Page 63 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1113
P. 63
2 Londra Gazete, 07 July 2022
Thousands celebrated together Coach Ali continues to provide
again at the Day-Mer festival opportunities for young kids
COACH Ali, who works at Totten-
for 30 years, was realized with the ham and managed the Karma to a
extraordinary contributions of win against Umraniyespor in Turkey
workers and members, Gül said, is holding trials for his Academy in
“Day-Mer is the roof of all work- Enfield & Barnet.
ers.” Tottenham Scout Ali Mustafa
Campaign groups and unions owns Pro Elite Football Academy
gave speeches at the festival, in Enfield, Southgate & Barnet and
which was attended by members trains young children as young as 18
of the National Education Union months up to Year 7.
(NEU), the teachers' union, as
well as the Trades Union Congress Ali Mustafa, who managed the
(TUC), the country's largest un- U16 London Turkish Karma in their
ion confederation with millions 2-0 win against Umraniyespor, is
of members. representatives ex- looking for more players to develop
pressed their support by wishing this season. Ali was chosen to manage the Kar-
that they had come together with His Academy, which has over ma when they visited Istanbul last
Day-Mer years ago in the fields of 1,000 players and has signed over month and took a group of 16 Turk-
struggle and wishing that their 10 players to Premier League clubs,
THE park festival, the last addition to their stands for youth, ish players to the TFF Riva Facility
event of the 33rd Culture and Art children and women, unions also cooperation would continue. is holding trial sessions for new play- to train like professionals for a week
Festival organized by the Turkish attended the festival and met The names that took the stage ers who are looking to develop their and play against newly promoted
and Kurdish Community Solidari- with our community members. at the festival, which was sup- game and be coached at a top stand- Super Lig team Umraniyespor. The
ty Center (Day-Mer)took place on Speaking at the festival, Day- ported by unions and various ard. Recently, one player who joined match finished 2-0 and now Ali is
Sunday, July 3rd in London. Mer President Aslı Gül stated campaign groups, are as follows: Ali when he was 4 years old, signed looking to develop the next set of
The Day-Mer festival which has that poverty has increased and Oğuz Aksaç, Mikail Aslan, Cemil for Tottenham Hotspur U9’s on a 2 Turkish footballers to see where they
been organizing culture and art emphasized the importance of Qocgiri, The Turbans, Lokandes year contract and Ali is hoping for can end up. If you would like to book
festivals in London since 1989, the struggle of local and migrant and The Odd Beats.
was held once again following the workers together. Gül said that The festival, which was attend- many more players to follow in those directly on for a trial (18 months - 7
pandemic. In the park festival the fight against the cost of liv- ed by former Labor Party leader footsteps. Ali said it was important years) you can do it here: www.efa-
attended by thousands of peo- ing, racism, cuts in education and Jeremy Corbyn, writer Mustafa for future footballers to have a good If you would like your
ple, current social problems were health is only possible with an Yalçıner and many trade union- academy training system that they child to join one of Ali’s teams (U6 -
brought to the agenda and a feast organized struggle. Stating that ists, continued until late at Clis- attend, so that they can develop all U12) you can email him here: info@
of music and taste took place. In the festival, which has been held sold Park in Hackney. parts of their game.