Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1104
P. 32
Londra Gazete, 05 May 2022 9
Record number of patients
referred for Cancer checks
A record 2.7 million people
were referred for cancer checks
in the last year, NHS England has
It comes after figures suggested
the Covid pandemic saw numbers
dramatically decline in 2020.
But at least 30,000 people are
still waiting to start treatment.
Charities have welcomed the
Player brain scans aim increase in referrals but warned
to make sports safer of the "devastating" impact the
pandemic has had on cancer care.
Referrals for suspected cancer
THREE rugby union clubs in The theory is that a new scan after remain at about 16% higher than
England are to begin trialling scan- a suspected concussion might show pre-pandemic levels and rose ove-
ning technology to monitor players' how the brain has been affected and rall from 2.4 million to 2,65m in
brain health. then guide decisions on when it is the past 12 months.
Researchers hope a device which safe to start playing again. But the Dame Cally Palmer, national can save more lives." service said.
measures brain patterns could help idea needs to be put to the test in cancer director for NHS England, It is "vital that we keep these re- In a report earlier this month,
medical personnel spot and manage experimental use with sports clubs. said there were still 30,000 peop- ferral rates high", she added. the Health and Social Care Com-
concussion, and make sports safer. The government wants to drive le who had not started treatment In order to meet the increasing mittee said three million fewer
The work is still in its infancy, but forward research and improve con- due to the pandemic but that the demand for checks facilities such people in the UK were invited for
the idea is to get a baseline scan to cussion protocols to keep players - new figures suggested some prog- as one-stop shops for tests, mo- screenings between March and
use for comparison if an injury oc- both elite and amateur - safe. ress. September 2020.
curs. Their intention is to have stand- She said: "We are going further bile clinics and symptom hotlines And between March 2020 and
It is one of a number of projects ard UK-wide rules in place for all and faster than ever before in our have been set up to help ensure March 2021, 326,000 fewer peop-
aimed at improving how contact contact sports for men, women ambitions to diagnose more can- people are diagnosed and treated le in England received an urgent
sports deal with concussion risk. and children, to be published later cers at an earlier stage so that we as early as possible, the health referral for suspected cancer.
The WAVi device involves a series this year. This would standardise
of sensors being placed on the scalp procedures, including the length of
to measure electrical activity, which recovery time for players with head `
produces a set of readings. injuries.
Experts warn increased sun
Exercise instead of taking exposure could strike one in five
painkillers, arthritis sufferers told contract skin cancer
PEOPLE with arthritis are be- In the guidance, doctors are
ing urged to lose weight and ex- told to diagnose osteoarthritis – AROUND one in five pe- estimate that one in five pe- There were also 47,977 cu-
ercise as the main therapies for the most common form of arthri- ople in England will contract ople will have a skin cancer taneous squamous cell car-
their condition. tis – themselves without further skin cancer during their life- in their lifetime. cinomas in 2019, up from
New NHS guidance from the investigation in people aged 45 time, say experts. ‘While more needs to be 34,672 in 2013. When cau-
National Institute for Health and or over who have activity-related Cases have hit a record le- done to prevent skin cancer, ght early this skin cancer is
Care Excellence (Nice) says peo- joint pain. vel and the specialists belie- we also need to increase the mostly curable.
ple who are overweight should be Patients should also have no ve an ageing population and resources available to tackle There were 158,934 basal
told their pain can be reduced if morning joint-related stiffness, improvements to how can- the rise.’ cell carcinomas in 2019, up
they shed the pounds. or morning stiffness that lasts no cers are reported are behind A breakdown shows the- from 128,406 in 2013. This
Meanwhile, aerobic exer- the rise. re were 15,332 melanomas form of the disease does not
cise such as walking, as well as longer than 30 minutes to be di- Increasing exposure to the in 2019, up from 12,885 in usually spread.
strength training, can ease symp- agnosed this way. sun and more foreign holi- 2013. Melanoma is less com- There were also 1,849 rare
toms and improve quality of life. The draft guideline says people days may also be to blame. mon than other skin cancers skin cancers in 2019, up
Nice said there was a risk of ad- can be offered tailored exercise
diction with strong opioids, while programmes, with an explana- There were 224,092 skin but can be more deadly. from 1,714 in 2013.
new evidence suggests little or no tion that “doing regular and con- cancers recorded in England
benefit for some medicines when sistent exercise, even though this in 2019, a rise of 26 per cent
it comes to quality of life and may initially cause discomfort, on the 177,677 recorded in
pain levels. will be beneficial for their joints”. 2013, according to figures
analysed by NHS Digital and
the British Association of
Between 2013 and 2019
the total was more than
1.4million. Dr Tanya Bleiker,
the association’s president,
said: ‘We are fast approac-
hing a quarter of a million
cases a year in England. We