Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 35

6                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 28 July 2022

                                                                        Shamima Begum wants to be

                                                                        'as British as possible' in new

                                                                                     plea to return to UK

                                                                        SHAMIMA Begum has claimed
                                                                      she wants to be "as British as
                                                                      possible" and be a "voice against
                                                                      radicalisation"  as  she  made  a
                                                                      fresh plea to return to the UK.
                                                                      The former London schoolgirl
                                                                      – who travelled to Syria aged 15
         Truss and Sunak promise                                      alongside friends Amira Abase
                                                                      and Kadiza Sultana in 2015 – said
          crackdown on migration                                      she now wants to “be used as an
                                                                      example” to stop other Britons
                                                                      turning to extremism.
          LIZ Truss and Rishi Sunak have  da if the plan is ruled unlawful by   Speaking from the Al-Roj pris-  pleas.              with  i  by  filmmakers  Andrew
         vowed to toughen controls on mi-  the courts at an upcoming hearing.  on camp in north-east Syria, the   The timing of the latest com-  Drury and Richard Ashmore, Ms
         gration into the UK as part of their   Both leadership hopefuls said   22-year-old insisted: “I want to be  ments raises questions about her  Begum said she now wants to “be
         bids to become next Tory leader  they  would  explore  similar  deals   as British as possible.”   motivation as she faces a trial by  used as an example” to stop oth-
         and prime minister. Sunak said he  with other countries.       However, she expects to spend  the mainly Kurdish Syrian Dem-  er Brits turning to extremism. "I
         would tighten the definition of who   Foreign Secretary Liz Truss told   the rest of her life in the country  ocratic Forces, which is build-  want to be as British as possible,"
         qualifies for asylum and introduce a  the Mail on Sunday the Rwanda   in which she was captured.  ing a court inside the camp. She  the 22-year-old insisted.
         cap on refugee numbers. Truss said  policy was the right approach and   Begum is said to have been an  has been imprisoned there since   The  problem is at the age  of
         she would extend the UK's Rwanda  that she was determined to "see it   active  participant  in  the  barba-  2019 when coalition forces de-  being a teenager you’re very arro-
         asylum plan and increase the num-  through to full implementation".  rous Islamic State, and is accused  feated Isis in Baghuz and her UK  gant and you don’t listen to peo-
         ber of Border Force staff.      Ms Truss also said that if she be-  of trying to manipulate the press  citizenship was revoked.  ple so sometimes you really do
          More than 14,000 migrants have  came Tory Party leader and prime   and  UK  Government  with  her   In the new interview, shared  have to learn the hard way.
         crossed the Channel to the UK on  minister, she would increase Bor-
         small boats so far this year. In an  der Force staffing from 9,000 to
         attempt to deter the crossings, in  10,800.  She has also promised a   IMF: UK set for slowest growth of G7 countries in 2023
         April the government announced  strengthened UK bill of rights,
         it would send some asylum seek-  adding: "I'm determined to end the   THE UK is set for the slowest  US,  China  and  Europe,  the  world   The IMF has cut its 2022 global
         ers deemed to have entered the UK  appalling people trafficking we're   growth of the G7 richest economies  "may soon be teetering on the edge  growth forecast to just 3.2% and
         illegally to Rwanda to claim refuge  seeing." Former chancellor Mr Su-  next year, the International Mone-  of a global recession", it said.  warned the slowdown risks being
         there. However, no asylum seekers  nak has also pledged to do "what-  tary Fund has warned.   "We know that people are feeling  even more severe. "The outlook has
         have been sent to the east-African  ever it takes" to make the Rwanda   It is predicting UK growth will fall  the impact of rising prices, caused  darkened significantly" since April,
         country yet following a series of  scheme work and described the   to just 0.5% in 2023, much lower  by global economic factors, triggered  the last time the IMF issued fore-
         legal challenges. The UK stands to  UK's  migration  policy  as  "broken"   than its forecast in April of 1.2%.  by  the  illegal  Russian  invasion  of  casts. da, particularly for vulnerable
         lose the £120m it has paid to Rwan-  and "chaotic".            The global economy has shrunk for  Ukraine," a HM Treasury spokesper-  groups, and the adequacy of its asy-
                                                                      the first time since 2020, the IMF  son said in a statement, adding that  lum system, we are not satisfied that
         Tory rivals clash over tax                                   said, hit by the Ukraine war and Cov-  help for households included £400  it is a sufficiently safe destination to
                                                                                                     off energy bills plus personal tax cuts  be a partner in this kind of asylum
                                                                        With growth stalling in the UK,  worth up to £330 a year.   agreement.”
          RISHI  Sunak and Liz Truss tore  each other at times and shot angry
         into each other over their rival vi-  glances across the stage at Stoke-on-
         sions for the future of the UK econ-  Trent's Victoria Hall. It led to com-  Rethink Rwanda asylum plan,
         omy, in their first head-to-head TV  plaints afterwards by Ms Truss's sup-
         debate. The two contenders to be  porters  that  the  ex-chancellor  was
         the next PM did not hold back from  being too aggressive and was "mans-        MPs tell Priti Patel
         "blue-on-blue"  attacks  in  the  hour-  plaining" - something fiercely denied
         long BBC special. Sunak told Truss   by the Sunak camp.  The pair were
         her tax cut plan would "tip millions   on better terms by the end of the                                                   sider  the  UK-Rwanda  Migration
         of people into misery" and cost the   debate, with Truss saying she would                                                  and Economic Development Part-
         Conservatives the next election.   "love" to have Sunak on her team if                                                     nership (MEDP).”
         Truss  said  tax  rises  brought  in  by   she becomes PM. The ex-chancellor                                                 The letter said: “Removing asy-
         him would lead to a recession.   praised her stance on Russia. How-                                                        lum seekers to a state where they
          The foreign  secretary  and former   ever, the row over tax dominated                                                     face a real risk of serious human
         chancellor, who until three weeks ago   the early exchanges. Truss wants to                                                rights abuses, or of being sent on
         were in the same cabinet, talked over   scrap the rise to National Insurance,                                              to a dangerous third country as
                                       a planned rise in corporation tax and                                                        a result of an inadequate asylum
                                       would temporarily scrap green levies                                                         system, is inconsistent with the
                                       on energy bills to be paid for through                                                       UK’s human rights obligations.
                                       borrowing. Sunak says he would not   A group of MPs and peers has   In the letter, dated July 21 and   While  we  have  received  mixed
                                       cut taxes until inflation was under   called on Priti Patel to “reconsid-  published on Monday, committee  reports on the safety of Rwan-
                                       control. Sunak - who quit as chancel-  er” the plan to send migrants to  chairman Joanna Cherry said:  da, particularly for vulnerable
                                       lor earlier this month - said the coro-  Rwanda. The Joint Committee on  “The Joint Committee on Human  groups,  and  the  adequacy  of  its
                                       navirus pandemic had created a large   Human Rights (JCHR) wrote to  Rights hopes that the Govern-  asylum system, we are not satis-
                                       bill and that putting it on the "coun-  the Home Secretary warning of  ment  will  demonstrate  commit-  fied  that it  is a sufficiently  safe
                                       try's credit card" would "pass the tab   safety concerns and questioning  ment  to  human  rights  and  the  destination to be a partner in this
                                       to our children and grandchildren".  the legality of the deal.  protection of refugees and recon-  kind of asylum agreement.”
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