Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1125
P. 37
4 Londra Gazete, Thursday 29 October 2020
TCAD criticizes the presidential election
in Northern Cyprus
THE Turkish Cyprus Associa- not recognize the consequences, shoulder with our society in Cy-
tion of Democracy (TCAD has criti- that we will not normalize oursel- prus, which we see as an integral
cized the presidential election held ves, with the help of the conque- part, inside and outside...”.
in the Turkish Republic of North ring Erdoğan-AKP-MHP triad in Adding: “Since its establishment,
Cyprus on October 18. Ankara, under the appearance of the Turkish Cyprus Association
In the statement made by the an election in the north of Cyprus. of Democracy (TCAD) has been a
chair by Derman Saraçoğlu he said: We would like to bring all relevant party to the struggle for freedom,
“We declare to the public that we parties to the knowledge that we peace and democracy, and for the
refuse to impose the coup against will actively take part in the stru- Turkish Cypriot community to
the Turkish Cypriots, that we will ggle to be carried out shoulder to become a peaceful welfare society
in the United Cyprus. Today, our
organization adheres to these va- Black men 'stopped and
lues and continues its struggle, in
solidarity with the remaining or- searched by Met over fist bump
ganizations of the Turkish Cypriot
community, with its initiatives and
political parties, the unacceptable TWO black men were stop- In one investigation, a black man
interventions made to its social ped and searched by Met Police of- in possession of someone else's
will, the October 18 coup and its ficers on suspicion of exchanging credit card was suspected of having
consequences, to international drugs because they had bumped stolen it even after providing a cre-
platforms, especially the UN and fists, a watchdog has found. dible explanation, the IOPC said.
the EU, and human rights organi- The Independent Office for Po-
zations announces that it is ready lice Conduct (IOPC) reviewed Met officers exercised stop-and
to support the goal of moving. " the Met's use of stop-and-search search-powers on another occasion
IOPC director Sal Naseem said after two black men fist-bumped,
as they suspected them to be exc-
Covid-19 cases up in even hes was undermined" by a number hanging drugs, the review found.
the "legitimacy of stop and searc-
In two investigations, the smell
of issues.
London borough was a "vital and legitimate power ds given for a stop, according to the
The Met said stop-and-search of cannabis formed the sole groun-
that protects Londoners".
EVERY London borough has though these figures tend to rise don 169.5 (520 cases), 127.1 (390
now seen the Covid-19 rate go abo- on a Tuesday due to a reporting lag cases), Tower Hamlets 166.9 (542
ve the key threshold of 100 new ca- from the weekend. cases), 119.5 (388 cases), and Rich-
ses a week per 100,000, according The epicentre of London’s second mond 156 (309 cases), 158.1 (313
to official figures. wave of coronavirus has shifted cases).
Three boroughs had a rate of from the east of the city to spread The virus appears to be hitting
more than 200 in the week to Oc- to more boroughs in the west, ac- wealthy boroughs just as hard as
tober 23, around double the areas cording to the official figures. more deprived areas.
least hard hit in the city. Redbridge now has the fourth However, officials in Richmond
The 100/100,000 was one of the highest rate at 187.1 (571 cases), believe that up to 30 per cent of its
trigger indicators used for moving compared to 128.4 (392), followed recorded cases were students from
London into Tier 2 restrictions 12 by Hounslow 186.7 (507 cases), the area testing positive at univer-
days ago . 128.5 (349 cases), then Hackney sities in other parts of the country,
Ealing has the highest rate in the and City of London 176.4 (513 before being counted among its fi-
capital, at 220.3 in the week to Oc- cases), 146.8 (427 cases), Hilling- gures due to a reporting glitch.
tober 23 (753 cases), compared to Met records 43% rise in drug
153.9 for the previous week (526
cases). offences during lockdown
National lockdown calls grow
amid fears of 'deadlier' second pe- DRUG offences detected by the and dealers being caught by police
ak-LIVE Met leapt by nearly half during the was “particularly evident in London
Hammersmith and Fulham is coronavirus lockdown earlier this where there was a 43 per cent increa-
next at a rate of 212.3 (393 cases), year, figures revealed today. se in offences”.
compared to 146.4 (271 cases) for The Office for National Statistics Other statistics showed steep
the previous seven days, followed said police in London recorded a 43 declines in other types of offending
by Kingston with a rate of 203.9 per cent rise in drug offences betwe- both in the capital and nationwide
(362 cases), up from 122.8 (218). en April and June as officers nati- during the lockdown. In London, for
The Government on Tuesday onwide stepped up “proactive police example, knife crime fell by 44 per
27 October said that nationwide activity in crime hotspots”. cent between April and June as most
a further 367 people died within It said the trend — which appears people remained at home and the
28 days of testing positive for Co- to reflect the freeing up of officers’ opportunity for clashes on the stre-
vid-19, while there were another time as a result of falls in other cri- ets involving young people declined.
22,885 lab-confirmed cases of the me — also occurred elsewhere in That led to a 6 per cent drop in the
virus. the country, with a 30 per cent rise knife offences in the capital in the
The number of deaths is the hi- in drug offences across England and year to the end of June, compared
ghest daily figure since May 27, Wales during the period. with the comparable previous 12
when 422 deaths were reported, But it said the rise in drug users month period.