Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1132
P. 35

6                                                                                       Londra Gazete, 17 November 2022

                                                                       UK's reputation has taken a

                                                                         knock, admits Rishi Sunak

                                                                        TALKS    UK's   international
                                                                      reputation has taken "a bit of a
                                                                      knock" this year, Rishi Sunak has
                                                                      admitted, as he vowed to restore
                                                                      economic stability.
                                                                        The prime minister said tax
                                                                      rises and spending cuts in Thurs-
                                                                      day's Autumn Statement were
           Dominic Raab facing two                                    needed to reduce rising inflation
                                                                      and UK public debt.
                                                                        Critics of his approach fear it
          complaints over behaviour                                   could worsen a predicted two-
                                                                      year recession.
          DOMINIC  Raab has revealed  officials in previous roles, which   But Mr Sunak said decisions
         that two formal complaints have  he has denied. He added he would   would be taken in a "fair" way,   ni-budget.           second financial package in un-
         been  made  about  his  behaviour  "co-operate fully" with any in-  and everyone would benefit from   "The best way to do that is to  der  two  months,  comes  after
         during previous stints as a cabi-  quiry into his conduct. In a letter   reduced debt levels.  get a grip of our borrowing levels,  mostly now-abandoned tax cuts
         net minister.                 to Mr Sunak, Mr Raab said the    Speaking to the BBC's political   and have our debt on a sustaina-  in the mini-budget, outlined
          Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has  complaints related to his time as   editor Chris Mason at the G20   ble basis falling," he added.  by Liz Truss's chancellor Kwasi
         agreed with a request by the jus-  justice secretary and foreign sec-  summit in Indonesia, he added   Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, who  Kwarteng, sparked financial tur-
         tice secretary and deputy PM for  retary  under  former  Prime  Min-  reducing inflation was his "num-  will unveil the Autumn State-  moil. Labour shadow chancellor
         an independent inquiry into the  ister Boris Johnson. He added he   ber one challenge".     ment on today (17 November)  Rachel Reeves said the country's
         complaints.                   had "never tolerated bullying" and   He added it was important to  has warned that everyone will  financial "predicament" was the
          Mr Raab has faced a series of  had "always sought to reinforce   "limit" mortgage repayments for  pay more tax under his plans to  result not just of the mini-budget,
         newspaper allegations he bullied  and empower" civil servants.
                                                                      homeowners, which have risen  repair the public finances.     but "12 years of Conservative
                                                                      in the wake of September's mi-   The budget, the government's  mismanagement".
             Rising energy and food bills tip

         inflation to highest level since 1981                         MPs: UK zoonotic research site left to

          THERE has been a higher than  prices index (CPI) measure of in-                             deteriorate
         expected leap in the rate of infla-  flation was the highest since Oc-
         tion, to a 41-year high of 11.1%  tober 1981.
         last month, led by the latest rise   It added that prices rose be-  THE UK's main facility for deal-  der way to upgrade the laborato-  down" which would severely im-
         in energy bills.              tween September and October    ing with viruses that jump from  ries.                        pact the UK's ability to effectively
          The Office for National Statis-  2022 by as much as they did in   animals to humans has been left   The centre is operated by the  respond to outbreaks.
         tics (ONS) revealed the increase,  the entire year to July 2021.  to "deteriorate to an alarming ex-  government's Animal and Plant   Some of the deadliest viruses on
         from  10.1%  in  September,  as   Economists polled by Reuters   tent," according to MPs.   Health Agency (APHA). It is cen-  earth are "zoonotic diseases" that
         the cost of light and heating for  had expected the rate of infla-  The Public Affairs Committee  tral to the UK's ability to control  cross between species such as Cov-
         homes  rose  further  despite  help  tion to rise to 10.7% - itself still   report cited "inadequate manage-  the outbreak of animal diseases  id-19, Sars or Ebola.
         from the government's energy  almost double the pace of wage   ment and under-investment" at  and detect any emerging patho-   The report said the risk to the
         price guarantee that limits whole-  growth.                  the site in Weybridge.         gens.                          UK of a zoonotic disease was "real
         sale charges for gas and power  Surging energy prices have     It said the Department for En-  The Public Accounts Committee  and the consequences can be dev-
          Food was cited as the other ma-  been the main driver of the cost   vironment, Food & Rural Affairs  found more than "1,000 single  astating", and accused the gov-
         jor element adding inflationary  of living crisis - mostly a conse-  (Defra)  had  "comprehensively  points of failure" at the Weybridge  ernment of not sufficiently prior-
         pressure during October, rising  quence  of  Russia's  invasion  of   failed in its historical manage-  site.  Its  report  said  deterioration  itising this threat to "UK health,
         at the fastest annual pace since  Ukraine in February that sent the   ment" of the centre.  had left the laboratories "contin-  trade, farming and rural commu-
         1977.                         cost of many commodities such as   Defra said work was already un-  ually vulnerable to a major break-  nities."
          The ONS estimated that the  wheat, and the cost of producing
         11.1% reading for the consumer  them, through the roof.
                                                                       UK strikes revised deal with France

                                                                                         on Channel migrants

                                                                        THE  UK  will  pay  France  £8m  crossed in small boats so far this  increased patrols will increase
                                                                      more a year under a revised deal  year, up from 28,526 last year  from £55m last year to £63m
                                                                      to try to stop people crossing the  and 8,404 the year before.  this year. During her visit, Ms
                                                                      English Channel in small boats.  Over  the  weekend, some 853  Braverman told UK broadcasters
                                                                        Under the updated agreement,  people were detected crossing the  the money would pay for a “40%
                                                                      UK police officers will be embed-  English  Channel  in  small  boats  uplift” in the number of French
                                                                      ded with their French counter-  on  Sunday,  following  972  cross-  police patrolling French beaches.
                                                                      parts in control rooms and on  ings on Saturday, the Ministry  As well as extra officers and pa-
                                                                      beaches.The number of officers  of Defence said. Under the new  trols, the British money will allow
                                                                      patrolling the French coast to try  agreement, signed by Home Sec-  more use of drones and night vi-
                                                                      to stop people setting off will rise  retary Suella Braverman during a  sion equipment, and will also be
                                                                      from 200 to 300.               trip to Paris, the amount the UK  spent on boosting reception and
                                                                        More than 40,000 people have  pays France to cover the cost of  removal centres in France.
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