Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1104
P. 35

6                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 05 May 2022

                                                                       Speaker calls for ‘radical’

                                                                        reform of UK parliament

                                                                        PARLIAMENT is facing a reck-
                                                                      oning to improve its reputation
                                                                      after a senior Tory admitting he
                                                                      twice watched pornography in
                                                                      the Commons capped a series of
                                                                        Neil Parish  bowed to pressure
                                                                      to say he would resign as MP for
                                                                      Tiverton and Honiton after view-
                                                                      ing the material in the chamber
          Johnson ‘absolutely will be PM’ even                        in what he called a “moment of
            if local election results are dismal                        The 65-year-old select com-
                                                                      mittee chair, who is a farmer by
          BORIS Johnson will “absolute-  delivered  is  really  a  remarkable   trade,  said  he  first  accidentally
         ly” still be leader after the local  series of successes.    viewed porn after looking at trac-
         elections no matter how dismal   “I think Brexit, he delivered on   tors online before later acting de-
         the results are for the Tories, a  that, the fact he was very widely   liberately. Commons Speaker Sir
         Cabinet member has insisted.  appreciated in Ukraine, he’s been   Lindsay Hoyle is calling for “rad-
          Kwasi Kwarteng said the Prime  widely hailed as someone who   ical” reform to working practices
         Minister’s leadership is not “at  has led the overseas effort to help   after a series of bullying and sex-
         threat at all” as voters go to the  Ukraine and also look at the vac-  ual misconduct offences involv-  feared to have hit a new low.  to choose them? “In my opinion,
         polls with a new scandal of a  cine rollout, that was a great bit   ing MPs. Calling for urgent ac-  Writing in the Observer, Sir  it is time to consider radical ac-
         porn-watching Conservative on  of success.”                  tion, Sir Lindsay suggested staff  Lindsay said: “I believe it is time  tion, and review structures and
         top of partygate.               Pressed whether no matter    should no longer be employed by  we reviewed our working practic-  processes that could make a dif-
          There were reports that former  what happens in the polls Mr   the parliamentarians they work  es, and particularly whether it is  ference.
         foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt  Johnson is safe, he replied “abso-  for to address a series of “serious  right that individual MPs are the   Some  serious  allegations  have
         could launch a leadership bid if  lutely”.                   allegations”.                  employers of their staff.      been made, and we must address
         Mr Johnson is forced from power   The Mail on Sunday reported   He was considering moving to   Should  someone  else  –  or  an  them as a matter of urgency. It is
         in the wake of  Thursday’s elec-  that allies of Mr Hunt, who was   an outside body employing aides  outside body – employ the staff,  imperative we do the right thing
         tions.                        also a longstanding health secre-  as Parliament’s reputation was  as long as the MP has the right  by staff and MPs as well...”
          Mr Kwarteng, the Business Sec-  tary, is ready to brand himself a
         retary, told Sky’s Sophy Ridge On  “safe pair of hands” if the time
         Sunday: “I don’t think his leader-  comes to run for the Tory leader-
         ship is at threat at all, what he’s  ship.                   No10 steps up pressure on passport delays

                                                                        DOWNING  Street has stepped
         Minister says buy value products                             up  the  pressure  on  Passport  Of-
                                                                      fice chiefs to clear major delays
                  over brand name food                                in applications which have left
                                                                      millions fearing travel chaos this
          A cabinet minister has suggest-  the lowest in Europe, partly be-  summer.
         ed families struggling to make  cause we’ve got that very compet-  Cabinet Office Minister Steve
         ends meet should buy “value” food  itive market,” Mr Eustice told Kay   Barclay discussed the crisis with
         rather than branded products.  Burley on Sky News.           bosses from the Passport Office
          Environment Secretary George   “There used to be for the poorest   last week amid concerns that the
         Eustice admitted some households   20 per cent of households, about   service is struggling to handle a
         will be squeezed due to the rising   16 per cent of their income used   surge in applications following
         cost of living and said they should   to go on food. That dropped a few   the Covid-19 pandemic.
         consider switching to cheaper                                  Prime Minister Boris Johnson
         product alternatives to help “man-  years ago to about 14 per cent.  last week threatened to “privatise
         age” their budgets.             “It’s  going  to  rise  again  now,   the arse” off the Passport Office
          It comes at a time when families   but generally speaking, what peo-  unless the service was able to
         are also facing increasing financial   ple find is that by going for some   meet the massive increase in de-  “Clearly the focus is not on pri-  cause of restrictions in interna-
         pressure due to tax rises and spi-  sort of value brands rather than   mand which has seen five million   vatisation, it’s on improving the  tional travel”.
         ralling energy costs.         own-branded products, that they   applications since travel restric-  service whether it’s in public ser-  The Passport Office predicts
          “If you look at household spend-  can actually contain and manage   tions were lifted.     vice or private hands.         9.5m British  passport  applica-
         ing on food in the UK, it’s actually  their household budget.”  Mr Johnson’s official spokes-  “There is a large amount of  tions will be made this year and
                                                                      man said on Tuesday that while  work being done in the Home Of-  in March 2022 alone, it processed
                                                                      the Prime Minister’s focus was  fice and Passport Office to clear  more than 1m new passport ap-
                                                                      not on privatisation, he wanted  the backlog.”                plications, the highest output on
                                                                      to see the service improved.     The Passport Office has insist-  record.
                                                                        “The point being made is we  ed “there is no backlog in pass-  It  says  the  vast  majority  of  all
                                                                      want the service to improve. We  port processing as a result of the  passport  applications  are  being
                                                                      don’t  think  it’s  right  that  hard  coronavirus pandemic”.  dealt with  well  within  10  weeks
                                                                      working people wanting to go on   However it has blamed “unprec-  and  has stepped up staffing lev-
                                                                      holiday are seeing these sorts of  edented demand as more than 5  els but there have been reports of
                                                                      delays,” Mr Johnson’s spokesman  million  people  delayed  applying  700,000 applications still await-
                                                                      said.                          for passports during Covid-19 be-  ing clearance.
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