Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1120
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 25 August 2022                                                                                       9

                                                                      Brain stimulation boosts

                                                                              memory for a month

                                                                        SCIENTISTS  have discovered
                                                                      they can boost people's memory
                                                                      for a least a month by harmless-
                                                                      ly stimulating parts of the brain
                                                                      with electricity.
                                                                        Volunteers performed better at
                                                                      word memorisation games, which
                                                                      tested both their immediate "wor-
                                                                      king"  memory  and  their  long-
                                                                      term memory, experts found.
                                                                        Exactly what the results mean
                                                                      for day-to-day life is still unclear.
                                                                        But ideas range from helping
              Autism breakthrough as                                  old  people cope  with  memory
                                                                      decline, to treating disease and
               scientists find 70 genes                               aiding exam preparation.
                                                                        Dr Robert Reinhart, from Bos-
          'strongly linked' to condition                              ton University, described the  ons of the brain.              journal Nature Neuroscience,
                                                                      stimulation technique as "an en-
                                                                                                       The  volunteers underwent  20  showed those volunteers who
                                                                      tirely different approach to isola-  minutes of stimulation daily for  were struggling with the memory
          SCIENTISTS  have  discovered   tend multiple hospital appoint-  ting and augmenting parts of the  four days in a row. Throughout  games at the beginning of the ex-
         dozens of genes that are strongly   ments and have children put th-  brain" which offered "an entirely  the study they had to memorise  periment were those whose me-
         linked to autism, in what could be   rough several psychological tests.  new  realm  of  potential  treat-  lists of words, which they were  mory improved the most.
         a breakthrough.                 While drugs can be given to   ment options". People on the trial  again asked to recall one month   The researchers are investiga-
          Researchers hope the more     control symptoms such as agg-  wore a cap filled with electrodes.  later. Dr Reinhart said the treat-  ting whether the technology can
         than 70 newly-identified genetic   ression or hyperactivity, there is   A controlled electrical current,  ment "could cause selective me-  be used in Alzheimer's disease to
         variants could pave the way for   no cure. In the largest study of its   which feels similar to an itch or a  mory improvement that lasts for  stimulate the surviving brain cel-
         new tests and treatments for the   kind, U.S. researchers looked at   tingle, was then used to precisely  at least one month".  ls, as well as in schizophrenia and
         condition.                     the DNA of 150,000 participants,   alter brainwaves in targeted regi-  The results, published in the  obsessive compulsive disorder.
          Autism and related conditions   20,000 of whom had diagnosed
         such as Asperger's affect more   autism.
         than one in 100 British children   They identified 72 genes that
         ten times more than 30 years ago.  condition and hundreds more  Six million disabled people
                                        are 'very strongly' linked to the
          Despite the rise, the condition
         is still little understood and get-  with looser associations.
         ting a diagnosis can be lengthy   It's hoped the latest study, pub-  to receive £150 cost-of-
         and stressful for patients and   lished  in  Nature  Genetics,  will
         their families.                help  future  research  teams  nar-
                                                                                           living payment
          Families are often forced to at-  row their focus.

         Monkeypox: Lack of vaccines                                    A round six million disabled  council tax bands A-D in England.  “This £150 disability payment

            sparks pause in UK rollout                                people will receive a £150 cost-  Overall, the Government has  is on top of the £1,200 most
                                                                      of-living  payment  from  the  end  announced a £37 billion package  low-income benefit claimants
                                                                      of next month, the Government  of support to help people with ri-  will also receive and alongside
          THE UK's monkeypox vaccina-   vaccines" will have been given to   has said.                sing costs.                    wider support targeted at disab-
         tion rollout is likely to be paused   vulnerable groups by the end of   The one-off payment, announ-  Minister for disabled people,  led people, including help with
         for several weeks, with stocks of   the month, meaning there could   ced in May, will be paid automati-  health and work Chloe Smith  transport and prescription costs.
         the jab set to run out in parts of   be several weeks without supp-  cally to people who receive certain   said: “We know disabled people   “We know it’s a worrying time
         the country.                   lies across the country.      disability benefits from Septem-  can face additional costs, which  for some people and I’d urge them
          An internal memo, seen by      Meanwhile an internal letter to   ber 20, the Department for Work   is why we are acting to help redu-  to check they are getting all the
         the BBC, the UK Health Security   senior staff at the UKHSA, lea-  and Pensions (DWP) said.  ce the financial pressures on the  support on offer by searching
         Agency is said to hold back some   ked to the BBC, has detailed how   The majority of eligible people   most vulnerable.   Help for Households.”
         doses to give to people already   some  of  that  stock  will  be  held   will receive their payment within
         exposed to the virus.          back  for  'post-exposure'  -  where   a couple of weeks of this date, it
          Many clinics, including Lon-  people who have been exposed
         don's  busiest,  say  stocks  have   to the virus are given a vaccine   added.
         already run out and new appoint-  in the hope of reducing severe sy-  The payment is intended to
         ments have ceased.             mptoms.                       help disabled people with the ri-
          The UKHSA says it's trying to   So far there have been 3,017   sing cost of living and the higher
         "expedite  delivery"  of  a  further   cases in total across the UK, with   costs they face, such as for care
         100,000 doses.                 officials noting that the outbreak   and mobility needs.
          In its latest update on the mon-  is beginning to slow.       It comes on top of other cost-
         keypox outbreak, the UKHSA has   The latest data shows 29 cases   of-living payments totalling £650
         predicted all of the UK's current   a day confirmed on average, com-  for disabled people on low inco-
         supplies of vaccine will have been   pared to 52 cases a day during   mes.
         distributed to providers by the   the last week in June. More than   All households will receive £400
         middle of August.              25,000  people  have  received  a   to help towards energy bills, and
          It goes on to say "all available   dose of the vaccine.     an extra £150 for properties in
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