Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1116
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 28 July 2022 3
Musician Cenk Sanlioglu released
his single “Hummingbird”
MUSICIAN Cenk Sanlioglu re- sounds he was seeking to produce
leased his single “Hummingbird” his news single. His baritone gui-
in which he uses a modified bar- tar met with the audience first
itone guitar. The guitar used in time at music festivals in Neth-
the instrumental piece “Hum- erlands and Belgium. In recent
mingbird” is a baritone guitar, but years he played his baritone guitar
TWPA held their annual since Şanlıoğlu has modified the for many album projects of Red
guitar, the audience does not hear Music in the UK. Sanlioglu, who
garden party a sound that belongs to the bari- has been making music in various
tone guitar. Sanlioglu, who put the styles for 20 years, integrates mu-
strings of three different instru- sic from different disciplines into
ON Thursday 21 July 2022 the Mustafa expressed that her hap- ments on this guitar in groups of his own music said, “It has always
Turkish Woman Philanthropic As- piness that members were able to two, also changed the tuning sys- been a passion for me to blend the
sociation (TWPA) members gath- once again attended the annual tem. In Sanlioglu baritone guitar music of different geographies.
ered together to start the new term garden party and stated that they is attached to 3 different instru- On the baritone guitar, I tried to
off with their annual garden party. are proud of being one of the distin- ments strings on baritone guitar. blend three different instruments.
The event was held in north London guished associations that have been At the same time, he changes the I am happy to be able to produce a
at the building in Turnpike Lane, serving the society for decades. tuning system considering these sound range that I have wanted to of the baritone guitar is the fruit
had an array of seasonal fruits were Founded in 1970, the British strings’ physical speciality and hear for years. I always say to my- of this sentence for me,” he says.
served with delicious meals and Turkish Women’s Aid Association characteristics. Three years into self, ‘What we can do is limited by “Hummingbird” can now be found
desserts made by the members of operates as a foundation. The asso-
the association. Many of the wom- ciation, which gives scholarships to the works he finally found the our imagination,’ and the timbre across music platforms.
en took their lunch outside into the many students, organizes health,
garden area which was set up and social and cultural activities as
had a pleasant time enjoying each well as supports projects related to 'Crimps of Love' to play in North London
other company. President Semahat women.
ASMALI Stage is getting ready
to meet theatre lovers in Lon-
don after performing in Istanbul.
'Crimps of Love' (Aşk Kırıntıları)
will make its London premiere
for the first time after Istanbul
on August 7, at Field Seat Organ-
ic Stage. The play, which Derya
Aslan impresses with her success-
ful acting, contains stories about
broken love.
The play ‘Aşk Kırıntıları’ is
about a young woman trying to
understand herself and her ex-
periences, while questioning the
Rolls-Royce names former concepts of female identity and writers. In addition, we are re- tinue. We opened up abroad by
sexual freedom with local and uni-
BP executive as new boss versal values, while telling about searching new theatre play texts establishing Asmalı Sahne Lon-
the love she has lived through that have not been played before don in 2020, and we will continue
sometimes sad and sometimes in Turkey. The importance of to bring our local plays together
ENGINE maker Rolls-Royce has at the end of 2022 after eight years mischievous stories. this is not to stay away from the with art lovers.”
named former BP executive Tufan at the helm. Asmali Sahne said: “Asmalı Sah- texts that are currently taking the Theatre Show details: Sunday,
Erginbilgic as its new chief execu- Mr Erginbilgic spent more than ne is known for receiving the 2019 stage in the world. You know that August 7, Time: 15:00 pm, Price:
tive to succeed outgoing boss War- 20 years at BP, including five years Sadri Alışık special award and the art is universal, the current issue £10 , Address: Fıeld Seat Organıc
ren East. as part of its executive team and lat- New Theater Magazine 2020 Best of a Bulgarian writer may also co- Stage
The group said Mr Erginbilgic will terly as boss of the oil giant’s down- Venue awards. As Asmalı Sahne, incide with your reality today. In 665 High Road Tottenham N17
take on the role on January 1 next stream business, before he left the we offer a play program that pri- addition to the games, our book 8 AD and For more information:
year. group in 2020. marily includes local and current club and acting workshops con-
It comes after Mr East announced He is currently a partner at pri-
in February that he planned to leave vate equity firm Global Infrastruc-
ture Partners (GIP), which focuses ADDP: “Turkish peasants must be masters of the nation again”
on large-scale investments in infra-
structure businesses and manages RUSSİAN and Ukrainian officials world. to decrease gradually...
81 billion US dollars (£67 billion) have signed a deal to allow grain “Grain production, which is a great “In addition to Turkey's commit-
for investors. exports from Ukrainian Black Sea need in nutrition for the Turkish ment to ship Ukrainian grain to
Mr Erginbilgic said: “I am hon- ports, as UN Secretary-General An- population as well as in the whole the world from Ukrainian ports via
oured to be joining Rolls-Royce at tonio Guterres and Turkey’s Pres- world, is of great importance in eco- the Straits; to urgently review the
a time of significant commercial ident Recep Tayyip Erdogan said nomic and social life. But unfortu- policies envisaged by Atatürk on
opportunity and strategic evolution the agreement would help ease a nately, since the founding years of agriculture; Revitalizing agricultur-
as its customers embrace the energy global food crisis. Following this the republic, Atatürk's Agricultural al production, which has declined
transition. agreement, Atatürk World Platform Policies, which he put into practice within the scope of privatization,
“I am determined to deliver the (AWP) has published a statement on with a unique foresight, great deter- with a new long-term program of
full potential of the market posi- this subject. mination and care, and the successful support and incentives for the Agri-
tions which the company has built The statement as follows: “As a re- implementations of these policies, cultural Sector. We want and expect
over many years, through its engi- sult of the global food crisis, a ‘Grain Atatürk’s ‘Peasant is the Master of agriculture and the farmer, the ‘lord
neering excellence and innovative Corridor Agreement’ was signed be- the Nation" word was almost pushed peasant’ to be taken care of! We hope
technology, and to build a platform tween Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and aside. Especially since the 1980s, the that Turkish agriculture will have a
for growth in order to create value the United Nations (UN), which is of agricultural and farmer support pro- say in world markets with the right
for all stakeholders.” great historical importance for our grams in Agricultural Policies started policies.”