Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1134
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 01 December 2022 3
‘Embodied Moments’
exhibition opens its doors
THE Cypriot artist Sumer Erek’s
held a private viewing with guests
on November 23 ahead of the month
long exhibition of ‘Embodied Mo-
ments’ which runs until December
23 at Gallery Marquess.
London-based renowned Cypri-
ot artist Erek is a multidisciplinary
Zülfü Livaneli visited İAKM conceptual artist with extensive ex-
perience in public art installation,
TURKISH musician, author Royal Albert Hall in London on creating large-scale works and par-
and poet, Zülfü Livaneli visited Thursday evening, November 24. ticipatory projects.
the British Alevi Cultural Centre The musician, who took the stage İlayda Uzunarslan one of the cu-
and Cemevi in north London on with the Royal Philharmonic Or- rators of the newest exhibition said,
Sunday, November 27. chestra, performed his memora- "The artist only glorifies our ordinary
Visiting the largest cemevi in ble works in front of a crowd of states of existence with a unique
Europe, Livaneli met with the thousands. Famous British writer aesthetic approach. Describing po-
members of the board of direc- Louis de Bernieres, Jeremy Cor- etism in the aesthetics of existence
tors and society and made a short byn and famous actor Halit Er- with plain lines, the artist begins
speech. Speaking at the Cemevi, genç and his wife Bergüzar Korel to draw from a different point each Image courtesy of Aysun Çakmakkaya @isoonphoto
Livaneli also made evaluations also attended the concert, which time when ink and paper are brought
on the Alevism belief. He gave a also attracted great interest from together. He successfully captures " Sümer Erek, has been drawing the We’re catching."
historic concert at the historic the those living in the UK. the dynamism point of the body of human body since the age of six, has The gallery space, which has been
the model in front of him, motion drawn more than 500 models in the transformed into an Artist's work-
can be embodied on paper. The sta- last 50 years, As his journey contin- shop in the context of model-work
Limassol Association tionary points of the body, on the ues, looking at the drawings side by activities that will take place during
other hand, are animated by light side, one notices an invisible thread the exhibition, reveals the origi-
celebrated Teachers’ Day and shadow. The lines that make the that connects each sheet of paper to nal and free attitude of the project.
sounds heard in our still states push the other. As if we were to turn it, we Sümer Erek invites art lovers in Lon-
the viewer into a different awareness would get an animation of the poses don to an exhibition experience that
question... He clearly emphasized of the model. Sumer almost shoots will include interactive and perform-
LIMASSOL Association UK bers as well as The Turkish Re- both the priorities of the artist and videos of his models with brush- ative activities until December 23 at
members gathered in north Lon- public of Northern Cyprus’s the moment of interaction of the strokes and carves them onto the pa- Gallery Marquess 14 Shepherd Mar-
donon Friday evening 25 Novem- (TNRC) London Education and viewer.” per. We see their performances, feel ket, Mayfair W1J 7QG (next door to
ber, were the held their annual Culture Attaché Metin Harper. Co-curator Engin Yenidunya said their movements, and see their gaze. Ye Grapes pub).
Teachers’ Day celebration event. Association’s chair Arife Retvan
This year Erkan Pastirmacioğ- said “We are happy. It was our de-
lu was awarded the Exemplary sire to appeal to more people, but The 5th London Book Festival took place
Teacher of the Year, “for his work due to limited space, we could not
raising our children and young recruit many people, even though
people with great care and bring- we wanted to. We will support the THE 5th 'London Book Festival' for his contributions to art, liter-
ing them into the society for Turkish Schools that request help was held in London, with many ature and life. Speaking after the
years” the association also gave from us with the income of this writers, poets, theatre actors, film- award presented by Mehmet Ali Al-
an award to Selin Mehmet for the night. We will continue to work makers and painters also attended abora and Fieldseat manager İrfan
Youngest Teacher Award, stating for our schools on every occa- the festival. On the final day of Şahin, Çubukçu said, “Sometimes
that she “attaches great impor- sion.” Going on to thank guest to the event, Sunday, November 27 these types of awards are given to
tance to teaching and signals that attending the event a supporting and panel was held, moderated by those who have one foot in the hole
she will be an educator to be val- them. Mehmet Ali Alabora, Suat Eroğlu, and pee their back. Sometimes it is
ued in the future with every at- Poems were read, a raffle held Süreyya Akay, Kemal Sahir Gürel, given to do something. I didn't do
tempt she makes.” and music played as guest enjoy Canan Aktaş, Dursaliye Şahan, Ali much. After this award, I have to
Attending the event was it the evening with one and other Poyraz, Fergül Yücel, Kamil Küpe- do something now” and thanked
members and community mem- over dinner together. li, Zöhre Ülger, Melisa Yıldırım, everyone who contributed to the
Hüseyin Kaplan, Günyol Bakoğlu, event.
Pelin Markirt, Akın Names such as
Olgun and Aydın Çubukçu attend-
ed as speakers. During the 10-day
festival, Suna Alan and Sel-Trio
performed a concert.
Aydın Çubukçu who participated
in the last day of the festival was
given an honorary award. In his
presentation where Günyol Bakoğ-
lu briefly talked about Çubukçu, he
emphasized his contributions to
literature, art and thought by say-
ing, "Aydın Çubukçu, who prepared
our 68, never mentioned himself."
After the talk, Çubukçu was pre-
sented with the "Honorary Award"