Page 58 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1113
P. 58

Londra Gazete, 07 July 2022                                                                                         7

                                                                         Scientists discover

                                                                      new giant water lily

                                                                        A  new species of giant water
                                                                      lily has been discovered - and it’s
                                                                      been hiding in plain sight for 177
                                                                        The huge plant had been in the
         Army's YouTube and Twitter                                   archives of the Royal Botanic Gar-
                                                                      dens, Kew and was growing in a
                     accounts hacked                                  number of aquatic collections but
                                                                      it was mistakenly identified as
          THE  British Army says it is in-  and it would be inappropriate to   another species.
         vestigating after its Twitter and  comment further."           Now a detailed scientific study
         YouTube accounts were hacked.   It is not clear who is behind the   has revealed that it is new to sci-
          Videos on cryptocurrency using  hacking incidents, which also saw   ence.
         images of billionaire businessman  the accounts renamed.       It also holds the record as the
         Elon Musk appeared on the You-  At one stage, the Twitter account   world's largest water lily, with
         Tube channel.                 name was changed to Bapesclan,   leaves growing more than 3m
          The Twitter feed appeared to  accompanied by a profile picture   (10ft) wide.
         retweet several posts related to  featuring an ape-like cartoon figure   The plant has been called Victo-  the age, and the genus was named  much they vary in size. We don't
         NFTs - a type of electronic artwork  with make-up mimicking a clown.  ria boliviana, named after Boliv-  after Queen Victoria.  really understand the pollination
         for investment.                 By Sunday evening, the account   ia, where it grows in a single wa-  But  the  new  discovery  shows  biology very well. We don't know
          The Army confirmed the "breach",  had been restored to normal.  ter basin in part of the Amazon  that water lilies still have some  a lot about the dispersal of the
         saying it took information security   The Army later tweeted: "Apol-  river system.         surprises, and scientists say there  species - how it transmits itself
         "extremely  seriously"  and  was  re-  ogies for the temporary interrup-  Kew has a long history with the  is still much to learn about them.  from one place to another.
         solving the issue. Both accounts  tion to our feed.          plants - the Waterlily House was   Dr Alex Monro, from RBG Kew,   “So there are still many un-
         have now been restored.         We will conduct a full investiga-  built in 1852 to showcase its col-  explained: ”None of the three spe-  knowns. And I think, because
          An Army spokesperson added:  tion and learn from this incident.   lections.                cies have been very well studied.  they're so huge - so obvious -
         "Whilst we have now resolved the  Thanks for following us and normal   The giants - discovered in the   “We still don't know how many  people haven't really thought to
         issue an investigation is ongoing  service will now resume."  1800s - were a natural wonder of  populations there are and how  study them in that much detail.”
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