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P. 36
Londra Gazete, 12 May 2022 5
New rule that could see drivers slapped with £70 fines
FROM May 31 as London have even more power to make greener, safer and more relia-
councils will be given new pow- these fines than before. ble”. This could see drivers face
ers to fine motorists up to £70 The Department of Transport fines of up to £5,000 if they
for minor traffic offences on the has said this increased supervi- 'misuse' their headlights. Ac-
spot. At present, it's only the sion will allow buses to be more cording to the RAC : “Headlight
police who can enforce these punctual as well as to protect flashes should only be used to
kinds of fines. However, from cyclists. Transport minister warn drivers of your presence
the end of May onwards CCTV Trudy Harrison said updat- on the road.
cameras will inform council of- ing the Highway Code will be Simply put, it’s open to mis-
ficers of any offenders. In Lon- a “major milestone in our safe interpretation (particularly
don, councils are already able to introduction of self-driving ve- as it means different things in
issue parking fines for stopping hicles”, which she claimed will other countries), so think care-
in yellow boxes using cameras “revolutionise the way we trav- fully before you reach for the
but as of May 31, councils will el, making our future journeys beams.”
UK ticket-holder wins Trustpilot removes millions of fake
£184m EuroMillions jackpot reviews in fraud crackdown
ONE lucky ticket-holder has with the previous record-holder TRUSTPILOT has removed
won the £184m EuroMillions an anonymous winner of £170m some 2.7 million spurious re-
jackpot, becoming the UK’s big- in October 2019. views over the last year, in a ma-
gest ever National Lottery win- Camelot’s Andy Carter, senior jor clampdown targeting online
ner, Camelot has said. winners’ adviser at The National fakery.
The winning EuroMillions Lottery, said, “What an amazing About 46.7 million reviews were
numbers were 3, 25, 27, 28 and night for one UK ticket-holder left on Trustpilot’s global review
platform over that period, with
29 – plus the Lucky Star numbers who has scooped the incredible 5.8 per cent taken down after
4 and 9. they were found to be fictitious.
One ticket matched all seven £184m EuroMillions jackpot – The firm said 1.8 million reviews
numbers to win £184,262,899.10, they have become the UK’s big- were automatically deleted by
instantly making the holder gest ever National Lottery win- software.
worth more than footballers Har- ner. The consumer website has in- sellers and further takedowns of consumers increased fourfold in
ry Kane (£33m) and Paul Pogba “Players are urged to check vested heavily in fraud and anom- groups and pages on other social 2021 to 2,637.
(£64m) combined. their tickets and give us a call aly detection software which has media sites. Meanwhile, Trustpilot said
Only 14 players have ever won if they think they are tonight’s sped up and enhanced the process The consumer reviews website 1,425 formal “cease and desist”
a jackpot of more than £100m, lucky winner.” of identifying and removing fake issued 121,048 automated warn- letters were also issued to “bad
Improvements in detection ings last year – a 210 per cent in- actor” businesses – an increase of
crease from 2020.
38 per cent year on year.
Tui warns no last minute deals have led to an increase in auto- The number of public warn- The data was revealed as part
mated warnings to businesses,
which has in turn seen increased ing banners placed at the top of of the firm’s latest transparency
as holiday bookings surge action against a number of review businesses’ profile pages to alert report.
HOLIDAY giant Tui has said it "There will be practically no last
expects summer bookings to "al- minute offers at low prices this Car tyres deflating activists plan to
most reach" 2019 levels this year, summer," said Fritz Joussen.
but warned there will be "no last As a result, the company told its target thousands more SUV drivers
minute" low price deals. shareholders it could return to prof-
The company said bookings had it by the end of the year.
surged in the past six weeks as "The high demand for travel and CONTROVERSIAL climate ac- struck in London, Brighton, Man-
people planned for summer breaks the very good business perfor- tivists who deflate tyres on SUVs chester, Liverpool, Edinburgh,
after the easing of Covid travel re- mance confirm our forecasts," said say they will target thousands more Sheffield and Cambridge - and their
strictions. Mr Joussen. drivers in the coming months - and campaign is "escalating fast".
they will not stop even if their ac-
They have warned more cities are
But it warned the impact of Covid "2022 will be a good financial year.
and the Ukraine war on customer Capacity almost reaches pre-corona tions result in road accidents. set to be targeted as they aim to
deflate tyres on more than 10,000
The protesters, who call them-
behaviour remained "difficult to level of 2019." He added: "After two selves the Tyre Extinguishers, told vehicles by the end of the year.
predict". years of crisis, we expect Tui to be- Sky News they want to "strike fear" The group's spokesperson, who
Tui's boss warned of price rises come profitable again in the current into owners of the "gas guzzling" gave their name as Marion Walker,
and limited offers due to high fuel financial year... This is the basis for cars. told Sky News: "We want to strike
costs. new growth." They claim they have already let fear into anyone who drives a huge
down the tyres of about 3,000 ve- polluting SUV in a UK city.
hicles across the UK since March. "There comes a point where ask-
Police have warned the group's ing politely and protesting has
actions "will absolutely not be tol- stopped working, and it's time for
erated" and have sought to catch action, to sabotage the machines
those involved. that are killing us.
But a spokesperson for the Tyre "Some of our number are people
Extinguishers said they believed who live near busy polluted roads,
they were unlikely to be arrested slowly choked by gas guzzlers.
and they will not be deterred de- "Others are cyclists who have
spite facing death threats. been nearly killed by an SUV too
So far, the activists say they have many times.