Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1105
P. 35

6                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 12 May 2022

                                                                       The Queen’s speech 2022: what

                                                                             was in it and what it means

                                                                        THE Queen’s speech, which set
                                                                      out the government’s legislative
                                                                      agenda for the next parliamentary
                                                                      year, was a mix of new plans, long-
                                                                      made pledges and a handful of
                                                                      held-over bills.  On Tuesday May
                                                                      10 Prince Charles delivered the
                                                                      speech on behalf of the queen who
                                                                      was unable to attend parliament
                                                                      due to mobility issues.  The new
                                                                      planes included six new laws bills
         UK rejects EU proposal to limit                              intended to make the UK more
                                                                      competitive or otherwise free and
                  impact of NI Protocol                               liberal in the wake of Brexit, or
                                                                      tailored to post-Brexit trade deals
          THE UK has rejected EU plans  its concerns with the protocol   targeting the financial services as
         aimed at reducing the impact of  were resolved.              well as data reforms and trade.
         the post-Brexit treaty for North-  Foreign Secretary Liz Truss   There are seven bills that have  Human Rights Act with a UK bill  uality, but not gender identity. A
         ern Ireland, saying they would  said, in a statement released on   had the biggest reaction like the  of rights.  The higher education  number of other bills have been
         make things worse.            Tuesday  night,  that  her  prefer-  public order bill will specifically  (freedom of speech) bill makes a  proposes targeting environmental
          The EU claims the proposals  ence had always been for a "ne-  target disruptive environmental  return from the last parliament.  issues, crime and security, educa-
         would reduce paperwork and  gotiated solution" but that she   protesters; a media bill will allow  The levelling up bill promises lo-  tion, housing and planning  which
         checks on goods entering NI from  would not shy away from "taking   Channel 4 to be privatised; pub-  cal  people  “more  of  a  say  over  includes a planned bills to create a
         Great Britain.                action to stabilise the situation in   lic bodies will not be allowed to  changing street names” and the  regulator of social housing, and a
          But the government says they  Northern Ireland if solutions can-  boycott certain countries.  Argua-  conversion therapy bill will ban  renters’ reform bill to abolish “no
         would  "worsen  the  current  trad-  not be found".          bly the key bill would replace the  practices aimed  at  changing sex-  fault” evictions.
         ing arrangements".              It was agreed between the UK
          The UK verdict is part of an es-  and the EU in 2019, put into do-
         calating dispute which could soon  mestic law by the UK Parliament
         see the government scrapping  and came into force in January   PM signs security assurances with Sweden and Finland
         parts of the deal.            2021.                            BORIS Johnson will sign histor-  of his Swedish counterpart, Mag-  24 hours.
          The protocol is an issue under   It works by keeping Northern
         fresh scrutiny following elections  Ireland  inside  the  EU's  single   ic  security  assurance  declarations  dalena Andersson, where he set   An offer to increase deployments
                                                                      with Sweden and Finland in the  out a UK commitment to come to  to the region, including with Royal
         to  the  Northern  Ireland  Assem-  market for goods.        face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,  the country’s aid in the event of a  Air Force, British Army and Roy-
         bly.                            This means Northern Ireland   pledging to “bolster military ties”  crisis.                 al Navy personnel and assets, will
          The  elections cemented  a ma-  continues to follow some EU laws
         jority for assembly members who  and there are new checks and   and support both countries should   Mr Johnson is set to visit to Fin-  also be made. It comes as both
                                                                      they come under attack. The Prime  land later in the day, where he is ex-
                                                                                                                                    countries consider the prospect of
         accept the protocol, including the  paperwork for goods which are   Minister arrived in Stockholm on  pected to formalise a similar agree-  Nato membership in the face of
         new largest party, the republican  imported into Northern Ireland   Wednesday before travelling to  ment with the country’s President  Russian President Vladimir Putin’s
         party Sinn Féin.              from the rest of the UK.       Harpsund, the country residence  Sauli Niinisto during a whirlwind  ongoing military aggression.
          But  the second largest  party,   The EU acknowledges that it
         the Democratic Unionist Party  has caused difficulties for North-
         (DUP), said it would not nomi-  ern Ireland businesses and its Oc-
         nate ministers to form a new ex-  tober proposals were an attempt   Report: 1.5m UK households will
         ecutive in Northern Ireland until  to ease that burden.
                                                                                         struggle to pay bills

              Labour MP ‘confident’ Keir
                                                                        AN estimated 1.5 million house-  that a combination of rising
         Starmer didn’t break Covid rules                             holds across the UK will struggle  prices and measures announced
                                                                      to pay food and energy bills over  in the Chancellor's Spring State-
          SIR  Keir Starmer has an-    after the takeaway was delivered -   the next year, as rising prices and  ment - such as the decision not
         nounced that he will resign as  continuing to 1am, The Guardian   higher taxes squeeze budgets, ac-  to scrap a planned rise in Nation-
         Labour leader if he is fined for  reported.                  cording to new research.       al Insurance tax - are hitting the
         breaking  Covid-19  lockdown    The Prime Minister Johnson     The National Institute of    poorest households hardest.
         laws.                         who has repeatedly refused calls   Economic and Social Research   Inflation is at a 30-year high,
          The Labour leader has been un-  to resign over the partygate af-  (NIESR) predicted the UK will fall   as the Ukraine war drives up fuel
         der growing pressure after Dur-  fair  having received one  fine for   into recession this year.  and energy prices.
         ham Police announced last Friday  attending a ‘surprise’ birthday   It urged the Chancellor to do   The Bank of England has
         that it was re-investigating claims  party in Downing Street in June   more to stop people sliding into   warned inflation might reach
         that he may have broken the reg-  2020.                      debt and destitution.          10% within months.
         ulations during a beer and curry   At the time Stramer call for this   The Treasury said it is provid-
         gathering while on the road cam-  resignation while under investi-  ing support to households.  The think tank urged the gov-
         paigning with Labour colleagues  gation  and number of Tory  MPs   Labour's  shadow  chancellor   ernment to raise Universal Cred-
         in Durham last April.         and ministers are now call on ac-  Rachel Reeves said the Queen's   it by £25 per week between May
          The party has compiled time-  cusing the labour leader of hypoc-  Speech had fallen short on the  and October, which would cost
         stamped logs from WhatsApp  risy as he now awaits the police   cost of living.              around £1.35bn, and give £250
         chats, documents and video edits,  investigation finds to whether he   In its latest quarterly outlook of  each to 11.3 million lower income
         showing they carried on working  broke lockdown rules.       the UK economy, NIESR warned  households.
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