Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1120
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, 25 August 2022
London bus drivers set to strike
over bank holiday weekend
BUS drivers in west and south-
west London will go on strike this
bank holiday weekend, affecting
some routes which serve Notting
Hill Carnival.
Unite union members working
at London United garages, which
operates a bus franchise in the
Date for Elizabeth line capital, plan to walk out on Sun-
day 28 and Monday 29, affecting
63 routes across west and south-
link-up revealed west London.
It comes after bus drivers on
those routes staged a 48-hour
THE first direct Elizabeth line the next stage of the £20bn line’s strike last weekend in a row over
trains between Canary Wharf, the opening. The set date will also pay, claiming that London United
Square Mile and Heathrow air- see the line operate seven days a was not offering sufficient pay cent in 2022 and 4.2 per cent next 30.
port will start running in Novem- week. Since its opening on May increases to keep pace with infla- year. However, Unite has reject- Night buses on Saturday August
ber, it was revealed on Tuesday. 24, two-and-a-half years late and tion. ed this as being an effective re- 27 into Sunday 28 August are ex-
TfL said the affected routes al-terms pay cut.
pected to operate as normal, but
This will mean journeys between £4bn over budget, there has been would comprise around ten per- The strike action is set to dis- will not run on Sunday 28 August
the capital’s two key business dis- no regular Sunday service. cent of the overall network. rupt schedules on affected ser- or Monday 29 August.
tricts and London’s main airport A total of 11 million journeys - London United is said to be of- vices between 5am on Sunday Au- Passengers are being advised to
will take just 40 to 50 minutes – about 200,000 a day - have been fering a pay increase of 3.6 per gust 28 to 5am Tuesday August seek alternative routes.
and bring the West End within 30 made already on the line, which
minutes of Heathrow. was built to offer a direct airport
The delayed Bond Street sta- link for the business communi-
tion, at the heart of Oxford ty and to ease congestion on the Hosepipe ban begins for Thames Water
Street, will open ahead of the sec- Central line.
ond phase of the roll-out of the The third and final stage of the customers across London
Elizabeth line, though a precise line’s opening – to allow direct
date has yet to be set. trains to run between Reading or reservoir levels.
Transport for London set Sun- Heathrow and Shenfield – is due The ban which started on
day November 6 as the date for to happen next May. Wednesday 24 august applies to
around 10 million customers in
London, the Thames Valley, north
Notting Hill Carnival set to west Kent, and south Essex. It
means domestic customers are
return with a bang not allowed to use hosepipes for
cleaning cars, watering plants or
allotments, or filling paddling or
THE Notting Hill Carnival will diversity and inclusivity, featuring swimming pools.
be back in spectacular style this vibrant costumes, music, dancing, However customers are allowed
August bank holiday. and food. to use mains water from a wa-
It’s been three long years since In traditional style, the carnival tering can or bucket instead of a
the event last took to the streets, will take place over the bank hol- hose. Blue Badge holders, or those
due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so iday weekend, from August 27 to on the company's Priority Servic-
anticipation for this year’s event is 29. A hosepipe ban has come into restrictions. es Register can still use a hose for
higher than ever. The outdoor festival first took force for Thames Water custom- The company says the driest watering the garden, cleaning ve-
From the spectacular floats to place in the streets of Notting Hill ers, the latest operator to impose July on record has resulted in low hicles and maintaining ponds.
the steel bands and mouthwater- in 1966, when resident Rhaune
ing food, it’s guaranteed to draw Laslett organised a street fayre for
a huge crowd to west London this local children.
August, with about 2 million peo- Today, although still proudly Student nurse found 'safe and well'
ple expected to celebrate. Here’s community-led, the carnival has
what you need to know. grown to become one of the world's in Hampshire after going missing
The annual street festival is the largest arts celebrations - second
in south London
UK’s largest celebration of culture, only to Brazil's Rio Carnival in size.
MISSING student nurse Owami said Detective Chief Inspector Ni- This was one working hypothe-
Davies has been found 'safe and gel Penney from the Met police. sis, the Met said, adding that of-
well' in Hampshire more than sev- "She was found outside the Lon- ficers were keeping an open mind
en weeks after she went missing in don area in the county of Hamp- to all possibilities.
south London, the Metropolitan shire and she is currently with spe- But after a member of the public
Police said. cialist officers from my team and responded to a media appeal, they
Police confirmed the 24-year- I can definitely say she is safe and
old, from Grays in Essex, had been well...” were able to locate her on Tuesday.
located after a string of public ap- Detectives said on Monday that Ms Davies had last been seen
peals to help track her down. Ms Davies could be sleeping rough, on July 7 after leaving her fami-
"The is clearly the outcome that with no money on her Oyster card ly home in Grays, Essex on July
we were hopeful for the family of and no access to her phone or bank 4 having told her mother she was
the missing lady Owami Davies," cards. going to the gym.