Page 57 - Ramadan 2022
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LG RAMADAN 2022 57
HIS year will be event/festival for people of
Eid in the Square is back the Mayor of Lon- all faiths[3][4] inaugurated in
don’s 17th Eid in
2006 and hosted by the Mayor
Tthe Square and to of London on the first Satur-
celebrate the return of ma- day after the Islamic religious
jor festivals to our great city holiday of Eid al-Fitr which
and London’s iconic Trafalgar marks and celebrates the end
Square our theme is #Lets- of the Islamic holy month
DoLondon. of Ramadan at the Trafalgar
This unique cultural event Square in Westminster, Lon-
marks the end of Ramadan, don, England from 12 noon to
the holy month of fasting. 6 pm.
Developed in partnership with The first event took place
London based arts, culture and on Saturday 28 October 2006
grass roots Muslim organi- from 1 pm to 5 pm,[8] and
sations this vibrant festival was organised by the Muslim
brings communities, families Council of Britain and the
and friends together to enjoy Mayor of London Ken Living-
the celebrations. stone. The event is now organ-
On the main stage and ised by the Mayor of London
throughout the Square, they with the support of the Eid
will be showcasing the best of Committee (a voluntary organ-
Muslim art, music, culture, isation which represents vari-
literature, history and fashion ous Muslim community groups
alongside a feast of food stalls and organisations in London),
from around the Islamic world. Lycamobile and the official
Eid in the Square is an media partner for the event is
annual Muslim festival held Zee TV. Partners of the festi-
the first Saturday after the val have included the Muslim
Islamic religious holiday of Eid Council of Britain, Transport
al-Fitr at Trafalgar Square in for London, Muslim Aid,
Westminster, London, Eng- Islamic Relief, Islam Chan-
land. The event has grown to nel and UNISON. The event
become one of the key cultural has grown to become one of
highlights of London’s events the key cultural highlights of
calendar and sees attendances London’s events calendar and
of over 25,000. sees crowds of over 25,000
Eid in the Park is a free attending.