Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1132
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 17 November 2022 5
Toddler's mould death
unacceptable, says Michael Gove
THE death of a toddler after he
faced months of living with mould
in his home is an "unacceptable
tragedy", Housing Secretary Mi-
chael Gove has said.
Awaab Ishak, two, died of a res-
piratory condition caused by expo-
sure to the mould in his flat, a cor-
oner ruled.
Awaab's father repeatedly raised
the issue with Rochdale Borough-
wide Housing (RBH) but no action
Egg shortage prompts was ever taken.
Mr Gove said it "beggars be-
supermarkets to ration lief" that RBH's chief executive Rochdale, Greater Manchester. Mr Swarbrick said Awaab's death
Gareth Swarbrick was still in his
His father Faisal Abdullah had should be a "wake-up call for every-
£185,000-a-year job. complained about the mould but one in housing, social care and
SHOPPERS buying eggs have The Sun: “We can confirm that there Coroner Joanne Kearsley criti- said the family had been "left feeling health".
been faced with empty shelves and are temporary issues with egg sup- cised RBH for not being "proactive" absolutely worthless at the hands of He said: "We didn't recognise the
told to ration purchases as a short- plies at some Wetherspoon pubs, and asked: "How in the UK in 2020 RBH". level of risk to a little boy's health
age grips the UK. due to the current impact of Avian does a two-year-old child die as a re- The minister said the government from the mould in the family's
Customers at Sainsbury’s and Tes- flu on egg production. sult of exposure to mould?" was bringing forward legislation home."
co have turned up to stores to find “We are experiencing issues in re- Awaab died in December 2020 to ensure housing associations re- The housing boss added: "We
eggs out of stock, while at least one ceiving all the supplies we require to following a cardiac arrest after liv- sponsible for providing social hous- must make sure this can never hap-
Lidl branch has told shoppers they satisfy demand in every pub. ing in the damp one-bedroom flat in ing are "held to account". pen again."
can only buy three boxes at a time. “This is not specific to Wether-
Asda said customers would be spoon and other hospitality oper-
limited to buying two boxes of any ators and supermarkets are facing
number of eggs until further notice. similar issues.” It comes amid a Water customers may be owed
Wetherspoons is also reportedly shortage of eggs partly caused by
serving full English breakfasts with- another outbreak of avian flu, but
out eggs as it grapples with supply also because of a delayed knock-on £163m for sewage spills
issues. impact from millions of birds dying
A Wetherspoons spokesman told during the summer’s heatwave.
WATER customers in England charging sewage in to rivers and the the Financial Times, which found
and Wales may be owed £163m for sea 400,000 times in 2020. that water firms had "slashed" in-
sewage spills, corporate wrongdoing The water industry in England and vestment in critical infrastructure
Ofcom receives 1,100 researchers claim. Wales is currently under criminal by up to a fifth since they were priva-
Water firms charge customers to investigation by regulators Ofwat tised 30 years ago.
complaints about Matt Hancock treat sewage, but instead have been and the Environment Agency over Over the same period, the firms
widely discharging it in to rivers and sewage discharges, and it has opened borrowed £53bn, but much of that
UNIVERSITY OFCOM has with how he had been treated on to beaches, researchers from Fi- six enforcement cases against com- has been used to pay £72bn in div-
received more than 1,000 com- by other contestants, who have deres said. panies. idends to shareholders, not for new
plaints about Matt Hancock ap- somewhat rounded on him over The firms have not invested However, the Fideres researchers investment. A certain amount of
pearing on I'm a Celebrity... Get his handling of the pandemic and enough, leading to an "excessively called for further action over compe- people's water bills is supposed to go
Me Out of Here! during his first for his affair with Gina Coladan- low quality service", the researchers tition concerns, as first reported by towards cleaning waste water.
week on the show. gelo, who is now his partner after said. the Guardian. But due to the spills, "there is a
Of the near 2,000 who wrote he separated from his wife of 15 However, a water industry body Chris Pike, one of the researchers, reasonable case to be made under
to the television watchdog about years. A statement from Ofcom said firms were putting in place a said that the firms "face no compet- competition law that users may have
the ITV reality show, just over said: "It's worth being aware that £56bn programme to tackle spills. itive pressure", which has led to un- been overcharged by approximately
half (1,100) objected to the for- under our rules, in principle - and Water firms have been under pres- derinvestment. £163m over the last six years", the
mer health secretary taking part taking into account freedom of sure to clean up their act after dis- He pointed to recent research by researchers said.
- while he still serves as MP for expression - there's no ban on any
West Suffolk. particular person taking part in
Pensioner becomes Britain’s
Others were said to be upset programmes...”
‘oldest first-time buyer’
WATER A new homeowner has has spent the past year. But he al- worth the wait.” In August it was re-
become Britain’s oldest first-time ways wanted to have his own home, ported that first-time buyers would
buyer after collecting his keys aged and bought the bungalow so he could need an extra £12,000 to get on the
86. Pensioner Edward Simon Jones spend the last years of his life in his property ladder as interest rates soar.
just got his first place – a £147,000 own surroundings. Simon said: “I’m The warning, from property firm Zo-
bungalow in Flintshire, Wales. Ed- so excited to finally have a place of opla, was another hammer blow for
ward, who is known as Simon, spent my own, I loved it at Marleyfield but those struggling to get a mortgage
his whole life living on his family’s I want to spend the remaining years this year as the cost of living squeeze
farm before moving into Marleyfield I have in my own home. “It’s been a leaves more people priced out of the
House assisted care facility where he long time coming but it’s certainly market.