Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1132
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, 17 November 2022
‘Electric heaters may pose
fire risks despite savings’
PEOPLE are being alerted to
the fire risks of unsafe use of elec-
tric heaters as they try to keep
down costs during the winter.
The popularity of portable ma-
chines to heat a single room has
CTP members to visit London increased as energy bills have
But charity Electrical Safety
NORTHERN Cyprus’s Repub- London, members of the Turkish First has highlighted the dangers
lican Turkish Party (CTP)’s Gen- Cypriot community have been of leaving the heaters unattend-
eral Secretary Asim Akansoy and invited to attend the event. CTP ed, on unstable surfaces, or when
shadow Foreign Minister Fikri members will be able to meet the used to dry clothes.
Toros will be visiting London politicians during 6-7pm , follow- Firefighters described shocking
next week. ing this meeting from 7-10pm a cases, some of which have led to
The 3-day visit scheduled for public meeting will be open to all
the 21-24 November. On Wednes- members of the community wish- deaths.
London Fire Brigade’s Assistant sure that people are staying safe catch fire. “
day 23rd November a public ing to attend at 628-630 Green Commissioner for Fire Safety, at the same time.
meeting will be held in North Lanes, London N8 0SD. A survey of 3,000 people by
Charlie Pugsley, said: “While we “For example, we know that Electrical Safety First suggest-
might not see the same freez- people may want to use portable ed that 42% of those asked were
London polio vaccine take- ing temperatures that we saw heaters to heat just one room or definitely using or considering
in 2010, the next few months use electric blankets in bed. It’s
using an electric heater to heat
up rate reaches 23% are forecast to see temperatures really important to follow the a single room in their home, be-
manufacturer’s instructions and
drop. This, coupled with ris-
cause of concerns over the rising
ing energy costs, means there’s ensure these items are safety
a very real risk heating-related registered and in good working cost of central heating.
THE take-up rate of extra polio cinations, and assessors" had been That was an 8% increase com-
vaccinations for young children in brought in. fires could even surpass numbers order. If you’re using these items pared with a similar survey a year
London, offered after the virus was He said "we would urge everyone seen a decade ago. We know that around children always supervise ago, when bills were already going
found in the waste water system, has to come along and have their kids people will turn to alternative them carefully and place heaters
risen to 23%, NHS figures show. vaccinated". ways to keep their families warm somewhere where they won’t be up. A third of those asked were
The programme began in August Analysis of the sewage system also overnight without turning on the accidentally knocked over and planning to use a heater for the
after tests at Beckton Sewage Works found the virus in: Barnet, Brent, heating, we just want to make away from anything that could first time.
found the disease. Although rare, po- Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Harin-
lio can cause paralysis especially in gey, Islington and Waltham Forest
young children. The aim of the vaccine is to reduce Thousands demand return of free
Medics recommend all children the risk to the individual child but
aged one to nine to get the jab. also to raise overall immunity levels
In October, the take-up figure was to make it harder for the virus to early London travel for over-60s
16%. Since August the daily take-up spread.
rate has remained constant. The jab is available for all children the reinstatement of the benefit,
Clinical lead Kevin Gilbride, at in the one to nine age group, whether
Hornsey vaccination centre, north they are on schedule with the stand- to City Hall on Tuesday.
London, said "extra staff, extra vac- ard childhood inoculations or not. It says permanently axing free
travel before 9am would be the
“wrong decision at the wrong
London bus drivers to strike time”, due to the cost of living
in run-up to Christmas qualifying age for the 60+ Oyster,
There are also concerns that the
BUS drivers based in parts of pay talks in September but had no which provides Londoners with
south and west London will stage 10 response, and accused the company free bus, Tube and train travel
days of strike action in the run-up to of paying among the lowest rates for until they receive the Freedom
Christmas, it has been announced. bus drivers in London, causing a se- Pass at the pension age of 67, will
Unite union said almost 1,000 of vere "retention crisis". It also claimed be increased each year to exclude
its members based with Abellio will the company was only managing to more people.
walk out due to a dispute over pay. maintain its schedules due to a heavy Age UK London research found
Areas which would be affected reliance on overtime, making its op- THOUSANDS of older London- ers. that 39 percent of Londoners
by include Battersea, Beddington, erations unsustainable. ers have called on Sadiq Khan to But the mayor is due to decide over 60 had to travel before 9am.
Hayes, Southall, Twickenham and reinstate their free travel during by the end of the year whether to More than a quarter were going
Walworth. the morning rush hour. retain the restriction on a perma- to work, while 31 per cent were
Transport for London (TfL) urged The benefit – which is given to nent basis, which would generate attending health appointments.
Unison and Abellio to work together about 1.3m people over 60 – was about £15m to £18m in fares for Eight per cent needed to travel to
to avoid disruption for Londoners. suspended soon after the start of cash-strapped Transport for Lon- fulfil caring duties.
The workers will strike on 22, 25, the pandemic in June 2020 for don. More than quarter of respond-
and 26 November, and on 1, 2, 3, 9, weekday journeys before 9am, The charity Age UK London pre- ents said the ban on free travel
10, 16 and 17 December. primarily to ensure public trans- sented a petition signed by more before 9am had prevented them
Unite said it had invited Abellio to port was kept free for key work- than 10,000 people, demanding from making important journeys.