Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1118
P. 36

Londra Gazete, 11 August 2022                                                                                       5

                                                                       People turning back

                                                                      to cash as prices rise

                                                                        PEOPLE are going back to cash
                                                                      to keep tighter control on their
                                                                      spending as living costs soar, ac-
                                                                      cording to new research by the
                                                                      Post Office.
                                                                        Post offices handled  £801m
          Drivers warned over tyre                                    in personal cash withdrawals in
                                                                      July, the most since records be-
                                                                      gan five years ago.
         blowouts during heatwave                                     year earlier.
                                                                        That's up more than 20% from a
                                                                        Natalie Ceeney, chair of the
          DRIVERS  are being urged to  take steps to prepare their car be-  Cash Action Group, said it showed
         check their tyres before beginning  fore they set off.       people are "literally counting the
         journeys on “searing Saturday”.  “Peak temperatures are expect-  pennies" as they grapple with ris-
          The AA is concerned the start of  ed over the weekend when many   ing prices.
         a weekend when millions of peo-  will be travelling longer distances,   "It's absolutely because of the
         ple will be making long trips to the  whether that’s to the beach or vis-  cost of living crisis," said Ms
         seaside, football matches, music  iting friends and family, and hot   Ceeney, who chaired the govern-
         festivals and holidays will coincide  weather brings more problems   ment's independent Access to
         with extreme heat.            with engines overheating and tyre   Cash review.
          Temperatures  are  expected  to  blowouts.                    "People will be taking out cash
         peak at 35C, increasing the risk   “It’s best to set off at the coolest   and physically putting it into
         of blowouts for tyres that are in-  part of the day to reduce the risk   pots,  saying  'this  is  what  I  have   at £801m, were up almost 8%  11,500 branches down to more
                                                                      for bills, this is what I have for
         flated to the wrong pressure or al-  of your engine overheating.  food, and this is what's left'."  month-on-month and up more  people  turning  to  cash  to  help
         ready damaged.                  “Equally, the wrong tyre pres-  Prices are currently rising faster   than 20% year-on-year.  manage their budgets on a week-
          Motorists should also consid-  sure can mean dangerous tyre   than they have for 40 years.   It  is  the highest  amount  since   by-week and often a day-by-day
         er having their vehicle’s cooling  blowouts on hot summer days   The increase in the cost of liv-  records began five years ago,   basis.
                                                                                                     and  only  the  second  time  that
         system checked by a mechanic as  when road surface temperatures   ing is putting a squeeze on peo-  personal cash withdrawals have   It also said it was partly due
         overheated engines are a common  increase, so check the pressure   ple's finances, as incomes fail to  exceeded £800m. The last time   to more people choosing to have
         cause of breakdowns in hot weath-  regularly.”               keep up.                       was December 2021, and there's   staycations, with recent research
         er, according to the AA.        RAC spokesman Simon Williams   In  total,  £3.32bn in cash was  always an increase in withdrawals   by the Post Office finding that
          Radiator cooling fans are more  said: “Drivers should carry plenty   deposited and withdrawn at Post  around that time of year, the Post   71% of Brits planning on going
         likely to seize on older cars, mean-  of water, melt-proof snacks, a hat   Office counters in July, £100m  Office said.    on holiday in the UK this year
         ing they will not work when need-  or an umbrella for shade, sun block   higher than in June.  The Post Office put the ex-  intended to take out cash before
         ed, potentially leading to costly  and a fully charged mobile phone   Personal  cash  withdrawals,  tra volume of withdrawals at its  leaving.
         engine damage.                in case of an unexpected break-
          AA patrol of the year Sean Sidley  down. “Being stuck at the side of
         said: “Having your car break down  a road in these extreme tempera-
         would be torturous in the heat-  tures without shade or protection   Postal workers set to go on strike
         wave this week, so drivers should  could be very dangerous.”
                                                                               to demand 'proper pay rise'

         WhatsApp users will be able to leave
                                                                                                                                    million, our members won’t ac-
                                                                        OVER 115,000 postal workers  brink...
           groups without everyone knowing                            are to stage a series of strikes in    “We can’t keep on living in a  cept pleads of poverty from the
                                                                      the coming weeks in a dispute  country where bosses rake in bil-  company.
                                                                      over pay.                      lions in profit while their employ-  “Postal workers won’t meekly
          WHATSAPP users will be able  ways to keep users' messages as   The Communication Workers  ees are forced to use food banks.  accept their living standards be-
         to leave groups without everyone  "secure as face-to-face conversa-  Union (CWU) said it will be the   “When  Royal  Mail  bosses  are  ing hammered by greedy business
         knowing under new privacy fea-  tions" by Mark Zuckerberg, the   biggest strike of the summer so  raking in £758 million in profit  leaders who are completely out of
         tures.                        chief executive of WhatsApp's   far to demand a “dignified, proper  and shareholders pocketing £400  touch with modern Bri5tain...”
          The changes will also allow peo-  parent company Meta.      pay rise”.
         ple to control who can see when   They are being launched along-  Strikes will be held on Friday
         they are online and to prevent   side a global advertising cam-  August  26,  Wednesday  31st  and
         screenshots  of  auto-deleting  paign starting in the UK and In-  September 8 and 9.
         "View Once" messages.         dia.                             The decision follows a recent
          The features are described as   When people on WhatsApp     ballot for strike action, which saw
                                       leave group chats at present, the   members vote by 97.6 per cent on
                                                                      a 77 per cent turnout to take ac-
                                       entire chat receives a notification   tion.
                                       that they have exited, potentially   The union said management re-
                                       drawing unwanted attention. The   sponded by imposing a 2 per cent
                                       company says now only adminis-  pay rise, which it believed would
                                       trators will receive a notification.  lead to a “dramatic reduction” in
                                         The app also broadcasts to all   workers’ living standards because
                                                                      of soaring inflation.
                                       contacts of a user when they are   CWU general secretary Dave
                                       online and have the app open,   Ward said: “Nobody takes the de-
                                       something that users will be able   cision to strike lightly, but postal
                                       to choose to share.            workers are being pushed to the
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