Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1105
P. 32
Londra Gazete, 12 May 2022 9
New vaccine to treat cancer
trailed in UK
A vaccine that could ‘dramati-
cally’ improve the treatment of
multiple types of cancer is being
given to patients for the first
The potentially game-changing
jab is being trialled in Britons
with prostate, lung and ovarian
Study: Just 1 in 20 adults in England Together these claim 51,000
follow NHS exercise advice lives a year in the UK, almost a
third of all cancer deaths.
Although we usually think of
JUST one in 20 adults in England They found that while two-thirds
get their recommended amount of did enough aerobic exercise, be- vaccines as preventing diseases,
exercise, a study suggests. tween five and 29 per cent did the term can also be applied to synthetic form of survivin that’s centres in the UK.
The NHS says people should do enough strength exercise, depend- drugs that harness the power The participants will receive
two-and-a-half hours of moder- ing on how the latter is defined. of the immune system to treat designed to stimulate a stronger three doses of the vaccine, two
response from the immune sys-
ate-intensity physical exercise per Researchers examined data on them.
week, such as brisk walking, cy- 249,614 Britons aged 18 to 65 who This new vaccine directs the tem. The hope is that this will weeks apart, and will be moni-
tored for six months for changes
cling and pushing a lawn mower. responded to the Active Lives Sur- immune system to fight a protein destroy the cancer cells.
The jab, which is known as in their cancer, as well as any si-
Adults should also do mus- vey. that normally keeps cancer cells
cle-strengthening activities, like It quizzes a representative group safe from harm. OVM-200, is being trialled on pe- de-effects.
carrying heavy shopping bags, lift- of people across England on their The new vaccine, which has ople for the first time, in a study The trial is focusing on three
ing weights and heavy gardening, exercise routine twice a year. been developed by Oxford Vac- involving up to 35 patients with cancers, although it is hoped that
at least two days a week. The findings, published in the medix, a spin-out company from cancer at University College Hos- the vaccine will be effective aga-
But a study of a quarter of a mil- journal PLoS ONE, show two- Oxford University, contains a pital in London and four other inst multiple types of cancer.
lion Britons found a 'startlingly thirds of adults get their heart
small' five per cent are hitting these racing through aerobic exercise for
minimum thresholds. the recommended two-and-a-half `
ons were on track to become the (69 per cent) than women (65 per Hay-fever pill shortage hits
It comes after the World Health hours a week.
The rate is slightly higher for men
Organization (WHO) warned Brit-
fattest nation in Europe in the next cent).
decade. However, the researchers said High Street chemists
Researchers from the University this figure could be over-inflated
of Essex studied the exercise habits because people tend to overesti-
of a quarter of a million people in mate when self-reporting activity HIGH Street chemists As well as a variety of pil- allergic rhinitis, affects al-
England. levels. have run out of some ls, shops sell nasal sprays most 10 million people in
hay-fever medicine, as a UK and eye drops that can relie- England, of all ages. That’s
industry-wide shortage hits ve symptoms, such as itchy almost one in four adults
Fourth-dose jab trial shows supplies. eyes and runny nose. and one in 10 children.
The NHS also suggests: Va-
Stocks of chlorphenamine
It is caused by an allergic
good boost maleate, the active ingre- seline around the nostrils, response to allergens, such
to trap pollen, wraparound
dient in brands such as Piri-
ton, are limited, Boots says. sunglasses, to prevent pol- as pollen. Some people are
FOURTH-DOSE Covid booster April. The chain said it still had a len reaching the eyes, sta- triggered by tree pollen –
vaccines increase protection against A larger group of people may be large range of other hay-fe- ying indoors with windows typically around March to
Covid-19, particularly in people aged offered a booster in the autumn, but ver medicines in stores and and doors shut and showe- mid-May – and others by
over 70, according to a UK trial. But any decision will be based on advice online. ring and changing clothes grass or weed pollen which
scientists say any short-term protec- from the UK's vaccine committee. Pollen counts will rema- after going outside. come slightly later in the se-
tion against infection is likely to fall It is likely to look at whether new in medium to high across Hay fever, also known as ason.
away quickly. worrying variants are spreading, and much of the UK this week,
The UK rolled out fourth doses to Covid pressure on hospitals. the Met Office says.
over-75s and the most vulnerable in Some countries, such as Israel and A Boots official said: “The-
Germany, have already started offe- re are a very small number
ring all adults a fourth dose. of lines that are currently
Health and Social Care Secretary out of stock due to a cur-
Sajid Javid said the study findings rent, industry-wide shorta-
were "further evidence underlining ge of the active ingredient.
the importance of people coming “However, we are expec-
forward for their booster as soon as ting this to be resolved soon
they are eligible". and new deliveries are expe-
The study of 133 people, two we- cted in the coming weeks.”
eks after their fourth dose, found Some hay-fever medicati-
the vaccines were "well-tolerated" on, including chlorphena-
and "boosted immunity". mine, can cause drowsiness.
The researchers said "peak respon- Those affected should avoid
ses after the fourth dose were simi- driving, riding a bike and
lar to, and possibly better than, peak using tools or machinery.
responses after the third dose".