Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1118
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 11 August 2022                                                                                       9

                                                                          Children under 10 will get

                                                                                polio boosters as virus

                                                                       returns to UK after 40 years

                                                                        CHILDREN under 10 are set to
                                                                      be offered polio vaccine boosters
                                                                      amid a rise in the amount of the
                                                                      virus detected in London's sewa-
                                                                      ge works.
                                                                        Health authorities plan to give
                                                                      children  the  shots  regardless  of
         NHS backlog of longest-wait                                  where they are on their polio vac-
                                                                      cine schedule, in a bid to prevent
          patients slashed in England                                 what would be the first commu-
                                                                      nity outbreak of the disease in
                                                                      the UK since the 1970s.
          THE number of people waiting  up beds for Covid patients.     Polio  can cause  symptoms inc-
         longer than two years for routine   The situation pushed people into   luding a high temperature, tired-
         operations  in  England  has  fallen  borrowing thousands of pounds   ness, headaches, vomiting and
         from 22,500 at the start of the  for private treatment.      muscle pain. In rare and extreme
         year, to fewer than 200, according   To reduce the backlog, patients   cases it can lead to more serious
         to NHS figures.               have been offered travel and ac-  symptoms that affect the brain                             cine uptake is lower," Dr Vanessa
          This excludes more than 2,500   commodation costs to be treated in                           Children across Greater Lon-
         who are complex cases or chose not   an alternative part of the country.  and nerves.       don will be offered the shots from  Saliba, consultant epidemiologist
         to travel for speedier treatment.  In England, large numbers have   Earlier this year officials found  Wednesday, the Daily Mirror re-  at UKHSA, said.
          NHS England said it had achieved   been sent to private hospitals for   traces of the poliovirus in sewage  ported.         “Most of the UK population will
         the first milestone in its plan to   surgical procedures, while com-  samples collected from north and   “Most of the UK population will  be protected by vaccination in
         eliminate backlogs caused by Cov-  munity diagnostic centres have   east London.            be protected by vaccination in  childhood but it’s clear that Vac-
         id.                           been set up to deliver thousands of   Officials stressed that the risk  childhood but it’s clear that Vac-  cine Derived Poliovirus (VDPV)
          But a record 6.6 million people                             to the public from this was "very  cine Derived Poliovirus (VDPV)  could potentially spread, particu-
         are still waiting for hospital treat-  checks and scans.     low" but that it was important to  could potentially spread, particu-  larly in communities where vacci-
                                         NHS England promised to “vir-
         ment.                                                        keep vaccines up to date.      larly in communities where vac-  ne uptake is lower."
          There is still a mountain to climb,   tually eradicate” the list of people
         experts say, to reduce the number –   waiting more than two years for
         currently about 400,000 – waiting   treatment, by the end of July.  `
         more than a year. And winter will   It  has  now  shrunk  to  168  pa-  Victims of racism more likely to suffer
         probably  bring  more  delays  and   tients, who mostly live in the South
         pressure.                     West – the area worst affected by             memory loss, study suggests
          But eliminating 18-month waits   Covid staff absences and pressure
         – currently affecting about 50,000   on the health service.       PEOPLE who experience  “What’s shocking about the-      communities within the UK.
         – by April 2023 is next on the gov-  In addition to the 22,500 people   racism are more likely to ex-  se findings is that racism and   “Everyone deserves ap-
         ernment’s agenda.             waiting two years or more at the   perience  memory  problems  discrimination  doesn’t  just  propriate care when they face
          The numbers of people waiting  start of the year, a further 43,500   in later life, a new study has  have an immediate impact on  the immense challenges of
         a long time for routine hospital  who would have waited more than   suggested.               people from ethnic minority  dementia, but we know too
         treatment have soared during the  two  years  by the  end of  July  had   Results of two US-based  communities, but can also  many support services aren’t
         past two years throughout the UK,  also been treated, NHS England   studies suggest past discrimi-  lead to long lasting effects on  culturally aware, and we’ve
         as operations were cancelled to free  said.                      natory events experienced by  brain health, increasing the  heard from people in these
                                                                          people from Black, Asian and  chance of memory and thin-  communities that this is lea-
                                                                          minority ethnic backgrounds  king problems developing la-  ving them feeling unsuppor-
         People resorting to ‘DIY dentistry’                              can have long-lasting effects  ter in life.              ted and isolated.”

                                                                          on brain health on even the   “Of the 900,000 people li-   The number of Black and
          PEOPLE  are resorting to “DIY   Across England, 91 per cent of   oldest in the population.  ving with dementia in the  Asian people living with de-
         dentistry” because they are unable to  NHS practices were not accepting   Following the unveiling of  UK,  25,000  are  from  ethnic  mentia is expected to double
         get an appointment with the NHS, a  new adult patients (4,933 of 5,416),   this research at Alzheimer’s  minority  communities,  so  by 2026 with the steepest inc-
         health official has warned.   rising to 97 per cent in the East Mid-  Association  International  while these are American stu-  rease expected in South Asian
          Some have been forced to make  lands, and 98 per cent in the South   Conference  2022  in  the  US,  dies, it’s clear more also needs  communities, according to
         teeth out of resin and others have  West, North West and Yorkshire and   the UK’s leading Alzheimer’s  to be done to support these  the Alzheimer’s Society.
         pulled out their own teeth because  the Humber.                  charity  has  called  upon  the
         of the “dire” situation with NHS den-  The BDA previously said that since   government to fulfil its ple-
         tistry,  national director of Health-  March  2020,  some  3,000  dentists   dge  to  fund  more  dementia
         watch England Louise Ansari said.  are understood to have moved away   research.
          The claims come as a survey by the  from NHS work entirely.      Previous reviews indicate
         British Dental Association (BDA)   A BDA poll of 2,200 high street   that Black people are more
         and the BBC found that the majority  dentists in England found that 45   at risk of dementia but less
         of NHS dental practices in the UK are  per cent have reduced their NHS   likely to receive a timely diag-
         unable to offer appointments to new  commitment since the start of the   nosis due to multiple barriers
         adult patients.               pandemic.                          in accessing healthcare.
          Some 8,533 dental practices across   The figure also found that 75 per   Dr Richard Oakley, Asso-
         the UK that were believed to hold  cent are “likely” to reduce, or further   ciate Director of Research
         NHS contracts were reached out to  reduce, their NHS commitment in   at Alzheimer’s Society, said:
         as part of the survey.        the next 12 months.
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