Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 28 July 2022                                                                                         9

                                                                       Likely cause of mystery child

                                                                            hepatitis outbreak found

                                                                        UK  experts believe they have
                                                                      identified the cause of the recent
                                                                      spate  of  mysterious  liver  prob-
                                                                      lems affecting young children
                                                                      around the world.
                                                                        Investigations  suggest  two
                                                                      common viruses made a come-
                                                                      back after pandemic lockdowns
                                                                      ended - and triggered the rare but
         Air pollution 'is causing dementia'                          very serious hepatitis cases.
                                                                        More than 1,000 children -
                                                                      many  under  the  age  of  five  - in
          AIR pollution is fuelling a rise in  there is not enough evidence yet to
         dementia, the UK Government has  say how many dementia cases are   35 countries are thought to have
         acknowledged for the first time.  the result of air pollution.  been affected.
          Toxic airborne particles from cars   Some studies have suggested up   Some, including 12 in the UK,
         and fossil fuels have long been asso-  to a fifth of patients with the dis-  have  needed  a  lifesaving  liver
         ciated with rapidly increasing rates  ease are linked to exposure to toxic   transplant.
         of the disease in the UK and the de-  pollutants.              The two teams of researchers,   One of the investigators, Prof  are now becoming fewer but are
         veloped world.                  The 290-page report was car-  from London and Glasgow, say   Judith Breuer, an expert in viro-  still on alert for new ones.
          Now, a major independent review  ried out by the Committee on the   infants exposed later than nor-  logy, at University College Lon-  Prof Emma Thomson, who led
         has confirmed the link after analys-  Medical  Effects  of  Air  Pollutants   mal - because of Covid restricti-  don and Great Ormond Street  the University of Glasgow rese-
         ing dozens of human studies.  (COMEAP), led by Imperial College   ons - missed out on some early   Hospital,  said:  "During  the  lock-  arch, said there were still many
          The researchers concluded it was  London's Professor Frank Kelly.  immunity to: adenovirus, which   down period when children were  unanswered questions. "Larger
         'likely that air pollution can contrib-  Researchers looked at 70 human   normally causes colds and stoma-  not mixing, they were not trans-  studies are urgently needed to in-
         ute to a decline in mental ability and  studies, which included popula-  ch upsets and adeno-associated  mitting viruses to each other.  vestigate the role of AAV2 in pae-
         dementia in older people'.    tion-based research, taken from the   virus two, which normally causes   "They were not building up im-  diatric hepatitis cases.
          They believe the primary way this  general public, and experiments in a   no illness and requires a coinfec-  munity to the common infections   "We also need to understand
         happens is by tiny toxic particles  laboratory.              ting "helper" virus - such as ade-  they would normally encounter.  more about seasonal circulation
         seeping into the bloodstream after   They concluded: 'We think there   novirus - to replicate  "When the restrictions were lif-  of AAV2, a virus that is not routi-
         being breathed into the lungs.  is a strong case for the effects of   That could explain why some  ted, children began to mix, viru-  nely monitored - it may be that a
          The pollutants then irritate blood  air pollutants on the cardiovascular   developed the unusual and worr-  ses began to circulate freely - and  peak of adenovirus infection has
         vessels and disrupt circulation to  system having a secondary effect on   ying liver complications.  they suddenly were exposed with  coincided with a peak in AAV2
         the brain. Over time, this can lead  the brain.                Scientists have ruled out any  this lack of prior immunity to a  exposure, leading to an unusual
         to vascular dementia.           '...we think it likely that such ef-  connection with coronavirus  or  whole battery of new infections."  manifestation of hepatitis in sus-
          It is also likely that in rare cases  fects have an effect on the blood   Covid vaccines.    Experts are hopeful that cases  ceptible young children."
         very small air pollution particles  supply to the brain. That such an
         can pass the blood-brain barrier and  effect might well lead to damage to
         damage neurons directly.      the brain seems, to us, likely.   `
         important  mechanism  at  the  level  tion between exposure to air pollut- Doctors warn ‘dangerous’ laughing
                                         'We therefore regard the associa-
          But this does not seem to be an
         of air pollution currently in the UK,  ants and effects on cognitive decline
         the report found.             and dementia as likely to be causal       gas is becoming an ‘epidemic’
          While a link has been established,  with respect to this mechanism.'
                                                                           DOCTORS in the UK have  called “whippets.”              enquired  about  for  the  first
                                                                          warned over an “epidemic” of   Calls  to  the  National  Po-  time.
         Patients to access test results and                              patients admitted to hospital  isons  Information  Service   However, this  is merely
              GP records on the NHS app                                   from laughing gas abuse amid  have increased by 257 per  the “tip of the iceberg” said
                                                                          a 257 per cent rise in serious  cent in 2021-22, according to  Dr Mark Pucci, a toxicologist
                                                                          poisonings.                 data due to be published later  from Birmingham, as the
          PATIENTS will be able to ac-  cancer  test results,  GPs will  be   Specialist neurologists and  this year, based on data seen  NPIS only records cases whe-
         cess test results and other infor-  able to customise how and when   toxicologists  speaking  with  by The Independent.   re acute poisoning are flag-
         mation via the NHS app from No-  their records are shared.       The  Independent  warned      Data published by the NPIS  ged.
         vember in a move that will free up   Professor Sir Stephen Powis, of   they are seeing young people  in September 2021 showed   Nitrous oxide cansiters, cal-
         GP surgery phone lines.       NHS England, said: ‘Improving      admitted through emergency  a 3600 per cent increase to  led laughing gas or whippets,
          NHS England will switch on au-  patient access to health infor-  departments every two we-  37 people, in 2020-21, and  can  be  legally  obtained  and
         tomatic access to GP records on   mation on the NHS App will put   eks now due to the impacts of  its report said the substance  according to research noti-
         November 1 following a year-long   patients in the driving seat when   nitrous oxide canisters, also  was among the top 10 drugs  fications of acute poisoning
         delay  due  to  ‘safeguarding’  con-  it comes to managing their own                                                      increased from three in 2011
         cerns.                        health.’                                                                                    to 32 in 2020.
          For patients accessing more    He added it would help free up                                                              In  September 2021  home
         sensitive information, such as
                                       GP phone lines for urgent calls.                                                            secretary Priti Patel asked the
                                         The November date was con-                                                                government’s   independent
                                       firmed in a letter to GPs last                                                              Advisory Council on the Mi-
                                       week. It  said practices can  ‘con-                                                         suse of Drugs (ACMD) to re-
                                       sider  increasing  the  number  of                                                          view the harm caused by nit-
                                       patients who have online access                                                             rous oxide after half a million
                                       and/or enhance their level of ac-                                                           young people reported taking
                                       cess gradually over the coming                                                              it in 2019-20.
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