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Londra Gazete, 17 November 2022                                                                                     9

                                                                       All GPs to receive direct

                                                                           access to cancer tests

                                                                        ALL GP practices in England
                                                                      will be able to book cancer tests
                                                                      directly for their patients from
                                                                      later this month, NHS bosses say.
                                                                        The option of GPs booking CT
                                                                      scans, ultrasounds and MRIs has
                                                                      been gradually rolled out in re-
                                                                      cent years, as community testing
                                                                      centres have opened.
                                                                        NHS  England chief executive
         Eating ultra-processed foods linked                          Amanda Pritchard will announce
                                                                      later  all GPs will now be able to
            to premature death, study finds                           do this.
                                                                        GPs have previously relied on
          A new study has found an “alar-  burden of critical ingredients, such   referring on to specialist hospital
         ming” link between the rising con-  as sodium, sugar, and trans fats,   doctors.
         sumption of highly processed foods   and specific foods or drinks, such as   Before referring, they have to
         such as sliced white bread and su-  sugar-sweetened beverages,” study   identify clear symptoms the pa-
         gary soft drinks and premature, pre-  co-author Eduardo AF Nilson said in   tient may have a specific type of
         ventable deaths.               a statement.                  cancer.
          Scientists studied death  rates  in   “To our knowledge, no study to   But only one out of every five
         Brazil in 2019, and found that incre-  date has estimated the potential im-  cancer cases is diagnosed through
         ased consumption of these so-called   pact of UPFs on premature deaths.   these urgent GP referrals.  ses are not diagnosed until they  sooner.
         “ultra-processed foods” (UPFs) cont-  Knowing the deaths attributable to   Patients with less clear symp-  are at a later stage.  There have been fewer than ex-
         ributed to more than 10 per cent of   the consumption of these foods and   toms face long waits for che-  And Ms Pritchard will tell dele-  pected diagnoses since the  start
         all premature deaths.          modeling how changes in dietary   ck-ups or are diagnosed only after  gates at the NHS Providers annu-  of the Covid pandemic, as fewer
          The research, published recently in   patterns can support more effective   presenting at an accident-and-e-  al conference of health managers,
         the American Journal of Preventive   food policies might prevent disease   mergency (A&E) unit or being re-  in  Liverpool, on Wednesday,  she   people attended checks.
         Medicine, found that UPFs contai-  and  premature  deaths,”  Dr  Nilson   ferred to hospital for something  hopes the new initiative will lead   And last week, the Macmillan
         ning little or no whole foods in their   said.               else.                          to tens of thousands of cancer  charity warned of about 30,000
         ingredients contributed to about   Ultra-processed  food  such  as  pa-  Two out of every five cancer ca-  cases every year being detected  missing cancer cases.
         57,000  premature  deaths  in  the   ckaged baked snacks, ready-to-eat
         South American country that year.  meals,  frozen  pizza,  sugary  drinks
          Scientists, including those from   and cereals are a common part of
         the University of São Paulo in Brazil,   modern diets, but a growing num-  Leprosy: Ancient disease able to
         say the findings are “alarming” espe-  ber of studies link them to a range of
         cially  since  Brazilians  consume  far   adverse health conditions, including   regenerate organs
         less of these products than those in   obesity, dementia, and cancer.
         countries with higher incomes.  Scientists also point out that UPFs
          “Previous modeling studies have   are low in protein and fibre, and he-  LEPROSY, one of the world’s  living animals, we may be able to  mals developed enlarged – yet
         estimated the health and economic   avy in added sugar, fat and salt.  oldest and most persistent dis-  translate that knowledge to de-  healthy and unharmed – livers
                                                                      eases, may have the surprising  velop safer therapeutic interven-  with the same vital components,
                                                                      ability to grow and regenerate liv-  tions to rejuvenate ageing livers  such as blood vessels and bile
          Type 1 diabetes trial to                                    ers, new research has suggested.  and to regenerate damaged tis-  ducts, as the uninfected and re-
                                                                                                                                    sistant armadillos.
                                                                        Scientists have discovered that  sues.”
                                                                                                                                      Researchers are hopeful the
                                                                                                       Previous studies promoted the
         identify at-risk children                                    parasites associated with the dis-  regrowth of mouse livers by gen-  discovery, published in Cell Re-
                                                                      ease can reprogramme cells to in-
                                                                      crease the size of a liver in adult   erating cells via an invasive tech-  ports Medicine, has the potential
                                                                      animals without causing damage,   nique that often resulted in scar-  to help develop interventions for
          RESEARCHERS are recruiting  body cannot function properly.                                 ring and tumour growth.        ageing and damaged livers in hu-
         20,000 children for a trial to try to   Approximately 29,000 children in   scarring or tumours.  They  found  the  infected  ani-  mans.
                                                                        This natural process could pos-
         identify those at high risk of devel-  the UK currently have type 1 diabe-  sibly be adapted to renew ageing
         oping type 1 diabetes.        tes, out of a total of about 400,000
          If left undiagnosed or untreated,  people. For them, managing the con-  livers and increase healthspan
         the condition can lead to life-threat-  dition involves injecting insulin and   – the length of time living dis-
         ening complications.          testing blood glucose levels regularly.  ease-free – in humans, the find-
          The trial, led by the University of   The condition is very different to   ings suggest.
         Birmingham, could mean access to  type 2 diabetes, which is often linked   Experts say it could also help
         new treatments for children at high  to poor diet or an unhealthy lifestyle.  regrow damaged livers, reduc-
         risk.                           The organisers want children aged   ing the need for transplantation.
          The researchers say it may also of-  three to 13 to sign up for the tri-  Currently, transplant is the only
         fer insights that could make screen-  al, which will analyse their blood -   option for people with end-stage
         ing for type 1 diabetes a possibility.  through finger prick and vein tests   scarred livers.
          Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune  - for autoantibodies.       Professor Anura Rambukkana,
         condition where the immune system   These are linked to the develop-  lead author from the University
         attacks and destroys cells in the pan-  ment of type 1 diabetes. Those with   of Edinburgh’s Centre for Regen-
         creas which produce insulin.  two or more autoantibodies have an   erative Medicine, said: “If we can
          Insulin is crucial because it moves  85% chance of having the condition   identify how bacteria grow the
         energy from food from the blood to  within 15 years, and are almost cer-  liver as a functional organ with-
         the cells of the body - without it, the  tain to develop it in their lifetime.  out causing adverse effects in
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