Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1105
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8                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 12 May 2022

                                                                      Boy, 13, arrested after teenager

                                                                              found stabbed in Islington

                                                                        A  13-year-old boy after a boy
                                                                      was stabbed in north London on
                                                                      Monday evening.
                                                                        Police and paramedics called to
                                                                      the scene around 5.20pm to Wil-
                                                                      low Bridge Road in Canonbury af-
         Two convicted of Croydon murder                              ter reports of a stabbing.
                                                                        A  boy,  believed  to  be  16,  was
                                                                      found suffering from a stab
          TWO men have been convicted   was found guilty of perverting   wound and was rushed to hospi-
         of murder and a third for perver-  the course of justice for his role   tal. His condition is not life-thre-
         ting the court of justice over the   in disposing of the car used in the   atening, said police.
         killing of Albert Amofa.       attack.                         Another boy,  aged 13, was ar-
          The 33-year-old dad was stab-  MacFoy pleaded guilty to per-
         bed to death in Croydon on De-  verting the course of justice at   rested near to the scene on suspi-
                                                                      cion of grievous bodily harm and
         cember 15, 2019 after the at-  the start of the trial.       possession of an offensive wea-
         tackers mistakenly believed Mr   Mr  Amofa’s  family  said  they   pon. Police took him to a north
         Amofa was in possession of a lar-  were “pleased” with the outcome   London police station and he was  said their enquiries into the cir-  quoting CAD 5839/9May. Alter-
         ge quantity of cannabis.       of the trial.                 later bailed to return on a date in  cumstances are ongoing.  natively, you can speak to the in-
          Donald Owusu, 25 and Harvey    In a statement, they said: “Al-
         MacFoy, 26 were both found gu-  bert’s death was senseless and   early June.                  Officers ask anyone with infor-  dependent charity Crimestoppers
         ilty on May 9 of the murder Mr   cruel.                        A  Scotland Yard spokesperson  mation to contact police on 101,  anonymously on 0800 555 111.
         Amofa following a trial at the Old   He suffered for 48 hours in in-
         Bailey.                        tensive care before passing away.
                                                                       Met police officer charged with three
          A third man, Theo Brown, 32   That will always stay with us.

         Woman charged with abduction                                                       more counts of rape

          following incident in Lambeth                                 METROPOLITAN  Police offi-   bulary to charge Carrick with the  that these are extremely serious
                                                                      cer David Carrick has been char-  additional offences which relate  and concerning allegations. Re-
          A woman has been charged for   the evening of Saturday May 7.  ged with three more counts of  to one complainant and are alle-  ferrals have been made to the
         abducting  two  children  in  Lam-  They were found safe and well   rape, bringing  the  total  charges  ged to have taken place between  Independent Office for Police
         beth.                          later the same evening, the Met-  against him to 44.         2008 and 2009. He will appear at  Conduct as the investigation has
          Evelyn Awuah, 42 was charged   ropolitan Police said.         The 47-year-old constable alre-  Westminster Magistrates’ Court  progressed. “The Met’s Directora-
         on Sunday, May 8, following an   Awuah appeared at Croydon   ady faced 41 charges involving 11  on Friday in relation to the new  te of Professional Standards con-
         incident relating to the disappe-  Magistrates’ Court on Monday,   alleged victims.         charges. The charges include 21  tinues to monitor developments
         arance of the youngsters.      where she was remanded in cus-  His  alleged crimes included  counts of rape, nine counts of  closely and will provide whatever
          She  is known to the  children,   tody to appear at Croydon Crown   rape, coercive and controlling be-  sexual assault, five counts of as-  support it can to Hertfordshire
         who were reported missing on   Court on Monday, June 6.      haviour and sexual assault betwe-  sault by penetration and three  officers. "National regulations di-
                                                                      en 2003 and 2020. On Monday,  counts of coercive and controlling  ctate that any misconduct proce-
                                                                      the Crown Prosecution Service  behaviour.                     edings must await the outcome of
                                                                      authorised Hertfordshire Consta-  The Met said: "We recognise  the criminal case."
               Man charged with murder

         following fatal stabbing in Pinner                            Ambulance crew member attacked by

          A man has been charged with   gistrates’ Court on Friday, char-
         murder following a fatal stabbing   ged with murder and possession   man wielding knife in central London
         in north London.               of an offensive weapon.
          Jordan Stuart,  37,  was  found   Witnesses or anyone with any   AN  investigation has been la-  male crew member, standing out-  scene.
         with stab injuries on Grove Ave-  information is asked to call poli-  unched  after  an  ambulance  crew  side the vehicle, was approached   If you can identify the male in
         nue in Pinner on Wednesday fol-  ce on 101 or contact via Twitter   member was attacked by a man  from behind by a man who pus-  the picture please call 101 or Twe-
         lowing reports of an attack.   @MetCC, quoting CAD1073/      wielding a knife in Camden. The  hed a knife against his back.  et @MetCC quoting 6309/2MAY.
          Despite the best efforts of para-  04MAY. To give information   ambulance crew had parked the-  The  victim was  able  to defu-  To remain 100% anonymous call
         medics  he  was  pronounced  dead   anonymously contact Crimestop-  ir vehicle after taking a patient  se the situation and the suspect  the independent charity Crimes-
         at the scene. Mohamed Haaji 31   pers on 0800 555 111 or online at   to University College Hospital  eventually backed away, placing  toppers on 0800 555 111 or visit
         is due to appear at Willesden Ma-     just before 7.55pm on Monday. A  the knife in a bag and fleeing the

         Third most wanted fugitive arrested in a week

          A  Liverpool fugitive wanted for   along with three other men as he   from a rucksack. Ungi is the third
         murder who was on the National   entered a gym at a shopping centre   most wanted target captured in
         Crime Agency’s most wanted list   in Coin, Malaga, as part of a joint   the last week – alleged murderer
         has been arrested in Spain. David   operation involving the Spanish   Callum Halpin was caught in Por-
         Ungi, aged 30, was being sought   authorities, the National Crime   tugal on Monday 2 May, and Alex
         for his suspected role in the mur-  Agency, Merseyside Police and the   Male, wanted on drugs charges,
         der of 18-year-old Vinny Waddin-  North West Regional Organised   was arrested at Lisbon airport on
         gton in Liverpool in 2015. He was   Crime Unit. Officers seized a 9mm   Saturday 30 April  after being de-
         apprehended on Thursday night   Ruger firearm and ammunition   nied entry into Turkey.
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