Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1104
P. 37

4                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 05 May 2022

                                                                                      TfL announces

                                                                       Elizabeth line opening

                                                                        THE     long-awaited  Eliza-
                                                                      beth  line,  which  fell  years  be-
                                                                      hind schedule and went billions
                                                                      over  budget, will start running
                                                                      through central London on Tues-
                                                                      day May 24.
                                                                        Wednesday’s   announcement,
           Study: Nearly nine in ten London                           which is subject to final safety ap-
                                                                      provals, had been eagerly awaited
             car thefts go unsolved by police                         but the chosen date is slightly ear-
                                                                      lier than many expected and will
             NEARLY nine in ten car  cases have been closed by the    act as a precursor to the Queen’s
           thefts go unsolved in London,  Metropolitan Police without a   platinum jubilee celebrations.
           according to analysis by the  suspect being identified.      There are hopes that the
           Liberal Democrats.            Liberal Democrat assembly    96-year-old monarch, after whom
             Data has revealed the Met-  member Caroline Pidgeon also   the line is named, will be able
           ropolitan Police closed 89 per   found more than 10,000 cat-  to be involved in the opening in
           cent of car theft cases last year   alytic converter thefts were   some way, either on May 24 or at
           without even identifying a sus-  recorded by police in London   a later date.
           pect.                        during 2021.                    The opening day was selected
             It also found just 2.4 per   The Liberal Democrats sent   in recognition of post-pandem-
           cent of vehicle thefts result in   a Freedom of Information Act   ic “Tuesday to Thursday” office
           someone being charged.       (FOI) request to every police   working patterns to allow as
             This, the Liberal Democrats                              many Londoners as possible to  such as Liverpool Street, Totten-  week.
           say, is the worst record of any   force in the country and found   share in the celebrations.  ham Court Road and Paddington   The journey from Paddington
                                        the startling findings about
           police force in the country   the Met closing police stations   The line will initially operate  of a size never before seen in Lon-  to Canary Wharf will be cut to
           amid calls for the Metropolitan                            in three sections - the western  don.                         17 minutes, compared with more
           Police to set up a car theft task-  across the city.       section between Reading, Heath-  However, Bond Street is not  than 30 minutes by Tube at pres-
           force.                        A spokesperson for the Met-  row  and Paddington,  the  central  ready and trains will run through  ent.
             Separate analysis of Home   ropolitan Police told the Stand-  section between Paddington and  without stopping until “later this   The central section will close on
           Office statistics by the Liber-  ard: “We recognise the impact   Abbey Wood, and the eastern  year”.                     Sundays for several months - oth-
           al Democrats has found that   that motor vehicle crime can   section between Liverpool Street   The £1bn fleet of 70 nine-car-  er than on June 5, which is part
           the Met closed 24,499 vehi-  have on victims, especially   and Shenfield.                 riage trains will run every five  of the jubilee bank holiday week-
           cle theft cases in 2021, and in   those who rely on vehicles for   The central section includes 10  minutes in the central section,  end - to allow further testing and
           21,757 of these no suspect was   either means of employment   spectacular new stations, some  from 6.30am to 11pm six days a  upgrades.
           identified.                  or the routine of daily life.
             Just 598 cases resulted in a   “We are working closely with
           suspect being charged or sum-  partners and local neighbour-
           moned.                       hood  groups including  neigh-  More than 100 Post Offices close
             Over the past five years, a  bourhood watch schemes to
                                                                        as workers strike in row over pay
           total of 124,548 vehicle theft  tackle this crime type...”

                                                                        POST  Office workers at more
         Mini-heatwave as temperatures                                than 100 branches have walked
                            soar to 23C                               out during a one-day strike in a
                                                                      dispute over pay.
                                                                        The 114 Crown Post Offices will
                                                                      close  for  a  24-hour  period,  with
          THE  UK  is set to  swelter in  a  ing a “brief” heatwave.
         mid-May heatwave as tempera-    It comes after a pleasant April   no cash deliveries or collections
         tures are expected to soar from  that has seen average maximum   from the 11,500 sub-post offices
         the weekend onwards.          temperatures above normal for   around the UK.
          The Met Office has said that  the month, with showers few and   Members of the Communica-
         the springtime heat won’t be far  far between.               tion  Workers  Union  (CWU)  are
         off from popular European holi-  The UK had around a third less   striking  over  a  pay  freeze  for
         day destinations, as the mercury  rainfall than its average for the   2021 and the offer of a 2 per cent
         surges into the 20s.          month, according to the Met Of-  increase from April this year,
          Meteorologist Marco Petagna  fice, with England and Wales the   alongside a £250 one-off lump
         said the weather could get “very  driest UK nations.         sum.
         warm” later this month, peaking   Southern England was particu-  Union officials said the offer
         at around 23C in the south of  larly dry, the forecaster said, with   was “exceptionally poor”, espe-  cially as RPI inflation has reached  action and would be open as nor-
         England.                      just 36 per cent of its average   cially as RPI inflation has reached  9 per cent.           mal.
          “Temperatures are several de-  rainfall.                    9 per cent.                      The dispute involves counter   Images posted on social media
         grees above where they should be   The  hottest  temperature  this   The dispute involves counter  staff, as well as those in clerical,  showed workers on the picket
         at this time of year,” he said.  year so far was on Good Friday   staff, as well as those in clerical,  administration, and call centres.  line outside closed Post Office
          He added there was a “small  in St James’ Park, London, where   administration, and call centres.  The  Post  Office  said the  vast  branches  across the UK, includ-
         chance” that temperatures could  the Met Office recorded a high of   Union officials said the offer  majority of its 11,500 branches  ing in Glasgow, Belfast, London,
         rise into the mid-twenties, mean-  23.4C.                    was “exceptionally poor”, espe-  were not affected by the strike  Derbyshire and County Durham
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