Muslim saints. It dates from the
IMuslims lived over the whole Mosque in Larnaka (built in the point had also captured the Greek tory, you will find some fascinating Muslim expeditions of the 7th cen-
area of Cyprus but since the1974 18th century), the Lala Mustafa island of Crete. It is alleged that an Islamic history in Cyprus. Although tury and was revered as a holy place
most people assume that Islam ar-
even by the Orthodox Christians
events they are now concentrated Pasha Mosque, Selimiye Mosque aunt of the Prophet Mohammad, rived in North Cyprus with the Ot- when they were living in that area.
in Northern Cyprus. Today there and the Haydarpasha Mosque; sallallahu alaihi wassalam, Um tomans in the 16th Century, in fact, Whatever your religion, to go down
are an estimated 264,172 Muslims former Catholic cathedrals left from Haram, had accompanied the expe- Islam first came to Cyprus just after to this lovely seafront mosque at
based in the Turkish Republic of the Crusader era, which were meant dition. She fell off her mule and died a few years Islam was founded. The dusk, to hear the call to prayer and
North Cyprus. to cater exclusively to the Catholic and was entombed at the present aunt of the Prophet Muhammad’s either pray or just sit and take in the
Several important Islamic shrines minority which ruled the island and shrine Hala Sultan Tekkesi. (PBUH) Nursemaid, Hala Sultan, is atmosphere whilst others pray, is a
and landmarks exist on the island were converted to mosques after Most of the Turks settled in send to have came with a missionary truly unforgettable experience.
The two most important reli- relatives and paying one’s
gious festivals for all Muslims respect to older people. The Sugar Feast
are Ramadan, with The Sugar Traditionally many people
Feast (Şeker Bayramı) and the waking up early on the first
Feast of the Sacrifice (Kurban day of The Sugar Feast, they
Bayram) which lasts for four put on their best clothes,
days and takes place approxi- called bayramlık, which they
mately two months after the often buy specifically for the
end of Ramadan. occasion, and have a large
There are an additional breakfast.
nine days that are allocated This symbolizes the end of
as Public Holidays when all the fasting period, which many
utility offices and Government Muslims observe during the
departments are closed. preceding month of Ramadan.
There are festivals to cele- It is customary to visit one’s
brate the harvests of olive, car- relatives, especially older ones,
ob and citrus, and many towns and kiss their hand as a sign
and villages will hold parties of respect. Children may go
and concerts to mark the end door-to-door, kissing hands of
of the fruitful seasons. the grown-ups and receiving
The Sugar Feast in North sweets and small amounts of
Cyprus is a time for visiting money in return.