Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1118
P. 35

6                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 11 August 2022

                                                                       Fuel prices slowly falling in

                                                                           the UK as recession fears

                                                                            outweigh 'war premium'

                                                                        PETROL  and  diesel  prices  are
                                                                      slowly but steadily falling in the
                                                                      UK, latest figures show.
                                                                        The average price for a litre of
                                                                      unleaded on Saturday, the latest
                                                                      figure available, was 177.46p, ac-
                                                                      cording to the RAC, while diesel
                                                                      cost an average of 188.23p.
         Ministers to meet energy                                     been 178.93p and 189.3p respec-
                                                                        On Thursday, the prices had

          giants over cost of living                                  tively.
                                                                        It comes as world oil prices
                                                                      fall, something analysts said was
          MINISTERS  will hold talks     Almost a quarter of households   due to fears that tough economic
         with  energy  giants  on  Thursday  owe £206 to energy firms, on av-  times ahead could see a weaken-
         to discuss measures to ease the  erage, with the total debt owed by   ing in demand.
         cost of living.               the public triple that of Septem-  "Gains triggered by the inva-
          Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi  ber last year, according to a sur-  sion of Ukraine have now been  invasion.                    said: "Last week's price action left
         and Business Secretary Kwasi   vey of 2,000 households.      cancelled out, as rising interest   UK wholesale prices had risen  no doubt that recession-driven
         Kwarteng will meet bosses to dis-  Forecasts predict average annu-  rates and the subsequent cooling  because of the wider scramble to  demand concerns have the upper
         cuss rising prices and the sector's   al  energy  bills  could  rise  to  over   this is expected to have on glob-  secure more stocks, resulting in a  hand over supply fears.
         profits, The Sun reported.    £4,200 by January - almost half   al economies, outweigh previous  litre of petrol hitting an average   "One could even go as far as
          Concerns over what will happen   the basic state pension of £9,628   questions about a lack of supply  of 191.43p and diesel 199.07p at  saying the war premium has
         this winter come as figures sug-  this year.                 caused by the conflict."       the beginning of July.         evaporated."
         gest many households are already   Mr Johnson has faced growing   Brent crude, the international   But on Monday Brent crude fell   Monday's fall came just days
         in energy debt.               criticism for not announcing fur-  benchmark, had shot up to more  to $93.38 a barrel, having last  after the Bank of England
          Tory leadership candidate Liz                               than $124 a barrel after the Eu-  week hit its lowest point since  warned that the UK was facing a
         Truss dismissed calls to agree   ther support beyond the £15bn   ropean Union announced in May  February,  although  it  had  risen  15-month recession, and as the
         immediate  plans  to  help  those   package set out in May, while the   that it would ban most oil im-  slightly to $94.47 by 2.30pm UK  UK and the US both try to tame
         struggling.                   government is under pressure to   ports from Russia as part of its  time.                    high - and rapidly climbing - in-
          She told a hustings in Darling-  do more to help with bills.  sanctions package following the   PVM analyst Stephen Brennock  flation.
         ton it would be "bizarre" to dis-  But Education Secretary James
         cuss potential policies with her   Cleverly said any major support
         rival Rishi Sunak and outgoing   package would have to wait until   UK government submits indyref2
         Prime Minister Boris Johnson   Parliament returns next month.
         before the contest ends.        Consumer expert Martin Lewis
          Yet new figures from compari-  has called on what he described      argument to Supreme Court
         son service USwitch laid bare the  as the "zombie" government to
         challenge facing Mr Johnson's  "wake up" and put together a plan
         successor.                    immediately.                     THE UK government has submit-                               competence, the UK government's
                                                                      ted its argument in a case that could                         clear view remains that a Bill leg-
                                                                      allow the Scottish Parliament to                              islating for a referendum on inde-
         ONS: 16m cutting back on                                     legislate  for  another  independence                         pendence would be outside the leg-
                                                                                                                                    islative competence of the Scottish
                                                                        The submission from the Advo-
                 food and essentials                                  cate General comes ahead of a full                            parliament."
                                                                                                                                      The Scottish government wants
                                                                      hearing on the case in October.                               judges to settle whether MSPs could
          SIXTEEN  million people in  and 77 per cent were hit by the-  UK law officers argue the consti-                           legislate for a vote on Scottish in-
         Britain have been forced to cut  jump in fuel prices.        tution is reserved to Westminster.                            dependence without Westminster's
         back on food and other essentials   Data from ONS found elderly   Last month, the Scottish govern-                         backing.
         because of the rising cost of liv-  people and those with disabilities   ment published its case, arguing the                UK law officers argue this is pre-
         ing, a survey revealed on Friday.  were the most likely to be actively   referendum is "advisory" and would                mature, and want the case thrown
          Some 24 million people also re-  reducing their energy consump-  have no legal effect on the union.                       out without a ruling either way.
         duced energy use in their homes  tion to avoid sky-rocketing bills.  The hearing will take place in Lon-                     Supreme Court judges have said
         between March and June 2022     More than half (55 per cent)   don on 11 and 12 October when oral                          they want to hear the full argu-
         as the price of gas and electricity  of people with disabilities who   arguments will be heard.                            ments from both sides before com-
         reached record highs.         were experiencing an increase in   It is understood the UK govern-                           ing to a decision.
          The findings from the Office of  their cost of living reported cut-  ment has asked for the Court's per-                    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
         National Statistics (ONS) show  ting back, compared with half of   mission to publish the submission                       wants to hold an independence vote
         nine in 10 people noticed a rise in  able-bodied people.     by the Advocate General for Scot-                             on 19 October 2023, and is pushing
         basic costs, reducing their capaci-  Londoners appeared less likely   land Lord Stewart QC.  families, not talking about another   for an agreement with the UK gov-
         ty to save.                   than those in other regions to be   A spokeswoman for the UK gov-  independence referendum.  ernment to allow this.
          More than 90 per cent of peo-  reducing their energy use with 41   ernment said: "People across Scot-  "We  have  today  submitted  our   UK ministers are opposed to this,
         ple saw their food shop costs in-  per cent reporting this change,   land want both their governments  written case to the Supreme Court,  so Ms Sturgeon wants the Supreme
         crease, while gas or electricity  compared with 51 per cent over-  to be working together on the is-  in accordance with its timetable.  Court to rule on whether Holyrood
         bills had gone up for 82 per cent  all.                      sues that matter to them and their   "On the question of legislative  alone has the power to hold a vote.
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