Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1134
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 01 December 2022                                                                                     9

                                                                        ‘Sprinkling less salt could slash your

                                                                        risk of heart disease by up to a fifth’

                                                                        SPRINKLING less salt onto
                                                                      your food at the dinner table
                                                                      could cut your risk of an early de-
                                                                      ath, according to scientists.
                                                                        A new study published today
                                                                      suggested that shaking the habit
                                                                      may reduce your risk of heart di-
                                                                      sease, heart failure and strokes by
                                                                      a fifth.
                                                                        Experts today called it an easy
                                                                      'sacrifice'. Researchers  tracked
                                                                      nearly 200,000 Britons aged from
         Monkeypox given new name by                                  their 30s to 70s for almost a de-

                   global health experts                              cade.
                                                                        Heart and circulatory diseases
                                                                      cause a quarter of all deaths in
          MONKEYPOX will now be known   lpox - in many countries outside   the UK, that’s more than 160,000
         as mpox, the World Health Organi-  central and west Africa, where it is   deaths each year or one every th-  on average.   were also at a lower risk — 21 per
         zation (WHO) has announced, after   often found.             ree minutes.                     The results, published in the  cent and 19 per cent, respectively.
         complaints over racist and stigma-  In July, the WHO declared a glo-  Consuming too much salt is a  in the Journal of the American   Further analysis of the results
         tising language linked to the virus's   bal health emergency because of the   risk factor because it leads to wa-  College of Cardiology, showed  showed that those who never
         name.                          worldwide surge in people develo-  ter retention in the blood, which  that there  were  almost  10,000  added salt and followed a diet to
          The old term will be used alongside   ping symptoms, including a high fe-  puts pressure on your vessels.  'events', including strokes.  boost blood pressure health —
         the new one for a year, before being   ver and skin lesions or rash.  This raises your blood pressure   Analysis showed participants  known as Dietary Approaches to
         phased out.                     Cases of the disease have been dec-  and, in turn, increases the risk of  who added salt to their food less  Stop Hypertension (DASH) —
          Mpox was decided on after lengthy   lining for several months now, but   a heart attack or stroke.  often were less likely to suffer  had the lowest risk.
         discussions between experts, count-  more than 100 different countries   In an attempt to quantify the  from a heart complication.   The  British Heart Foundation
         ries and the general public.   have been affected in 2022 - promp-  risk, researchers at Tulane Uni-  Those who 'never/rarely' added  (BHF) on average,  working  age
          It can easily be used in English as                         versity looked at the health recor-  the seasoning were 23 per cent  adults in England consume 8.4g
         well as other languages, the WHO   ting huge demand for vaccine supp-  ds of 176,570 Britons.  less likely to suffer a cardiovas-  a day.
         said.                          lies to protect those most at risk.  At the start of the trial, none  cular problem, compared to those   Experts say we should also be
          Human monkeypox was first      The US, Brazil, Spain, France and   of the participants suffered from  who reported 'always' adding it.  checking food labels when food
         identified in 1970 and named after   the UK have reported the highest to-  heart complications. They were   Meanwhile, those who only 'so-  shopping to help cut down on
         the disease caused by the virus was   tal number of mpox cases this year.   monitored for almost 12 years,  metimes' and 'usually' added salt  salt.
         discovered in captive monkeys more   Globally, there have been 50 deaths
         than a decade before.          from the virus.
          Since then, the WHO has introdu-  Since May, the UK has reported
         ced advice on naming diseases.  more than 3,500 cases but a rollout   Failure to identify osteoporosis could
          This year, there has been unusual   of vaccines to vulnerable groups hel-
         spread of mpox virus - a member of   ped drive down numbers following a   spark epidemic of brittle bones
         the same family of viruses as smal-  peak in July.
                                                                        TENS of thousands of patients  and a fifth of men over 50.   on  overstretched  ambulances  and
                                                                                                                                    A&E departments and taking up val-
             Multi-million-pound trial to                             are suffering life-changing fractures   bones  to  weaken  and  break  more  uable hospital beds.
                                                                      every year because GPs 'routinely' fail
                                                                                                                                      Broken bones caused by osteopo-
         help rapidly find flu treatments                             to identify those with weak bones, a  easily and is responsible for 500,000   rosis are extremely painful and can
                                                                                                     broken bones nationwide every year,
                                                                      parliamentary inquiry has found.
                                                                        Family doctors are well-placed to  at a cost of over £4.5billion.
                            this winter                               diagnose and treat osteoporosis but   But an 'enormous gap' in diagnosis   lead to life-changing disability that
                                                                                                                                    robs people of their independence.
                                                                      too many people only learn they have  and care means only 39 per cent of
          A new clinical trial will use lessons  Imperial College London’s Depart-  it after suffering a fall, the cross-par-  people with one of three major risk   A quarter of people die within a
         learned from the pandemic to help  ment of Surgery and Cancer, said:   ty group of MPs and Peers warn.   factors  has  received  a  bone  health   year of suffering a hip fracture, the
         quickly find treatments for severe  “During the pandemic, our trial was   Their damning report recommends  assessment and only 33 cent of pa-  most serious osteoporosis-related
         flu, as experts warn there could be  able to rapidly respond to a new virus   health bosses introduce a national  tients at high risk of breaks are re-  injury.
         record numbers of cases this year.  and our approach helped save lives.  screening programme for the condi-  ceiving treatment.   There is no systematic national ap-
          While many people with flu get   “We’re now redeploying it against   tion, which affects 3.5million people   The others are more likely to suffer   proach to screening for osteoporosis
         better on their own without need-  a known threat.           in the UK, including half of women  a fracture if they fall, piling pressure   in the UK, with decisions instead
         ing hospital treatment, it can make   “Flu is very infectious and can                                                      made by individual clinicians on a
         some seriously ill and even be  make children, the elderly and vul-                                                        case-by-case basis.
         life-threatening.  There  is  no  clear  nerable  people  seriously  unwell  in                                              The Inquiry, led by the All Party
         evidence about which treatments  some cases. “This winter, we might                                                        Parliamentary Group (APPG) on
         are best for severe cases. The £2.9  see more flu cases than usual as the                                                  Osteoporosis and Bone Health, says
         million REMAP-CAP trial, original-  virus potentially resurges after pan-                                                  targeted screening for women over
         ly set up to tackle pandemic, will  demic measures have kept levels low.
         work with the National Institute for   “We hope that our trial will help to                                                70 would likely prevent 8,000 hip
         Health and Care Research (NIHR) to  find urgently needed flu treatments                                                    fractures annually.
         recruit children and adults admitted  rapidly.                                                                               Their report adds that GPs should
         to hospital with severe flu from 150   “Our Covid-19 trial changed clini-                                                  be well placed to identify people at
         hospitals across the UK over the next  cal practice globally, and we hope we                                               high risk of breaking bones before
         two years.                    can impact flu treatment and reduce                                                          they happen, as they hold informa-
          Professor Anthony Gordon, chief  winter pressures on the NHS in the                                                       tion about the risk factors for poor
         investigator of the new trial, from  same way.”                                                                            bone health.
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