Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1120
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 25 August 2022 5
Passengers stuck
Eurotunnel for hours
DOZENS of people were left
stranded for hours inside the
Channel Tunnel after a train from
Calais to Folkestone appeared to
have broken down.
Footage emerged showing Euro-
tunnel Le Shuttle passengers be-
ing evacuated through an emer-
Asda ends best before dates gency service tunnel after having
to abandon their vehicles.
on 200 fresh products ferred to a replacement train and
They were eventually trans-
taken to the Folkestone terminal
ASDA is scrapping best before to help tackle food waste in our in Kent.
dates on hundreds of fruit and homes. A Eurotunnel spokesman said
vegetable products to help reduce "Our research has shown that services were now back to normal.
food waste. date labels on fruit and veg are Le Shuttle said Tuesday night's
The supermarket will make the unnecessary - getting rid of them incident began when the train's
change to more than 200 prod- can prevent the equivalent of alarms went off and this needed
to be investigated.
ucts across its UK stores from seven million shopping baskets' A spokesman said such inci-
September. worth from our household bins." dents were unusual but not ex- board to another shuttle, via the original shuttle and reunited
They will be replaced by a code Best before labels are used to ceptional - far more common on them with their vehicles."
that Asda staff will use to check indicate when the product is at trains carrying lorries than those service tunnel [which is there A passenger, who did not want
quality and freshness. its best quality, taste and texture. with private cars. for exactly that purpose]," the to be named, spoke with PA say-
Waste & Resources Action Pro- But foods can be safe to eat be- "The Shuttle was brought to spokesman said. ing: "Several people were freak-
gramme (Wrap) said the average yond this. a controlled stop and inspect- "We brought them to the pas- ing out about being down in the
family throws away £60 worth of They are different to use by ed. As a precautionary measure, senger terminal building, where service tunnel, it's a bit of a weird
food and drink each month. dates, which show when food can for their safety and comfort, we food and drinks were available, place... We were stuck down there
Products including citrus be cooked and consumed safely. transferred the passengers on- and then slowly brought out the for at least five hours."
fruits, potatoes, cauliflowers, The Food Standards Agency
and carrots will all have the labels said it is up to manufacturers to
removed. decide whether to include a use
Catherine David, director of by or best before date on their Top A-level grades fall in
collaboration and change at products. It will depend on fac-
Wrap, said: "We are delighted tors such as how the food is made
by this development from Asda and how risky it is. first exams since Covid
THE proportion of top A-lev-
Chip shops face el grades in England, Wales and education has been disrupted”. students have not.
Similar plans were put in place
They are being advised to search
for vacancies through clearing,
Northern Ireland has fallen since for Northern Ireland and Wales.
'extinction' amid cost 2021, but remains higher than in ceived their exam results on 9 Au- which is where Ucas highlights
In Scotland, where pupils re-
About 36.4% of A-levels were gust, the pass rate at Higher level
Ucas also said more students
of living crisis marked at A* and A this year, fell to 78.9% – down from 87.3% from the most disadvantaged
backgrounds were awarded a
while last year, 44.8% of exams in 2021.
were graded A or above. Ucas, said 425,830 students place at university than in 2019,
FISH and chip shops are facing reduced opening hours to save It is the first time since 2019 have been accepted into universi- and that 71% of university appli-
"extinction" amid rising costs, an money - equating to a fall in staff- that A-level grades have been ty or college – the second highest cants who took T-levels were ac-
industry expert has warned. ing levels of four people per shop. based on public exams, after two number on record – but 20,360 cepted.
Some shops in the West of Eng- He added: "Unfortunately this years of cancellations because of
land say the soaring price of cod, is potentially an extinction event the Covid pandemic.
Students are also receiving
sunflower oil and energy has left for small businesses. T-level, BTec and other results on
them struggling. "It's like nothing we've ever last Thursday(18 August).
The National Federation of Fish seen before." The university admissions ser-
Friers is urging the government A government spokesman said: vice, Ucas, said 65.3% of students
to cut VAT and help shops with "We are working closely with in- in the UK who applied to univer-
energy bills. dustry to mitigate the impact sity got into their first choice.
A government spokesman said our sanctions against Russia may This year’s A-level marking sys-
it is supporting businesses "of all have on British businesses, in- tem has been adjusted, so that
sizes by slashing fuel duty" and cluding through the creation of grades reflect “a midway point”
introducing a 50% business rates the £100m UK Seafood Fund. between 2019 – when 25.4% were
relief. "We're already supporting busi- A* and A grades – and 2021, when
teacher-assessed grades led to a
The federation has secured a nesses of all sizes by slashing fuel boom in top marks.
meeting with ministers on Thurs- duty, introducing a 50% business England’s exam watchdog
day to push its message that the rates relief for eligible high street Ofqual has said the approach was
industry needs help. businesses and put the brakes on intended to bring grades closer
National Federation of Fish bill increases by freezing the busi- to pre-pandemic levels, while re-
Friers President Andrew Crook ness rates multiplier - worth £4.6 flecting “that we are in a pandem-
revealed about 66% of shops had billion over the next five years." ic recovery period and students’