Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1120
P. 39

2                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 25 August 2022

         Can you help save Dilly?!

          WHEN he was just 20-months-  kicking the football - she knew   “I thought he'd just be sent
         old Dilly was diagnosed with leu-  something was wrong.      home with antibiotics, I never
         kaemia and is now in desperate   The family of four live in Lon-  thought it would be anything like
         need of a life-saving bone marrow  don and it was during the first  this”, Amy said.
         transplant.                   lockdown in May 2020, Amy said   Medics at the hospital took an
          Now, celebrities like Mark  that Dilly started to limp.     X-ray  and told  Amy  there  was
         Wright and Michelle Keegan have   Amy said: “I started to notice  nothing wrong with Dilly’s bones,
         backed the desperate mum’s cam-  other signs, he was pale, had  that there was no break or frac-
         paign to sign up to the blood stem  swollen lymph nodes around his   ture.
         cell register.                neck and armpits and had bruises   They told Amy they would need
          Speaking to The Sun, Amy,  around the eyes...”              to do a blood test, which she said
         35, said her son, affectionately   Following a GP appointment,   didn’t initially ring alarm bells.
         known as Dilly Aksehir, had been  the family were then referred to   But  after the  blood test,  medics
         the most smiley happy, little boy,  the A&E department at the Royal   told Amy to call her partner, Oguz
         which was why when he stopped  London Hospital.              Aksehir.
                                                                        Amy said: “They took us into a
                                                                      side room and told us that he had
                                                                        From there, Amy was told her
                                                                      son faced three years of treat-
                                                                      ment. He has been in and out of
                                                                      hospital with infections, but ini-
                                                                      tially he had a great response to
                                                                      chemotherapy, which he was hav-  strong chemo that will get rid of  blood cancer and blood disorders,
                                                                      ing to make sure the leukaemia  the old bone marrow.          you can order a free swab kit
                                                                      didn’t return.                  “When we were first told I  from them by registering at www.
                                                                        Dilly turned 4 yesterday (Au-  couldn’t stop crying. Our daugh-  As Dilly has a mixed
                                                                      gust 23), but instead of planning  ter Aiyla is only two-years-old  ethnicity with his father Turkish
                                                                      his party, mum Amy is now ral-  and Dilly was diagnosed when she  background and his mother Eng-
                                                                      lying support for people to come  was just four-months.       lish they have said this has made
                                                                      forward to be a donor.          “We’ve never really been able to  it more challenging to find a do-
                                                                         “If they find a match, we will  do anything as a family.”   nor and are appealing to as many
                                                                      have to move to a ward two weeks   DKMS is an international char-  people to donated to help save his
                                                                      before so they can blast him with  ity dedicated to the fight against  life.
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