Page 62 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1113
P. 62

Londra Gazete, 07 July 2022                                                                                         3

                                                                                Mahmut Akay's new film covers

                                                                       Turkish-speaking community in the UK

                                                                        TURKISH     Cypriot  director
                                                                      Mahmut Akay's documentary 'We're
                                                                      Home' is about the Turkish-speak-
                                                                      ing community living in the UK.
                                                                      Successful director Mahmut Akay,
                                                                      who has achieved significant success
                                                                      abroad, has attracted attention with
                                                                      his new work with the symbolic de-
                                                                      struction of the  Turkish-speaking
                                                                      demographic that has a large popu-
         ADDP: "Ideas and thoughts                                    lation in the UK. The short film trav-
                                                                      erses a jumble of Turkish-speaking
                                                                      people living in the UK, capturing
            will always enlighten us,                                 the diversity and reflections on
                                                                      their invisibility in the media.
                                                                        Despite  the  film’s  recent  release,
               they will be our light"                                'We're Here' has already been re-  Mahmut Akay
                                                                      vealed to have been awarded the
          ATATÜRK'S  World Platform  their ideas and thoughts will al-  prestigious Vimeo Staff Pick award.   ken about these issues for countless
         for  Thought made a  statement  ways enlighten us, they will be   London-born director Mahmut   hours and finally decided to make a
         about the massacre in which  our light.                      Akay has worked with brands such   film about it. Everyone we asked to
         33 people lost their lives at the   In order not to experience these   as Vogue, David Beckham and Wall's   feature in the film welcomed us to
         Madımak Hotel during the Pir  pains again; Our task today is to   Ice  Cream. His  movies  have  been   record them with open arms. The
         Sultan Abdal Festivals organized  show the way out of the darkness   featured in magazines like The Hol-  positive reaction from the Turkish
         by  the  Pir  Sultan  Abdal  Cultural  to the light and to transform the   lywood Reporter, Yahoo, The A.V   speaking community made the pro-
         Association in Sivas 29 years ago.  language  of  hate  into  love.  This   Club and more.  cess even more rewarding for us.
          The written statement made by  is the path, in the light of science   Akay, who made special state-  Our intention is to try and bring
         the Atatürk World Platform for  and reason, which our great Lead-  ments to the London Gazette about   more exposure to this issue and
         Thought is as follows:        er Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk   his new movie 'We're Here', used the   raise enough awareness to bring
          “The   massacre   committed  showed us, without marginaliz-  following statements:         about changes in the representa-  Fırat Ayas
         against our intellectuals and  ing each other, accepting differ-  “We’re Here’ was born out of my  tion of the Turkish demographic on
         artists in Madımak 29 years ago  ent ideas and thoughts as wealth,   disenchantment  with  the  British  British media. Ultimately, we want  child growing up in  in Tottenham.
         was actually committed against  without discriminating between   media’s under-representation of the  this film to tell everyone that; ‘we’re   With  this  short  film  I  hope  to
         the knees, notes and all colors of  religions and sects, believers and   Turkish demographic in the Unit-  here’.”         bring awareness to the hardworking
         modern Turkey on the way to en-  non-believers, the Republic of   ed Kingdom. There’s estimated to   Firat  Ayas, the  producer of the  people of Cyprus & Turkey and what
         lightenment. Those who scream  Turkey, which is a modern, secu-  be over 700,000 Turkish speaking  movie 'We're Here', spoke to the  they have achieved and continue to
         saying we want sharia, should  lar and social state of law. It is to   Brits, yet we seldom see anything  London Gazette and stated that  achieve through sheer dedication
         know that the light of Sivas has  spread the struggle of enlighten-  about them on the media. If we’re  they want to reflect the success of  and a relentless work ethic. I want
         never been extinguished and will  ment for the survival of our coun-  lucky enough see them, then chanc-  Turkish-speaking community mem-  to bring light to their achievements
         never  go  out.  On  the  contrary,  try all over our country.’’  es are it will probably be about ke-  bers living in the UK through this  and how they etched a place for
                                                                      bab restaurants. The problem with  short film.                themselves in this society that didn't
                                                                      this symbolic annihilation is that it   “As Mahmut has mentioned, the  accept them and I guess is still to a
         17 year old Ali Baygören laid                                permeates into other areas such as a  idea of We're Here was born from the  degree blind to their presence and
                                                                                                     countless hours of conversations we  contributions to this beautiful place
                                                                      lack of job opportunities, stereotyp-
                    to rest in London                                 ing and prejudice. It’s not just about  had in cafes.  Conversations about  we call home.  They are the proud
                                                                      the spotlight but it’s an all-encom-
                                                                                                     identity, belonging, who are we and  people who can inspire the future
                                                                      passing issue.                 what are we?  Questions that I have  generations and hopefully become
          A  farewell ceremony was held  On June 30, hundreds lit candles   My producer Firat and I have spo-  had since my earliest memories as I  positive role models to them.”
         at the Cemevi in London for  flowers were placed at the memo-
         17-year-old Ali Baygören, who  rial ceremony which took place.
         was stabbed to death in North  Dede Mehmet Yüksel conduct-   Victims of Sivas Massacre remembered on 29th anniversary
         London on June 19. Hundreds  ed the funeral said that society
         of people gather to say their final  should protect its own identity   COMMEMORATING  the 29th
         fair wells to Ali including his fam-  and future.            Anniversary of the Sivas Massa-
         ily, representatives of local asso-  Following the ceremony Ali was   cre in London, on Saturday 2 July
         ciations and community mem-   taken to Chingford Cemetery    community organisations repre-
         bers all attending the ceremony.  where he was laid to rest.   sentatives and  community  mem-
                                                                      bers came together the Madımak
                                                                      Memorial in Stoke Newington. At
                                                                      the ceremony, carnations were left
                                                                      around the monument where pho-
                                                                      tographs of those who lost their
                                                                      lives during the massacre were
                                                                      placed. In the speeches, a common
                                                                      opinion was advocated that the
                                                                      Madimak Massacre was carryout
                                                                      with the organization of the state.
                                                                      Throughout the commemoration,
                                                                      slogans were chanted. After the
                                                                      speeches, young students played
                                                                      the instrument and recited the re-
                                                                      membrance program.
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