Page 61 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1113
P. 61
4 Londra Gazete, 07 July 2022
Electric cars make up almost half of
all new sales across London
ELECTRIC vehicles accounted
for almost one in two new cars
bought in London last month, it
has been revealed.
Almost 6,000 fully electric or
hybrid plug-in cars were regis-
tered in London in June, out-
selling conventional petrol cars
by more than 200 vehicles. The
figures, from New AutoMotive,
a non-profit organisation aiming
to accelerate the move to electric
vehicles, show London continues
Illegal levels of pollution recorded in to lead the rest of the country in
outer London switching to greener forms of mo-
Battery electric cars, which rely
ILLEGAL levels of toxic air pol- levels of Nitrogen Dioxide were solely on electric power stored in
lution have been recorded in outer found in some areas of outer Lon- an on-board battery, were the sec- Fully electric cars account for 24 Ben Nelmes, head of policy and
London ahead of plans to expand the don. ond most popular type of new car per cent of new vehicle registra- research at New AutoMotive,
Ultra-Low Emission Zone next year. Some 15 air quality monitors after petrol, with 2,932 registered tions in London, compared with said: “Almost 3,000 Londoners
The Mayor of London and TfL are across London recorded levels of in the capital last month. the UK average of 16 per cent. made the switch to [fully] elec-
currently holding a public consulta- NO2 above legal limits while not a It means 5,841 new electric Today’s figures also highlight tric cars, and will save money on
tion on plans to extend the ULEZ to single air quality monitor recorded vehicles were registered — com- the difficulty many motorists fuel and help improve London’s
cover the whole of Greater London levels that met recommended limits pared with 5,628 petrol cars and face in going electric, due to parts air quality.”Fully electric cars ac-
by August 2023 in a bid to tackle set by the World Health Organisa- 697 diesel cars. A total of 1,167 shortages caused by the pandem- count for 24 per cent of new vehi-
poor air and congestion. tion, according to the latest figures. fewer patrol cars were registered ic. Total car registrations in Lon- cle registrations in London, com-
It follows an initial expansion of Legal limits for NO2 were sup- in London last month than a year don were down by around 2,300 pared with the UK average of 16
the zone in October last year to cov- posed to be met in the UK by 2010 earlier. Monthly diesel sales have on a year ago.It means 5,841 new per cent.
roughly halved year on year.
electric vehicles were registered
er the areas up to but not including, at the latest. Ben Nelmes, head of policy and — compared with 5,628 petrol Today’s figures also highlight
the north and south circular roads, Illegal levels of NO2 were record- research at New AutoMotive, cars and 697 diesel cars. A total the difficulty many motorists
taking an estimated 50,000 older, ed in Kingston-upon-Thames, Brent said: “Almost 3,000 Londoners of 1,167 fewer patrol cars were face in going electric, due to parts
more polluting vehicles off the road and Sutton, none of which are cur- made the switch to [fully] electric registered in London last month shortages caused by the pandem-
each day. rently covered by the ULEZ, but cars, and will save money on fuel than a year earlier. Monthly die- ic. Total car registrations in Lon-
Drivers of cars that do not meet could be if the Mayor of London and help improve London’s air sel sales have roughly halved year don were down by around 2,300
rigorous minimum emissions stand- presses ahead with plans to expand quality.” on year. on a year ago.
ards must pay a daily charge of it further next year.
£12.50 to enter the zone. Sadiq Khan has said the public con-
Some motorists in outer London sultation over the plans is a “genuine
have spoken out against plans to consultation” and he will not press Schools battle the cost of living
expand the zone to cover all 32 bor- ahead with the proposal as it is if
oughs. Londoners overwhelmingly reject it. crisis with menu change
But clean air activists have said Londoners have until July 29 to re-
ULEZ “must be expanded without spond to the consultation, which can
delay” after illegal be found on the TfL website. ROAST beef has become some- In a survey of 160 catering com- as the price of 10kg of prepared po-
what of a staple on the school panies, more than 60 said they tatoes has increased from £10.46
menu over the years. plan to switch from British meat to to £15.50. The cost of minced beef
Over a Million people celebrated not stopping any time soon, the ning to do so in the future. also jumped by 11% overnight in
But with the cost of living crisis cheaper foreign meat, or are plan-
recent days. Laca members said it
According to the Retail Price In-
the 50th London Pride Parade popular dish is set to be replaced by dex (RPI) for food bought by shop- is being fuelled by the after-effects
of Covid, the war in Ukraine and
gammon on the dinner plates.
Christmas could also come early pers, the average price of a roasting increasing fuel costs. Brad Pearce,
MORE than a million people have nal 1972 march. joint of beef has risen by 9.8% to national Laca vice-chairman, said:
taken part in the 50th anniversa- Director Chris Joell-Deshields for some British kids as caterers £11.34 over the year to April, while ‘The costs that are coming forward
swap roast chicken for turkey, with
ry of the UK's first Pride parade in said it was important as it provided chicken had risen by 10.4% to £3 make it impossible for us to contin-
London. Hundreds of LGBTQ+ com- a great level of visibility for LGBTQ+ plans to import foreign meat and a kilo. But catering firms say pric- ue, unless some very difficult choic-
munity groups attended the march rights. switch up fruit and veg. es are actually rising by as much es are made. ‘That’s something that
from Hyde Park Corner to Whitehall The Mayor’s office have said that According to Laca, the school ca- as 20% to 30%, with price chang- we don’t want to do, but in order to
Palace earlier. over a million people were in attend- terers’ association for England and es happening weekly. It’s not just keep food on the plate we have to
Revellers wearing face paint, glit- ance including representatives from Wales, meat quality will be at risk if meat being impacted by the rises look at all options.’
ter, jewels and sequins joined the more than 600 LGBT+ community it’s shipped from abroad.
celebrations as Pride returned for groups - describing it as the biggest They added schools are at ‘break-
the first time since the Covid-19 Pride in the capital ever. ing point’ amid a surge in price ris-
pandemic. es and supply chain issues.
The event, hailed as the most inclu- While chicken is still on the
sive in history, included performanc- menu, it is served less often and is
es from Ava Max and Emeli Sande. slowly being replaced with turkey.
More than a million people took to The school is one of 70 in the city
the city's streets on Saturday to mark served by the same catering com-
the event's 50th anniversary while pany, which is adapting its menus
thousands took part in the parade. in response to the rises, the BBC
The event paid homage to the origi- reports.