Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1104
P. 38

Londra Gazete, 05 May 2022                                                                                          3

                                                                        Thousands celebrated International

                                                                                       Workers' Day in London

                                                                        THE Labour Day parade has been
                                                                      celebrated in the capital London
                                                                      since 1880. This year on Sunday
                                                                      May 1, thousands gathered across
                                                                      the capital  and at Trafalgar Square
                                                                      including organisations and mem-
                                                                      bers of the Turkish Speaking Com-
                                                                      munities living in London.  The
                                                                      participants walked the streets with
         CTCA elects Fahri Zihni as new Chair                         holding banners and flags, chanted
                                                                      slogans protesting the legal restric-
          THE  Council of Turkish Cypriot  Osman who took over from Ertuğrul   tions on unions, the NHS, social aid
         Associations (CTCA) held its Annual  Mehmet in 2021 after he stepped   cuts and the cost of living. The march,
         General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday  down before completing his term   which also included association such
         may 1st where its members elected  in full.  Last year CTCA appointed   as the Turkish Kurdish Communi-
         Fahri Zihni as its new chair.  Osman as chair following a decision   ty Solidarity Center (Day-Mer) and
          15 member associations and  that the association wouldn’t be able   the  British Alevi  Federation  (BAF),
         schools along with six former chairs  to hold its AGM due to the pandemic.  ended in Trafalgar Square. The May
         attended the AGM. The board of   This year members were able to   celebrations came to an end after
         directors for the council Dr Özkan  gather together once again and cast   the speeches made on behalf of the
         Hıfzı, Zeka Aksancak and Elif Gelir-  their votes in person, in a tight result   March Organizing Committee and
         li undertook the secretariat. After a  Zihni was elected with 25 votes, sur-  other institutions. A public bank hol-
         moment of silence and the National  passing Osman by only one vote, go   iday in the United Kingdom known
         Anthem, Ayşe Osman read the an-  on to be CTCA’s 14th Chair.   as May Day was created in 1978 and
         nual report. Then the secretary of   Osman thanked the Board of Di-  is held on the first Monday in May
         the cashier read the financial report  rectors of the Past Presidents for   each year. There are many tradition-
         and submitted it to the votes of the  their devoted work and support over   al May Day rites and celebrations,
         members.                      the past year, and wished the new   some of which have been held for
          Members voted between Fahri  President and the Board of Directors   hundreds of years. However, it was
         Zihni and former CTCA chair Ayşe  successful work.           not until the late 20th century that
                                                                      May Day in UK became linked to In-
                                                                      ternational Workers' Day.
         Talented chef Meliz Cooks was a

            guest on ITV’s This Morning                                 CTCA: We’re saddened and shocked

          MELIZ  Berg, a talented self-  Growing up in a house where her                      by Evkaf decision
         taught chef, was the guest of the  family combines both traditional
         "This Morning" program broadcast  Cypriot and multicultural London
         on ITV on Tuesday, May 3rd. Mel-  life, Meliz managed to reach thou-                                                       after spending £400,000 on refur-
         iz, was a guest of the live broadcast  sands of followers on social media                                                  bishing  the property.
         on ITV’s This Morning program to  platforms in a short time.                                                                 New elected CTCA Chair Fahri
         share her recipe of hummus with                                                                                            Zihni in a press statement said: “We
         the audience.                   Meliz studied Music at the Mas-                                                            are dismayed and disappointed that
          The Turkish Cypriot cook, known  ter's  Level,  taught  at  secondary                                                     our report was ignored, and the de-
         as 'Meliz Cooks' shared with her  school for eight years, and then                                                         cision was taken by Evkaf to turn it
         110,000 followers pictures with  started a recipe blog documenting                                                         into a building which serves its own
         the hosts saying "What a wonder-  the traditional Cypriot dishes she                                                       purposes rather than the young chil-
         ful Tuesday morning it has been! A  introduced to her after the birth of                                                   dren, the youth, the elderly and the
         big thank you to the This Morning  her first child. After taking a break                                                   needy Turkish Cypriots of London”
         team, Holly Willoughby and Philip  from teaching, Meliz decided to                                                           Saying that CTCA had made en-
         Schofield, for making me feel so wel-  pursue her passion for food and the                                                 quiries regarding the property and
         come and courteous! I am so happy!  blog turned into a very  successful                                                    only in February of this year were
         And unfortunately I forgot to take a  Meliz Cooks Instagram page where                                                     they informed about the plans for
         picture of the finished dish.”  her recipes are cooked and shared                                                          the building, adding that recent in-
                                       by her followers from all over the                                                           quiries  regarding  the  prospective
                                       world.                                                                                       tenants and  rental income for new
                                         Meliz has  gained a  supportive                                                            accessible space “have also been ig-
                                       following for its dazzling, colorful,                                                        nored.”
                                       easy-to-follow recipes, addictive                                                              “This building was bought by the
                                       combinations of flavors and spices,   IN  a statement the Council  to Northern Cyprus institutions and   hard-earned money of ordinary Brit-
                                       sympathetically highlighting the   of  Turkish  Cypriot  Associations   private sector organizations despite   ish Turkish Cypriots and assistance
                                       melting pot of fine cuisines seen in   (CTCA) have expressed their sadness   the objections of the Turkish Cypriot   from the Turkish Government half a
                                       Cyprus from the Mediterranean,   over the historical community centre   community in the UK.   century ago. The only reason it was
                                       the Balkans and the Middle East in   being leased to other institutions by   In an statement Evkaf announced   assigned to the Evkaf in Lefkosa was
                                       Cyprus. Her recipes have been fea-  the the Evkaf Administration of Cy-  that the building commercial income   to ensure that it could not be sold for
                                       tured in Co-Op Food and Asda Good   prus (Evkaf).                                            private profit. The terms of the Vakif
                                       Living Magazine, as well as Good    A building located in the hart of   “ from the property to create new ac-  made it quite clear that the develop-
                                       Homes and the Guardian, and she   the capital, which has been home   cessible spaces for UK-based Turkish   ment and management of the build-
                                       regularly works as a recipe develop-  to the Turkish Cypriot diaspora for  Cypriot community groups involved  ing were by the UK community, for
                                       er and campaigner for Sainsbury’s.   over half a century, has been leased  in education, culture, and welfare”  the UK community”.
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