Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 37

4                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 28 July 2022

                                                                       Brits travelling to Spain must

                                                                          have £85 spending money a

                                                                                     day under new rules

                                                                        HOLIDAYMAKERS have react-
                                                                      ed with fury over new plans to
                                                                      deny Brits entry to Spain if they
                                                                      cannot prove they can spend a
                                                                      minimum of £85 each day of their
                                                                      trip. The plans were introduced
                                                                      at the beginning of the year af-
         Heathrow boss blames TikTok                                  ter the UK left the European Un-
                                                                      ion and require holidaymakers to
             fake injury craze for delays                             prove they can pend a minimum
                                                                      of €100 per-day -and have a min-
                                                                      imum of €900 available for the
         hindering disabled passengers                                whole trip.
                                                                        They accept several forms of
                                                                      proof including foreign curren-
          BRITAIN'S busiest travel hub has  buggy. One user 'faked  hurting  his   cy, traveller's cheques, cash, pay-
         blamed TikTok users for the ongoing  leg to get through security quicker'   ment letters or on credit cards
         airport chaos and claimed passen-  on a plane home from Ibiza, while   but anyone not able to meet the
         gers are pretending to be disabled  another posted a 'step-by-step' guide   requirements could be denied en-
         to avoid horrific queues during the  on  social  media  showing  how  to   try. Tourists hoping to holiday in
         summer getaway mayhem. Bosses at  make the 'hack' convincing.  Spain could be asked to provide  since leaving the EU. he UK For-  or family,' its guidance states.
         Birmingham airport also said there   Asked by LBC's Nick Ferrari about   border agents with a range of doc-  eign Office outlined the rules it a   "The Spanish government has
         was a 20 per cent rise in people ask-  the "absolute disgrace" of 20 wheel-  uments including proof of accom-  statement explaining: "At Span-  clarified that the 'carta de invita-
         ing for assistance and it has had to  chair passengers stuck in an allocat-  modation bookings and onward  ish border control, you may need  tion' is one of the options availa-
         buy more wheelchairs and take on  ed area of Heathrow Terminal 3 last   travel tickets.     to show a return or onward tick-  ble to prove that you have accom-
                                                                        If you Brits are traveling to stay-
                                                                                                     et; show you have enough  mon-
                                                                                                                                    modation if staying with friends
         extra staff to push them.     week with no air conditioning, Mr   ing with family or friends then  ey for your stay; show proof of  or family." The Spanish Govern-
          Heathrow chief executive John  Holland-Kaye insisted: "We do have   they may need to provide border  accommodation for your stay, for  ment rules state: "Currently, the
         Holland-Kaye said 'demand has sig-  as many people now working in our   agents with a "letter of invita-  example, a hotel booking confir-  minimum amount to be credited
         nificantly increased' for travellers  passengers  requiring  support  team   tion".Holidaymakers have reacted  mation, proof of address if visit-  is 100 euros per person per day,
         who  require  wheelchair  support  as we had before the pandemic." But   with fury at the new rules which  ing your own property (eg second  with a minimum of 900 euros or
         amid ongoing travel chaos that has  he added: "We've seen demand has   the Spanish Ministry of Interior  home), or an invitation from your  its legal equivalent in foreign cur-
         left much of the UK's aviation sector  gone up significantly. For passengers   introduced now the UK falls  un-  host or proof of their address if  rency (with effect from January
         paralysed. He said users on TikTok  requiring wheelchair support we   der the "third country" category  staying with a third party, friends  1, 2022)."
         are 'recommending' the 'travel hack'  have more demand than we had be-
         so they can skip queues at security  fore the pandemic." He said: "Some
         and use fast-track lanes and get help  of this is because people are using
         through immigration, customs and  the wheelchair support to try to get   Blue badges may be rejected in Europe
         baggage reclaim.              fast-tracked through the airport,
          Disabled passengers also have the  that is absolutely the wrong thing to   this summer because of Brexit
         option to be transported to their  be doing, we need to protect that for
         gate from departures via an electric  the people who most need help.  A    motoring  association  said  badges in many popular Europe-  years ago. British holidaymakers
                                                                      keeping blue badge users "in lim-  an holiday destinations due to an  are already contending with the
                                                                      bo is simply unacceptable" and  "outrageous" Brexit hangover.  return of roaming charges among
         Gatwick hires 400 security staff                             called on the government to "re-  British  ministers  are  still  ne-  many mobile phone operators fol-
                                                                      solve  the  matter  urgently"  with  gotiating with 11 nations on the  lowing Brexit, with the UK's de-
              to cope with summer rush                                the nations concerned. Disabled  status of UK blue badges, which  parture from the bloc also blamed
                                                                      drivers have been warned they  were  recognised  across  the  EU  for huge queues at Dover and Fol-
                                                                      may not be able to use their blue  until the UK left the union two  kestone's ports over the weekend.
          GATWICK  Airport said it has  possible, including recruiting and
                                                                                                                                     Such issues are coming to the
         hired 400 new security staff in re-  training hundreds of new security                                                     fore as this is the first summer
         cent weeks to help ease queues.  staff, many of whom have already                                                          getaway since Brexit for many
         Bosses said more staff are being  started or will be in coming weeks.                                                      Britons, with last year's COVID
         recruited in a move aimed at re-  It’s also important, however, that                                                       testing and travel rules having
         ducing pressure on the airport as  we do what we can to help passen-                                                       been dropped across the conti-
         it goes into the busy school sum-  gers  prepare for  security before                                                      nent. A motoring association said
         mer holiday period. Gatwick is also  reaching the trays. We understand                                                     keeping blue badge users "in lim-
         trying to increase awareness about  many already do this, but, by pub-                                                     bo is simply unacceptable" and
         placing liquids in a clear bag, sepa-  lishing the list of top items that are                                              called on the government to "re-
         rate from hand luggage, to reduce  currently being forgotten, we hope                                                      solve the matter urgently" with
         delays at security.           to get even more people through                                                              the nations concerned. The AA
          Chief  operating  officer  Adrian  airport security quickly, so they                                                      said disabled drivers may leave
         Witherow said: “With passen-  can go on and relax ahead of their                                                           themselves open to parking fines
                                                                                                                                    if they use their permits where no
         ger numbers rapidly returning to  flight, enjoy a drink or sit down for                                                    longer accepted.
         2019 levels, we expect to be busy,  a meal.” The announcement comes                                                         Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ita-
         particularly at peak times such as  amid an air travel crisis which has                                                    ly, and France are among the
         weekends and the forthcoming  seen thousands of flights cancelled                                                          countries still "undecided"  about
         school summer holidays. “We are  and many passengers forced to wait                                                        whether UK blue badges will be
         doing everything possible to make  for several hours in long queues at                                                     recognised, according to the UK
         the airport process as smooth as  airports.                                                                                government website.
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