Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1118
P. 37

4                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 11 August 2022

                                                                       Thames Water plans to introduce

                                                                                    hosepipe ban ‘in weeks’

                                                                        THAMES Water has said it is
                                                                      planning to announce a hosepipe
                                                                      ban in the coming weeks.
                                                                        While the water company has
                                                                      not  revealed when exactly  a  ban
                                                                      would come into force, the pub-
                                                                      lic should expect it to start some
                                                                      time soon and to affect the com-
                                                                      pany's entire service area.
                                                                        A Thames Water spokesperson
                                                                      said: “Given the long-term fore-
                                                                      cast of dry weather and another
                                                                      forecast of very hot temperatures
                                                                      coming this week, we are plan-
         Londoners warned to brace for                                ning to announce a temporary
                                                                      use ban in the coming weeks.
                                                                        “We have written to the Envi-
                      further wildfires                               ronment Agency to update them
                                                                      on our approach and informed
          A Level Three heatwave alert has  ditions  –  are  prepared  for  coping   Ofwat.
         been issued for all  of England  as  during the hot weather.   “The timing is not confirmed
         Londoners were warned to brace   “The most important advice is   due  to  a  number  of  operation-
         for further grass fires this week.  to ensure they stay hydrated, keep   al and legal procedural require-                  ly said it is “always sensible” for
          In a statement on Monday, the  cool and take steps to prevent their   ments but we will be updating our  use.”            people to conserve water, when
                                                                      customers, partners, regulators
         UK Health Security Agency (HSA)  homes from overheating.”    and stakeholders at the earliest   Thames Water's service area   asked about the possibility of a
         said that a level three alert would   Londoners are being warned of   time to ensure a co-ordinated ap-  covers Berkshire, Buckingham-  hosepipe ban for London.
         be in place from midday Tuesday  how quickly grass fires can develop   proach.              shire and Oxfordshire, as well as   The Tory MP and minister for
         to 6pm on Saturday August 13 and  into a “ferocious blaze” as the cap-  “In the meantime, we continue   further afield  in  Hertfordshire,   London  was  asked how  likely  it
         apply to all regions of England.  ital enters another heatwave amid   to urge our customers to only use  Hampshire and Greater London.  is that Thames Water will impose
          Last  month,  a Level Four  alert  drought-like conditions.  what they need for their essential   Government minister Paul Scul-  such a ban.
         was issued as temperatures soared   London Fire Brigade is urging
         to a record 41C in parts of the  people  to  familiarise  themselves
         country.                      with the dangers of grass fires and
          Dr Agostinho Sousa, the head  how to prevent them.                        650 children subjected to
         of extreme events  and health   Grass fires often move quickly
         protection at the HSA, said: “We  and can be unpredicatable. They   ‘traumatising’ strip-searches by Met
         want everyone to enjoy the warm  most commonly start from ciga-
         weather safely when it arrives but  rettes and barbeques.      MORE  than six hundred chil-   This is required by law, except in  Hackney Safeguarding Children
         remember that heat can have a fast   People are advised not to drop   dren underwent “intrusive and  cases of “urgency”, and usually is  Partnership (CHSCP) conclud-
         impact on health.             cigarette butts out of car windows,   traumatising” strip-searches by  a parent or guardian, but can also  ed the strip-search should never
          “It’s important to ensure that  or have barbeques in parks or on   the Metropolitan Police over a  be a social worker, carer or a vol-  have happened, was unjustified
         people who are more vulnerable –  balconies. Having a bucket of water   two-year period, with black boys  unteer.          and racism “was likely to have
         elderly people who live alone and  handy and keeping an eye on the   disproportionately  targeted,  fig-  The Children’s Commissioner,  been an influencing factor”.
         people with underlying health con-  barbeque at all times is advised.  ures show.           Dame Rachel de Souza, requested   Four Metropolitan Police of-
                                                                        Some 650 10-17-year-olds were  the figures after the Child Q scan-  ficers are being investigated for
                                                                      strip-searched by Met officers be-  dal came to light in March.  gross  misconduct  by  the  Inde-
                                                                                                       The 15-year-old schoolgirl was  pendent Office for Police Conduct
                    Sahara Salman                                     tween 2018 and 2020, according   her period after being wrongly  cident.
                                                                      to  data  obtained  from  Scotland  strip-searched by police while on  (IOPC) in connection with the in-
                                                                      Yard by the Children’s Commis-
                     named locally                                    sioner.                        suspected of carrying cannabis at   and said it “should never have
                                                                                                                                     Scotland Yard has apologised
                                                                        Of these children, 58 per cent  school.
         as girl killed in gas blast                                  were described by the officer as   The search, by female Metropol-  happened”.
                                                                                                                                     Overall,  53  per  cent  of  all  the
                                                                      being black, and more than 95 per  itan Police officers, took place in
                                                                      cent were boys.
                                                                                                     2020 without another adult pres-
                                                                                                                                    strip-searches resulted in no fur-
                                                                        In almost a quarter (23 per cent)  ent and in the knowledge that she  ther action, which the Children’s
          NEIGHBOURS of a family whose  reason, while Merton Council says it   of cases, strip-searches took place  was menstruating, a safeguarding  Commissioner said indicates that
         home was destroyed  in a gas blast  has provided help to more than 200   without an “appropriate adult”  report found.     they “may well not be justified or
         have been told they face weeks living  residents.            confirmed to have been present.  A review conducted by City &  necessary in all cases”.
         in hotels, as a girl who was killed in   Those displaced are likely to be
         the explosion was named locally as  in hotels for weeks, the council has
         Sahara Salman.                said.                            Four rescued and 50 properties damaged
          Sahara, believed to be four years   On Tuesday, local MP Siobhain
         old, died on Monday morning at her  McDonagh said there was "a lot of
         terraced home in Thornton Heath,  anger" about delays in resolving the   as burst water main in Islington
         south London.                 gas  leak,  which  was  reported  last
          Three other people sustained  month.                          AROUND  50 properties have  sures.                          cil’s housing officers door knocked
         life-threatening injuries in the blast.  Merton Council leader Ross Gar-  been damaged and four people res-  Ten fire engines and around 70  all ground floor homes on the Harv-
                                                                      cued  after  a  water  main  burst  in  firefighters were called to the scene  ist estate to check on residents and
          About 80 homes have been evacu-  rod said the Health and Safety Execu-  north London.      on Hornsey Road.               offer support, though fortunately
         ated for safety reasons, as response  tive (HSE) told him the situation had   Emergency services were called   Most of the flooding receded  there does not appear to have been
         teams wait for the remaining gas to  not stabilised since the explosion,   to the scene in Islington just after  by midday and water has been re-  any significant flooding of homes
         dissipate.                    and criticised insurance companies   7am on Monday after a 4ft deep  stored to houses in N1, N4, N5 and  on the estate. Thames Water is as-
          Police say the supply to Galpin's  for "refusing basic accommodation"   flood washed through Hornsey  N7.                 sisting private properties that have
         Road has been turned off for this  for those affected.       Road prompting multiple road clo-  Islington Council said: “The coun-  been affected...”
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