Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1134
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, 01 December 2022
ULEZ to cover all of London Ekin-Su and Davide set off
despite “overwhelming” with new show homecomings
FOLLOWING their Love Island
toxic air pollution permanent- win, loved up couple Ekin-Su and
ly damaging the health of young Davide will present their own
Londoners and leading to thou- travel mini-series in which they
sands of early deaths every year, head to each other’s home towns,
with the greatest number of meet the parents, and learn about
deaths in the outer London bor- their other half’s heritage.
oughs.” The couple’s spin-off show
Under the scheme, which was was confirmed by ITV the same
introduced in 2019, drivers are month that they left the Love Is-
charged to enter the area within land villa, and based on Ekin-Su’s
London’s north and south-circu- Instagram feed, it looks like the
lar orbital roads but the charge is show was filmed in October.
not applied across the capital. Since their time on the show, the
People with non-compliant cars couple have spent much of their
who live in the ULEZ are not ex- time holidaying together, and
empt from daily charges. have also visited Dubai and New
The mayor’s office believes York City. They also travel to Verona to visit road trip in a camper van to Ek-
LONDON’S Ultra Low Emis- about 200,000 non-compliant The couple’s new reality show Juliet’s Balcony, an attraction in in-Su’s hometown, Odemis, near
the city that thousands of tour-
sions Zone (ULEZ) is to be ex- vehicles are driven regularly in will see them travel to their fami- ists flock to despite it having no the west coast of Turkey. There,
panded to cover all of London, London, a figure it expects to fall ly’s hometowns to meet each oth- real relation to the Shakespeare the pair tried a Turkish bath and
the mayor has announced, de- rapidly. er’s families and share in differ- play. Davide will drive Ekin-Su cook family recipes with Ekin-Su’s
spite “overwhelming” opposition. Some 60% of those who re- ent cultures. In the first episode across his home country in a Fiat grandmother. Davide also got
From 29 August, drivers of sponded to the public consul- the couple travelled to Frosione, 500 before taking her through to experience authentic Turkish
the most polluting cars will have tation into the expansion plans 50 miles south of Rome, from the countryside on a moped, and dresswear, and he and Ekin-Su
to pay £12.50 a day to enter to were opposed to it, with 70% of where Davide hails. eventually stopping off in Flor- try to learn each other’s languag-
the Greater London Authority residents in Outer London against Ekin-Su hopes to impress Da- ence. es. The two part show aired this
boundary. the idea, and 80% of workers in vide’s family by cooking up a In the second episode, the cou- week on Monday and Tuesday on
A public consultation found Outer London opposed. gnocchi with her partner’s mum. ple embarked on an eight hour ITV2.
80% of people in the affected are- The Greater London Authority
as were opposed the expansion of (GLA) Conservatives described
the zone. the opposition as “overwhelm-
But Sadiq Khan says five mil- ing” and “staggering” and crit- London firefighters first to get
lion more people will benefit icised the mayor for pushing
from cleaner air. ahead with the plans despite the
“The ULEZ so far has been public response. body-worn cameras
transformational, reducing harm- A recent TfL report found the
ful pollution levels by almost a zone had had a limited effect on FIREFIGHTERS in London will trail of psychological harm". said procurement of body-worn
half in central London,” Mr Khan pollution levels, and some motor- be the first to wear body-worn The review recommended LFB cameras had begun, according to
said. ing groups have said they believe cameras following a report that firefighters should wear cameras the Local Democracy Reporting
“But there is still far too much it unfairly penalises drivers. found institutional racism and during home visits. Service.
misogyny within London Fire Work would start immediately, "We will be the first service in
Brigade (LFB). LFB said. the country to issue body-worn
Only 1% of London bike tor Nazir Afzal found evidence of London Assembly fire, resilience cameras to our crews, both to pro-
Speaking at a meeting of the
The report by former prosecu-
tect them but also to ensure pub-
thieves identified racist, homophobic and misogy- and emergency planning commit- lic safety and reassurance. Those
nistic bullying, which left a "clear tee, LFB Commissioner Andy Roe
are immediate changes, and that
change has started now," he said.
In addition to issuing fire-
LONDON’S ONLY 1% of Lon- In Croydon and Havering, no
don bike thefts in the last 12 offenders were identified despite fighters with body-worn camer-
as, Mr Roe revealed a five-year
months resulted in a charge or a combined 325 offences.
caution, according to Metropoli- Tom Bogdanowicz, senior poli- case review had begun this week,
tan Police data. cy officer at London Cycling Cam- looking back at historic cases to
More than 18,800 thefts were paign, said the true number of "sense check all of those decisions
reported between November crimes was "significantly higher" that got made".
2021 and October 2022, but only than the reported figures. "If we still have people in the
206 sanctions were recorded. He said up to a quarter of bike workforce, regardless of whether
London Cycling Campaign said theft victims never cycle again. they've been through a process
it was "not good for the city" and "It's not good for the city, be- or not, who do not meet newly
would "deter people from cy- cause if there's less cycling then framed standards around gross
cling". there are more emissions from misconduct, then they will be dis-
Hackney, Southwark and Tower cars, more congestion, and peo- missed," he said.
Hamlets recorded the most thefts ple's health isn't improving. He added that, unlike in the
over the last 12 months, although "Building cycling infrastructure Metropolitan Police, there were
across the capital the total num- is an excellent way of encouraging no "significant legal barriers" to
ber of bikes reported stolen was cycling, but if people have their dismissing members of staff that
down 18% compared with the bikes stolen then you lose cus- have been found to have commit-
previous year. tomers." ted misconduct.